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This data import is available since Delft-FEWS 2018.02 and a patch more recent then January, 2020. Please comment if anything further is needed or requires updatingSince version 2022.02 it is possible to access data that require authentication with username and password

The data can be downloaded on the same grid as DataMart is not subsetting is requested. If subsetting is requested, than a different grid will be requested.

 Instructions for Creating a Subset Grid are provided at the near the end of this documentation.

1) Data Provider Documentation


The two variables accessed are precipitation (PC.nwp) and temperature (TA.nwp).

TimeseriesImportRun (Deterministic Forecast)

titleReference to NWP

Notice that the reference to the NWP is not included in the URL, as is often the case with server imports, but is included as part of the IdMapping (externalParameter)

TimeseriesImportRun (Deterministic Forecast)

Code Block
Code Block
<timeSeriesImportRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="3" end="240" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true"/>
		<!--startTimeShift and above start of 3 needs as precipitation is an accumulative variable not available at the first forecast time-->
			<relativePeriod start="-3" end="0" unit="hour"/>
			<string key="subsettingCrs" value="EPSG:4326"></string>
			<string key="interpolation" value="value"></string>
			<string key="outputCrs" value="value"></string>
			<string key="rangeSubset" value="value"></string>
			<bool key="useSubset" value="true"></bool>
			<int key="delayInHours" value="24"></int>
			<timeSeriesType>external forecasting</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="3"/>
			<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
		<externUnit parameterId="PC.nwp" unit="kg m-2" cumulativeSum="true"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="0" end="240" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true"/>
			<string key="subsettingCrs" value="EPSG:4326"/>
			<timeSeriesType>external forecasting</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="3"/>
			<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
		<externUnit parameterId="TA.nwp" unit="K"/>


1) Define the bounding box coordinates (, try Dublincore below Copy and Paste for clarity)
2) Fill in the url query below:$VARIABLE_ID$&SUBSETTINGCRS=EPSG:4326&SUBSET=x($westlimit$,$eastlimit$)&SUBSET=y($southlimit$,$northlimit$)&FORMAT=image/netcdf
             $VARIABLE_ID$ is from the WCS getCapabilities, or from the externalIDs in this document.
              $westlimit$, $eastlimit$, $southlimit$ $northlimit$ are an integer bounding box
3) Paste the query in a webbrowser to download a sample file.
4) In your FEWS application, use the functionaility from the F12 menu --> Clipboard --> Copy grib geometry from file.
5) Paste the grid definition in your grids.xml file. Save and reload FEWS.

6) Run the workflow in DEBUG mode to get the url query generated by FEWS.

7) Use this FEWS generated URL query in a browser to download an additional NetCDF file, then repeat steps 4 and 5.

4) Known issues

Subsetting definitions are currently required (original grids cannot be pulled). 

Delays are not configurable, meaning that on Stand Alone the T0 may need to be slightly earlier than the current timeNo known outstanding issues.