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Table of Contents


Manual Forecast Display

The Manual Forecast display (see below) in the Operator Client allows for the configuration running of single or a manually scheduled manual forecasts. A Stand Alone system only supports a single forecast; in this case no schedule options can be used. In order to use a scheduler a client-Server version of the FEWS including a Master Controller and Forecasting Shell Servers have to be configured.

Wiki Markup
A configured manual forecast can be submitted to the system by pressing \[Run\]. With \[Close\], a user can leave the Manual Forecast display.

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The Manual Forecast display in a Standalone system differs slightly from the one in the Operator Client. It allows users to run a single forecast or a batch of forecasts.

Users can submit a single forecast or a series of forecasts to the system by pressing [Run]. To exit the Manual Forecast display, users can press [Close].

Below is a description of the various items in the Manual Forecast display.


You can select a workflow from a list of pre-configured options. When you hover over a workflow in this list, a tooltip will appear showing the description of the selected workflow.

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Notification after completion workflow

An automatic notification pops up after the workflow is completed.

What-if Scenario

A What-if Scenario can be selected from a drop-down list of predefined options. When you hover over a What-if Scenario, a tooltip appears showing the description of the selected scenario. What-if Scenarios are defined through the What-if Scenario display.

Forecast description

A forecast description can be entered in this field, though it is not Wiki MarkupThe various items in the Manual Forecast display are described below. Workflow A workflow can be selected from a drop-down list with pre-configured workflows. By pressing \[INFO\], a description of the selected workflow can be displayed. What-if Scenario A What-if Scenario can be selected from a drop-down list with predefined What-if Scenarios. By pressing \[INFO\] a description of the selected What-if Scenario can be displayed. What-if Scenarios are defined via the What-if Scenario display (see section 2.8) Forecast description A forecast description can be entered in this field. Entering of a description is not obligatory.

Please note that the forecast name is generated automatically by the system and . It consists of the (i) the start time of a the forecast, (ii) the selected workflow, and (iii) the selected What-if Scenario.

Scheduler options (only in Operator Client)

Two types of manual forecasts can be defined:


  1. Single Forecast
  2. Scheduled Forecast

A single forecast will runs only run once. A scheduled manual forecast will run for a period of time and with a time interval both defined by the user. The scheduled manual forecast can only be selected when the system is a FEWS Client-Server version.For single forecast only the T~0~ of the forecast has For a single forecast, only the T0 of the forecast needs to be entered in the date & time field (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm).

In case a manual forecast is scheduled, the following information should be entered by the user:

A scheduled manual forecast runs for a period of time, with a user-defined interval. For a scheduled forecast, the user must enter the following information:

  • Period of Time: Defined Period of time for which a scheduled manual forecast should run is defined by entering the Start time and End time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm). The first forecast run is done occurs at the Start time.
  • Via Interval: Defined via the Interval menu item Interval , specifying the time interval at which the scheduled manual forecast should run can be defined.
  • Entering Shift T~0~ allows T0: Allows the user to define a period of time over which the T~0~ T0 of the forecast itself should be is set back in relation to the Start time of the forecast run.

In case for example Example: If a scheduled manual forecasts forecast should always be made at 8:00 AM but and the T0 of the forecast itself should start at 12:00 PM the previous dayshould be midnight (00:00 AM), the Shift T~0~T0 should be set at to -8 hours while the Start time is set at 08:00.

*_ Approve_*

to 08:00 AM.

Batch Forecast options (only in standalone)

Two types of manual forecasts can be defined:

  1. Single Forecast
  2. Batch Forecast

A single forecast will run only once. For a single forecast, only the T0 of the forecast needs to be entered in the date & time field (yyyy-MM-dd HH).

In batch mode, a scheduled manual forecast will run for a period of time with a user-defined time interval. When running a manual forecast in batch mode, the following information must be entered by the user:

  • Period of Time: Defined by entering the Start T0 and End T0 (yyyy-MM-dd HH). The first forecast run will be made with the Start T0.
  • Interval: Defined via the Interval menu item, specifying the time interval at which the T0 of consecutive forecasts should be increased when submitted.

All runs will be submitted simultaneously but will run with different T0s as defined by the user.

Automatically approving forecasts

Ticking the [Approve] checkbox will automatically Ticking the approve box will set the status of the forecast to "current. Please note that in an operator client automatic current forecasts can not be set via the manual forecast display. This can only be done by a system manager using the Admin Interface. Reconfiguration or cancelling of both automatic forecasts and scheduled manual forecasts can only be done by the system manager.

