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This page gives information on how you can tweak a script to reach a set of learning objectives. On this other page we Other pages describe the technicalities of setting up the script.

hide future data and forecasts

Experience levels

  • Beginners (level 1)
    • Hulp door een senior (vraagbaak)
    • KNMI geeft informatie obv de ensemble die is gebruikt om de metingen te maken (zie scenario generator)
  • Gemiddeld (level 2, of tot aan het tweede bericht)
    • geen hulp, geen obstakels
  • Ervaren mensen (level 3)
    • Obstakels in de vorm van moeilijke vragen of tegenslag
  • Voor het spel kun je deze "obstakels" aandikken (Drama creeren in "stories"). Maakt het grappig, herkenbaar en maakt dat je de subtiliteiten in de praktijk eerder doorziet
    • Verschillende karakters
    • Tegenslag (meetpaal/stroom/model valt uit; etc )
    • Opvoeren tijdsdruk (KNMI berekening komen een uur later (i.e. je hebt een uur minder om de verwachting te maken); overvloeden met extra vragen)
    • Buitenwereld (paarden op een wad, nieuwe auto's op de kade)
    • Vragen die je niet mag/ mag /moet beantwoorden
    • Berichten gekoppeld aan een drempelwaarde
  • Verzamel dit soort berichten schiet die random af tijden de training. De hoeveelheid berichten is:
    • Vooraf bepaald, of
    • Gekoppeld aan een moeilijkheidsgraad, of
    • Gekoppeld aan progressie van speler

Extra immersie door de "knmi-er" een karakter te geven (meewerkend, knorrig, etc)

  • Moeilijkheidsgraad: laat speler vooraf kiezen wat voor'n type knmi-er je krijgt (verwarde professor, newby, exact op maat gesneden)

Stories / communication buttons technical specs

script configuration and how set up a training.

Script - tailor to learning objectives

The script is defined in an XML format. XML files can best be edited using an XML editor, such as XMLSpy or one of the many other available programs.

The script consists of a timeline in which all (historical) events such as e-mails and phone calls are described. This can be done with simple text message or by referring to files such as jpg or pdf. The script can be made more interactive by use of the communication buttons and conditions. The script can be adjusted for students of different experience levels. The objective of the Water Coach is to make a forecast. The student does not receive a score based on this forecast, but the forecast can be used for after action review with a (more experienced) colleague.

Several scripts can be generated for one scenario, by tailoring scripts to different learning objectives.

  • "Button course" or how does the GUI work?
    • focus on development of skill set
    • use the script to lead the student to all relevant parts of the GUI
  • Get experienced with extreme situations
    • focus on content
    • use the script to let the student come to a proper forecast
      • how well does the model function under these circumstances
      • do you understand the meteorological and hydrodynamic developments? (see feedback)
  • Get experienced with extreme situations
    • focus on the process
    • use the script to train aspects of the procedures that only are relevant in extreme situations
      • in extreme situations the stakes are higher
      • distraction by the media
      • high management that wants to get involved
      • with more extreme forecasts there is more to do, how do you deal with the time pressure
  • Communication
    • focus on process
    • use the script to train the student to consult all relevant partners (see communication buttons)
    Communication - focus on process
    • act according to the procedures (om gaan met pers, directie limburg, etc)
    • Consult all relevant partners (i.e. use the proper communication options/buttons at the right time):
      • meteorological forecasters
      • senior colleague
      • partner forecast agencies.

Forecast table technical specs

Conditions technical specs

Dictionary / reference manual technical specs

  • Communication - focus on content
    • terminology: Do you understand all meteorological terms? How does a student react when a non-existing (but plausible) term is used?
      Dictionary or reference book
      • log every entry that is looked up
      • student has to decide whether to look-up a word (costs time, action is logged) or not.
      • Non-existing words can be used to demonstrate that you can (should?) always ask if you don't completely understand what is being said.
      • woordenboek moet pdfs/plaatjes kunnen laten zien
    • weerinfo in het spel moet gebaseerd op die selectie die SVSD en KNMI samen belangrijk vinden voor een maritieme verwachting
    • speler moet:
      • informatie filteren op relevante info
      • info afwijkend van verwachting afwegen
      • knmi denkt er niet aan, dus je moet er naar vragen
    • KNMI (script) kan informeren obv 50 ensemble runs, waarvan sommige extreem zullen zijn
    • KNMI vs SVSD met knmi als doel om (zonder te liegen) zo'n slecht mogelijke verwachting
    • SVSD als KNMI vs SVSD

Script editor

The script editor should allow for easy reconstruction of the historical timeline. This includes:

  • Method to add historical events.
    This will be facilitated via the .XML file approach. Based on the current XML file (+ documentation) as used in the FEWS game. This scheme can be edited in XMLspy.
  • Assign document files to a script (PDF or TXT)
  • Place the additional data in the historical timeline.
  • Additional functionalities to create events within the timeline, i.e. adapt the script:
  • Choices for the player / Decision points
    This is implemented with an additional screen filled with x phone numbers / contacts. When you click on a contact you get a result which depends on the game time. During certain time windows you will get an answer, outside of those windows not. 
    Whether or not information is available can depend on triggers, such as the forecast as entered in the forecast display.
  • Things going wrong: data and systems not available (electricity failure, etc)
    This can be implemented by manipulating the available data. This is not part of the script editor, but of the scenario editor (see below).
  • Hints and suggestions to modify difficulty level
    Hints and suggestions to help the player should be easily turned on/off
  • Evaluation: player gives a motivation together with the forecast (I used this model, because.. etc). This can be used in the evaluation with a (senior) colleague.
    UI game.
  • Based on the first uses of the games, the following additions would increase the user experience of the game:
    • Button to jump back to the previous event


Collecting material

Based on the list of relevant data, methods or procedures have to be created and agreed upon with internal and external parties (like KNMI) to save the relevant data that cannot be copied from the FEWS local datastore or the MATROOS database.

