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Adding a time serie with new interval

When selecting the time step "hour" and calculation method "mean", the time series "chloride -MEAN (uur)" will appear after clicking the "ok" button. When time series are added in this way, the icon of the button will have a black arrow and black stripes instead of grey to show it is active.

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Adding time series for each original time serie

Each combination of selected intervals and calculation methods will result in a new time series for each original time serie. Below an example is shown where for both locations "Diepte -2.5 mNAP" and "Diepte -6.5 mNAP" a time serie is added with interval hour and calculation method mean:Image Modified

Selecting multiple intervals and calculation methods

Selecting multiple intervals and multiple calculation methods will result in adding new time series for each combination. In the example below the intervals hour and day are selected and calculation methods minimum and maximum, this way 4 time series are added. Also the checkbox "show original time step" is not selected anymore, this way the original time serie is not shown anymore.


If the checkbox "ignore missing values" is not selected a new value will not be calculated for a new interval time step when a missing value is present in the original interval:

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When this checkbox is selected, the missing values will be ignored:

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The reset button will deselect all intervals and calculation methods and select both checkboxes, this is the default setting in which the dialog is also originally opened for the first time.


The changes made to this dialog will only be applied to the time series after clicking the ok button.

Calculation Methods

The time steps included in intervals are always looking backwards and include the time step on which the result will be placed.

So for instance if the interval is day and the source time step is hour, it will use the time steps 01:00 until 24:00 for the calculation and place the result at 24:00.

There are multiple calculation methods:


This is calculated by first adding the values from the original time serie within each interval together, and then dividing it by the amount of values.

Mean over time

Calculated by first adding the values multiplied by the amount of milliseconds since its predecessor together, and then dividing it by the total amount of milliseconds of the resampled time step.


This is calculated by adding the values from the original time serie within each interval together.


For a parameter "Gate position" with type "instantanious" it could be that the only valid values are 0 or 1, meaning closed and open. Calculating a sum or a mean will not make sense because it can result in invalid data above 1 or between 0 and 1.


Percentile resampling is a handy functionality for comparing values to what is “normal” but then compared to the current month or year (or other chosen interval)

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Available time steps

Since 2018.01, the time steps available in the time series resampling dialog can be customized through the FEWS configuration. More information can be found in the configuration guide for the TimeSeriesDisplayConfig.xml.