*_ Forecast length_*

A default forecast length is configured when setting up the forecasting system. Please note that within an area different forecasts lengths may have been configured depending on for example the hydrological (sub-) system and/or the forecasting models used.

*_ State selection_*

" after it has been completed. If you want to cancel or suspend this action, please use the Scheduled Forecast tab in the System Monitor. When using the default synchprofiles.xml, non-approved runs will not be automatically downloaded by the synchronizing OC and will need to be downloaded manually before they can be opened.

Run for selected locations

The [Run for selected locations] checkbox is enabled when the selected workflow has the option <allowSelection=true> in WorkflowDescriptors.xml. In this case, the workflow will run only for locations selected in the Explorer Filters. It is not allowed to configure a forecast workflow with the allowSelection option set to true.

Run for selected ensemble member indices

Specify the ensemble member indices for which the workflow should run, separated by commas or using hyphens for ranges. For example: 1, 5-7, 11.

The ensemble member selection will apply to any ensemble present in the workflow. If no selection is specified, the full ensemble will be run.

Please note that the user must ensure the selection is valid, as FEWS will not check if the specified ensemble members actually exist.

State Selection

When the "Select initial state" checkbox is left unchecked, the system will use the default state configured by the system manager Leaving Select initial state unchecked, the default state- as has been configured by the system manager- will be used to start the historic run preceding a forecast simulation (see also refer to Running Modules for details). For simulation models like PDM or ISIS this means that the state selection for a model will follow the state selection rules as This default state applies to stateful simulation models, such as hydrodynamic models, and follows the state selection rules configured in the General Adapter Module Instances.

Checking the "Select initial state" checkbox allows the user to select choose a particular specific state to start the historic run. There are two types of states that can be selected: Cold state and Warm state.

A selection can be made between a cold and a warm state. A Cold state is a fixed module state defined in the system configuration. Normally various Different types of cold states will be available representing characteristic catchment conditions (e.g., dry, normal and , wet) may be available. When selecting a cold state should be used at the start of the historic run, the following information is required:

  • Type:
    Via Selected from a drop-down list a of typical cold state type can be selectedtypes.
  • Relative start time:
    The relative start time defines Start Time: Defines the length of the historic run relative to the forecast's T0.

A Warm state is a module state that has been generated in a previous forecasting run and stored in the Central Database. In order to To find a suitable warm state to start the historic run, a time interval needs to must be defined within which the system will look for a warm state. The time . This interval is defined relative to the T~0~ T0 of the forecast by the and is defined using the following entry fields:

  • Time unit:
    The time unit that will be applied to defined the Search Unit: Specifies the unit (e.g., hours, days) used to define the search interval.
  • Start & end time:
    The End Time: Define the start and end time of the search interval are defined by multiplying the above mentioned Time time interval with the respective values respectively entered in the first and second fieldthese fields. The system will look search for the warm state with the closest date/time stamp closest to T~0~ , which means to T0. Ensure that the multiplier for the Start time should always be is set at a lower value than for the End time to accurately define the search range.

Please note that in case If a Warm state is selected as the initial state , the date/time stamp of the warm state found within the defined Search interval will determine the actual start and therefore length of the historic run.In case no Warm state can be no suitable warm state is found within the defined Search search interval, the system will automatically run revert to using the default state, as if the "Select initial state" checkbox was unchecked. This means that ensures continuity in that case the default state will be used for starting the historic runthe simulation process even when a warm state isn't available.

Understanding and correctly configuring these options is crucial for setting up accurate and efficient historic runs preceding forecast simulations in the system.


The user can give assign a forecast run either a High or a Normal priority. The Master Controller will give precedence to prioritize high priority tasks above over normal priority tasks.

Please It's important to note that setting the priority to 'high' does not mean that the task will be directly carried out. In case guarantee immediate execution. If there are other high priority tasks are waiting for executionalready in the queue, the new task will be added to join the queue . When another task with and await its turn. If a normal priority task is already currently being executed, it will not be cancelled when canceled to accommodate a new high priority task is submitted, but will be completed first. Instead, the ongoing normal priority task will be completed first before the high priority task is executed.

Forecast length

A default forecast length is configured during the setup of the forecasting system. It's important to note that within a given area, different forecast lengths may be configured based on factors such as the hydrological subsystem, specific forecasting models employed, or other relevant considerations.

F12 popup menu options

"Select modules to include in next run Ctrl+R": Since 2020.01, a workflow can also be run for the selected modules on FSS.