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{parent-space}DASHBOARD{parent-space} This is the home of the Flood Risk Uncertainty space. {
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Flood Risk Uncertainty

This website is dedicated to the collection and dissemination of research related to uncertainty in flood risk analysis.


The SBW-programme (Strength and Loading of Water Defences, in Dutch 'Sterkte en Belastingen van Waterkeringen') focuses on filling the most important knowledge gaps in order to be able to assess primary water defences. Information about uncertainties within the flood protection assessment procedure is very valuable for prioritising the research within the SBW-programme. Uncertainty research therefore contributes to efficient choices of areas to focus on. That is why for decades uncertainty research has been carried out, both qualitative and quantitative.

It is important that this continually increasing knowledge, which is stored in a growing number of reports, be accessible and available for all parties involved in the development of the assessment procedure for 2011 and for future assessments. 

This wiki site and a corresponding library have been developed within the framework of the SBW-programme. This wiki site describes the background, structure and general contents of the library. The wiki site does not store any documents itself, rather those are stored in a library. The library is built using the open source software Zotero, a highly esteemed reference manager plug-in for the browser Firefox which allows collaborative addition and management of documents through the use of 'group libraries'.

Advantages of a community library

The community library has many benefits. The first of these is to collect in one central location all information relevant to uncertainty in the safety assessment of defences. This provides to the user a bibliography of what has already been done. This ensures that past research remains visible and accessible, which reduces the chance of duplication of already-completed work, and encourages research to be built upon the foundation of what has already been accomplished. This bibliography is particularly useful in studies aiming to provide an overview of uncertainties within the entire assessment process, because individual detailed studies on uncertainty will be available in one central location.

Another substantial benefit comes through the reference management capabilities of Zotero. An additional plug-in for Microsoft Word (as well as open source alternatives) makes reference management incredibly simple, literally as simple as the push of a button, which can save much time and effort in the preparation of future papers and reports.

Where is the library?

The library is not located on this website. Instructions to access the library are given in the "Access the Library" tab on this website (Accessing the Library).  


