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Functionality to define qualifiers to time series, next to locationIds and parameterIds


Configure topology of an IFD environment

Where to Use?

Mandatory for a IFD installation

Why to Use?

The topology.xml is necessary to be able to use panels like the topology panel and the forecast panel


Topology panel is used to define the topology of an IFD environment. Also the behaviour of the forecast panel which is used to start
IFD runs can be configured here.

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Table of Contents


The topology.xml is an mandatory configuration file when you are setting up an IFD-environment. This configuration file is used to configure the topology of a region.

The topology is defined by individual nodes and their connectivity. The topology can be viewed in the topology panel, which shows a block diagram of the topology, or in the forecast panel, which shows

a tree view of the topoloy. The behaviour of the forecast panel can also be configured in the topology-file. For example a workflow can be configured for a topology-node. By default the workflow will

run locally when the node is selected in the forecast panel. This can be switched off by setting the option enableAutoRun to false.

The topology.xml plays a central role in configuring an IFD-environment since it is used to configure the forecast panel which is the central panel in an IFD-environment.


Nodes definition

The topology of a region is configured by defining the indvidual nodes off a region and grouping them. Below an example from the topology of the abrfc region

Code Block
<topology xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="chps1/schemas/topology.xsd">    
  <nodes id="ABRFC">
    <nodes id="NMWTX" name="NMWTX">
        <node id="EGLN5" name="EAGLE NEST DAM">
        <node id="CMMN5" name="CIMARRON 4SW">


In the example above we see that the region abrfc has two leaf nodes CMMN5 and EGLN5. They are grouped in the group NMWTX. The group NMWTX is part of the toplevel node ABRFC.

This simple example shows how a topology can be defined and how the nodes and groupnodes can be grouped together. It is also possible to configure the connnectivity between nodes. This can be done

by using the tag previousNodeId. In the example above we can see that EGLN5  is upstream of node CMMN5. The connectivity between nodes is visualised in the topology panel.

Configuration options which apply to all nodes

The topology.xml has two types of configuration options. The first group is applied to all nodes, the second group is applied to individual nodes. In this part the first group of options will be explained.

The following global options are available

  • enableAutorun
  • enableAutoSelectParameters

These global options are configured at the top of the topology.xml before the definition of the nodes.


This option is set to true by default. If a topology node is selected in the forecast panel and a workflow is configured for this node and the option is enabled than the associated workflow will automatically run locally. By setting this option to false this behaviour can be switched off.


This option is set to false by default. In a node is selected and a filter is configured for that node than the filter will be selected automatically. If this option is also enabled than the parameters of that

filter will also be selected automatically. Because the parameters are also selected after selecting the node the plot display will automatically show the time series of the filters in the plot display.

Configuration options which apply to individual nodes

The second group of configuration options are applied to indvidual nodes or a group of nodes. These options are defined in the nodes to which these options should be applied.


The following options are available for groupNodes:

  • workflowId
  • stateSelection
  • localRun
  • viewPermission

All options are optional


The workflowid is optional for a node. If a workflow is configured this workflow is automatically started after selection of the node if the option enableAutorun is set to true. The workflow can

also be started from the forecast panel or the modifier panel.


The forecast panel also allows the forecaster to select a state. The default state selection can be configured with this option.

Possible options are:

  • coldState
  • warmState
  • noInitialState

This option can be used to configure if the workflow of this node should be run locally or at the server. By default workflow of leaf nodes are run locally and workflows of group nodes are

run at the server. Local runs are considered to be temporary runs. The results of these runs are deleted when FEWS is stopped.


With this option an (optional) viewpermission can be configured. If a user is not allowed to view this node it will not be visible in the forecast panel.

Leaf nodes

The following options are available for leaf nodes:

  • nextNodeId
  • previousNodeId
  • locationId
  • filterId
  • mapExtendId
  • workflowId
  • initialState
  • localRun
  • viewPermission

This option is used to configure the next node of a topology node in the case that two topology nodes have configured a node to be the previous node. The nextNodeId indicates which node is considered to be the next node when going downstream by using the next segment button in the topology panel


The connectivity between nodes is configured by using the previousNodeId-option.


This option can be used to connect a location to a topology node. After selection of a node the configured locations are automatically selected in the filters.


If a filter is configured to a topology node it will automatically be selected after selection of the topology node.


If a mapExtendId is configured the map will automatically zoom to the configured map extend after selection of the node.

The remaining options:workflowId, initialState, localRun and viewPermission are described in the section groupNodes.