Additional data sources can be things like:

  • Faxes
  • Phone calls. The calls to and from the SVSD room are automatically recorded.
  • Discussion within the team (this is not automatically recorded).
  • Forecasts
  • Evaluation of the SVSD team afterwards
  • SVSD Stormflits (summary made afterwards). This post-analysis includes comments to model performance in a specific situation.

Generating a script

The learning objectives of a script depend on the type of training, for example

  • "Button course", or how does the GUI work?
    • focus on skill
    • create basic forecast
  • Get experienced with extreme sistuations (simulation)
    • focus on content
    • hoe houd je iemand geintresseerd?
    • use the Water Coach to experience the process from the "other side". Let the meteorological forecaster play the role of hydrodynamic forecasters and vs.
  • Communication
    • focus on content
    • use the script to train the students knowledge of terminology (see dictionary)


Collecting material

Messages used in scripts can be based on actual data. For this it would be convenient to determine a list of relevant data, and define methods or procedures to save the relevant data that is not part of the FEWS local datastore or archive. Examples of additional data sources are:

  • Faxes
  • Phone calls
  • Discussion within the team
  • Forecasts
  • Evaluation of the team afterwards
  • After event analysis, including comments on model performance in the specific situation

Meteorological ensemble runs can be used to adapt the scenario, but they can be used to create multiple scripts as well. The information delivered by the meteorological partner can be based on any of the ensemble runs, some of which will be pretty extreme (and also quite different than the "actual" outcome.


Stories / communication buttons

Link to technical description

The stories or communication buttons can be used in many ways. One example is to use them in a training focusing on the process of communication. The content of the communication buttons can change during the script. If the student contacts the proper contact in the right time window, she will receive additional information.

You can also focus on procedures that don't frequently are needed, like questions for the forecaster that she is not allowed to answer or should redirect to someone else.


Experience levels

Link to technical description

Based on the experience level selected by the student, different message will appear. A beginning student can be helped, while a more experienced player can be hindered.

  • Beginner
    • Hints and tips (as if a senior colleague is advising her)
    • When the scenario has been adapted based on the meteo ensemble forecast, the information of the meteorological forecasters could be based on the actual ensemble member that was
      used to tune the scenario.
  • Average
    • No hints, but also no obstacles
  • Experienced
    • less precise or clear (meteorological) information
    • increase time pressure by
      • additional (time consuming) requests
      • delay the information from the meteorological forecasters

To create more involvement, these obstacles can be dramatized. By exaggeration it becomes identifiable and subtleties are easier to spot. An example is to create different characters, such as helpful, distracted or grumpy. The beginning student can be helped by the more easy going character while the expert student can learn to deal with a less precise and timely counterpart.


Forecast table

Link to technical description

The object of the Water Coach is to create a forecast using the forecast table. However, it is not so much the exact value that is interesting, but the reasoning behind it. What data did the student take into account, how did she weigh the different aspects. Who did she consult to reach this forecast? Therefore, the student is encouraged to include her motivation with the forecast. This argumentation can be used in the after action review.



The Water Coach does not use a scoring principle to give feedback on the performance of the student. Instead all actions of the student within the Water Coach are logged, including the eventual (motivation of the) forecast made. This log forms the basis of the after action review with a (senior) colleague or with another student / team. These logs can be stored to compare students / teams, to keep track of which scripts have been played by whom and to keep taps on the progress of a student.



Link to technical description

Another way to make the script more interactive is by adding conditions. This way, the actions of the student affects the course of the script. For now, conditions can only be coupled to aspects of the forecast table. However, this could be extended in the future. Based on the value of the forecast or the timeliness of the forecast, the student can receive additional information, such as:

  • Hurry up, you're late
  • Well done, the forecast is very close
  • The forecast exceeds the warning level, follow the appropriate procedures


Dictionary / reference manual

Link to technical description

Does the student understand all (meteorological) terminology? How does a student react when a non-existing (but plausible) phrase is used?

A reference manual can be created in which the student can look up terms and definitions. Every entry that is looked up is logged, for after action review. The student has to decide whether to look-up a word (costs time, action is logged) or not. Non-existing words can be used to demonstrate that you can (should?) always ask if you don't completely understand what is being said.

Other ideas / possible developments

  • Time management - mini game
  • Get experienced with extreme sistuations (training)
    • focus op proces
      • belangen worden groter
      • mensen gaan op je leunen (directeur gaat zich er mee bemoeien)
      • media aandacht (afleiding, tijdvreters)
    • Time management, how do deal with time pressure
  • Time management - mini game
    Omgaan met tegenslag en tijdsdruk is onderdeel van de moeilijkheidsgraad, niet een leerdoel op zich
    Trainee makes visual timeline, placing all important actions and moments in this timeline.
    The water coach training could enforce this planningMistakes planning
    Mistakes with daylight saving time. Do all partners incorporate this in the same way? (Dutch example: KNMI doesn't use "zomertijd", SVSD does)
    This mini game If this game is successful, it could form the start of basis for an actual tool that could be used in operational setting



  • Depending on the selected experience level (or progression) more or less additional messages (or obstacles) can be send to the student.

Link met FC2015 project: Richtlijnen