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} {deck:id=tabContents} {card:label=Home} {section}{column:width=70%} {popular-labels:count=25|spaceKey=UNCTY|style=heatmap} h3. Uncertainty in Flood Safety Assessment According to the Dutch Water Defence Act, the strength of the Dutch primary water defences must be assessed every five years (1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, etc.) for the required level of protection, which, depending on the area protected by the water defence, may vary from 250 to 10,000 year loads. These loads are determined on the basis of Hydraulic Boundary Conditions (HBC) and must also be derived anew and approved by the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (VenW) every five years. The calculations involved in the determination of both the hydraulic loads and the strength of the defences are subject to uncertainty. Many studies have been and are being performed which focus on: - indentification of sources of uncertainty - quantification of uncertainty - effect of reduction in uncertainty - relative importance of different sources of uncertainty. h3. Purpose of this website This website serves as a central location to find information on studies that have been performed related to uncertainty in flood risk. Cras luctus nisl sem. Curabitur commodo condimentum nisl, quis placerat massa congue ac. Proin tincidunt sem eget massa lobortis auctor. Maecenas at libero enim. Morbi augue lorem, tristique non lacinia vel, pulvinar in nisi. Quisque a leo nisl. Morbi neque nunc, sagittis vitae pretium sed, mollis volutpat ipsum. Praesent non est turpis, eget rutrum tortor. Integer vehicula purus neque. Ut mauris magna, convallis id ornare ut, accumsan rutrum nisl. Integer ornare pellentesque dictum. Praesent justo leo, imperdiet sed sodales eget, lacinia eu est. Aenean in bibendum mi. Duis et diam quis nulla tempus dictum. Vivamus pretium cursus tellus ac malesuada. Sed feugiat, lectus eget accumsan luctus, sapien felis consequat tortor, eget tristique nibh orci ac mauris. Etiam faucibus augue id urna sollicitudin viverra. Phasellus cursus, mi vitae cursus scelerisque, libero risus molestie odio, a porta orci ipsum pulvinar nunc. Aliquam justo sem, faucibus et mattis id, pharetra in massa. Duis ac ullamcorper mi. Pellentesque rhoncus nisi vel est malesuada et sagittis ipsum pretium. Etiam at gravida sem. Fusce vel augue eu nibh consequat imperdiet. Sed est felis, volutpat vel tincidunt ac, lobortis sit amet arcu. Nullam eget suscipit sem. Etiam aliquam, lacus ut laoreet semper, lacus nunc blandit metus, sed cursus nulla felis ut metus. Vestibulum purus ligula, imperdiet sit amet pulvinar quis, consectetur vitae tellus. Morbi pretium faucibus tortor nec tristique. Vestibulum sit amet libero eu metus aliquam venenatis. Nulla iaculis, arcu a laoreet cursus, massa dolor euismod mi, pharetra commodo augue lectus mollis purus. Maecenas tincidunt libero eget nunc rhoncus posuere. Nam bibendum, eros a varius sollicitudin, est velit aliquet risus, in aliquam massa tellus vel orci. Duis ultricies lacinia odio a tempus. Pellentesque adipiscing, magna id porta elementum, augue augue blandit purus, non pellentesque lorem ligula sit amet nibh. Etiam id arcu quam. Suspendisse ultricies urna vel nisl scelerisque fringilla. Praesent tristique, turpis ut varius viverra, ante tellus varius nulla, ut pellentesque lacus justo hendrerit quam. Aenean vitae felis orci. Nunc ornare faucibus est ut mollis. In molestie, est sit amet hendrerit aliquet, velit tellus consequat sem, porta sollicitudin est mauris volutpat mauris. Vestibulum sed ultrices mi. Vivamus nec tellus sollicitudin urna tempus adipiscing at in arcu. Pellentesque et leo libero. Etiam id metus eu turpis porttitor dapibus quis vitae neque. In dignissim adipiscing odio, eget imperdiet ipsum scelerisque at. In libero nulla, luctus a rutrum quis, dignissim vitae odio. Vestibulum commodo est a lectus placerat commodo. Duis eu turpis vel sapien scelerisque vestibulum. Morbi ut justo vitae orci tempus sollicitudin ut ut lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut erat sed magna vulputate vestibulum. Sed tristique elit ultricies turpis ullamcorper quis egestas leo dignissim. Cras lobortis dui sed eros varius in condimentum enim sodales. Etiam lacinia, elit eget faucibus condimentum, lorem lorem consequat elit, volutpat ultricies elit lorem nec nunc. Ut fringilla mollis tristique. Aliquam commodo posuere turpis, ac rutrum enim pulvinar vel. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean placerat, est eu interdum ultricies, mauris ante facilisis mauris, a pellentesque mi dolor id nulla. Donec congue, nibh sit amet malesuada dictum, dolor risus gravida sem, et varius mi ante quis est. Integer non orci volutpat turpis lobortis scelerisque. Suspendisse nisi nibh, aliquet id viverra sit amet, ullamcorper sagittis turpis. Vivamus quis elit odio. Integer dapibus convallis purus, et eleifend neque placerat bibendum. In ornare ultrices mi, pulvinar sollicitudin arcu lacinia quis. Etiam ultrices fringilla elit ac pellentesque. Nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nibh quam, auctor eget placerat in, faucibus nec est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla at erat est, vel gravida dolor. Sed quis sapien odio, sed semper eros. Aenean vitae odio tortor, in feugiat libero. Duis sollicitudin, erat luctus blandit ornare, tellus justo gravida tellus, {column} {column:width=20%} {panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=3C78B5|borderWidth=2px|titleBGColor=#EFEFFF|bgColor=#F8F7EF} asdfasdf asdf asdfasdf {panel} {column} {section} {card} {card:Label=Reliability Assessment} {include:RA} {card} {card:Label=Consequences} {include:Tab2} {card} {card:Label=Operational Forecasting} {card} {card:Label=Educational} {card} {card:Label=Recent Changes} {recently-updated} {card}