Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Specification of the format of the data to be imported. The enumeration of options includes ;for example:

  • MSW : Import of data provided by the MSW System (Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands).
  • KNMI : Import of synoptic data from KNMI (Dutch Meteorological Service).
  • WISKI : Import of time series data from the WISKI Database system (Kisters AG).
  • DWD-GME : Import of NWP data of the DWD Global Modell, (German Meteorological Service). This is a grid data format.
  • DWD-LM : Import of NWP data of the DWD Lokal Modell, (German Meteorological Service). This is a grid data format.
  • GRIB : Import of the GRIB data format. General format for exchange of meteorological data.
  • EVN: Import of data in the EVN format (Austrian Telemetry)
  • METEOSAT: Import of images form meteosat satellite

The complete list of possible importTypes is listed here

folder , server Url or jdbc connection


Optional id for data feed. If not provided then the folder name will be used. This is is used in the SystemMonitorDisplay in the importstatus tab.


Skips the first n lines of a ASCII file (like CSV). Error is logged when this option is configured for a binary file.



You can add a comment by the importmodule to the first imported value (or all values) by using the commentForFirstValue or commentForAllValues element.
The next tags are possible within the comment: %IMPORT_DATE_TIME%, %FILE_DATE_TIME%, %FILE_NAME%
Time formats can be configured through the timeZone and dateTimePattern elements.


Optional forecast time relative to the T0 of the import run. All imported external forecast time series will get this forecast time. This overrules any forecast times stored in the imported data itself. All time series with the same forecast time belong to the same forecast.


Skips the first n lines of a ASCII file (like CSV). Error is logged when this option is configured for a binary file.


Definition of the tolerance for importing time values to cardinal time steps in the series to be imported to. Tolerance is defined per location/parameter combination. Multiple entries may exist.


  • locationId : Id of the location tolerance is to be considered for.
  • parameterId : Id for the parameter tolerance is to be considered for.
  • timeUnit : Specification of time units tolerances is defined in (enumeration).
  • unitCount : integer number of units defined for tolerance.


Specification of a shift to apply to the start time of a data series to be imported as external forecasting. This is required when the time value of the first data point is not the same as the start time of the forecast. This may be the case in for example external precipitation values, where the first value given is the accumulative precipitation for the first time step. The start time of the forecast is then one time unit earlier than the first data point in the series. Multiple entries may exist.


Id of the parameter to apply the startTimeShift to.


Since 2013.01. The time series are imported as temporary. When true it is not necessary to add the locations/parameters to the locations.xml and parameters.xml


Available since Delft-FEWS version 2010.02. These properties are passed to the time series parser that is used for this import. Some (external third party) parsers need these additional properties. See documentation of the (external third party) parser you are using.


TimeSeriesSet to import the data to. Multiple time series sets may be defined, and each may include either a (list of) locationId's ar a locationSetId. Data imported is first read from the source data file in the format specifed. An attempt is then made to map the locationId's and the parameterId's as specified in the IdMap's to one of the locations/parameters defined in the import time series sets. If a valid match is found, then the time values are mapped to those in the timeSeriesSet, taking into account the tolerance for time values. A new entry is made in the timeSeries for each valid match made.

For non-equidistant time series the time values imported will be taken as is. For equidistant time series values are only returned on the cardinal time steps. For cardinal time steps where no value is available, no data is returned.


For some data formats an external unit is not defined in the file to be imported. This elements allows the unit to be specified explicitly. This unit is then used in possible unit conversions.


  • parameterId: Id of the parameter for which a unit is specified. This is the internal parameter Id.
  • unit: specification of unit. This unit must be available in the UnitConversions specified in the unitConversionsId element.


Boolean flag to specify if the start of forecast is read from the GRIB file or if it is inferred from the data imported. In some GRIB files a start of forecast is specified, but the definition of this may differ from that used in DELFT-FEWS.


Code Block

        <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
        <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
        <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
        <expiryTime unit="day" multiplier="750"/>

The goereferenced geo-referenced image can then be displayed in the grid display.
