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Launching Delft-FEWS

Depending on the local installation Delft-Fews FEWS can be started using the Application Launcher or by using an executable program located in the Delft-Fews FEWS binary directory (usually a link/shortcut will have been set up). On Linux systems Delft-Fews FEWS is started using a shell script. When using the Application Launcher a user must select a profile and enter the required password at startup.


A screen dump of the FEWS Application Launcher for the National Flood Forecasting System for England & Wales is presented as an example below.


Configuration changes when migrating to 2018.02

The launcher GUI is also available in 2018.02 (and higher). A few changes have to made to get this working (when migrating to 2018.02).

Below described example is based on the following directory structure:

/bin (directory containing the Delft-FEWS 2018.02 binaries)
/FewsSC_OC-DDASB (directory containing an Operator Client)
/FewsSC-SA (directory containing a Stand Alone)
/FEWSSC_Launcher (directory containing the Launcher files)

Launcher directory

Assuming there is a launcher directory which should contain the following files

  • LauncherImage.jpg
  • Launcher.exe
  • security.sec
  • launcher.xml
  • Launcher.ini

If you are using the launcher before 2018.02 you should replace the Launcher.exe and the Launcher.ini (click on the links to download the new versions). Please overwrite the old ones with these new files.

Launcher.xml (example)

In the Launcher.xml 4 different actions can be configured:

  • ViewReports
  • LaunchFewsClient
  • LaunchConfigManager
  • LaunchAdminInterface

The IDs of the 4 actions must match exactly.  All paths configured can be relative paths. 

Within the action tags you can choose from 3 options for the configuration. Use webPage for ViewReports and LaunchAdminInterface. Use executable for LaunchFewsClient and LaunchConfigManager. The third choice, javaApp is no longer supported since 2018.02.

The launcher.xml example below is consistent with the directory structure explained in the beginning of this section.

A few remarks:

  • the <appPath> element is new in 2018.02
  • All CAPITALIZED parts from the example below should be adjusted to your situation:
  • -Dregion.home arguments should be pointing to existing directories
  • for launching the Config Manager, the Database URL should also be specified (-Ddatabase.url


  • )

Code Block
titleLauncher configuration exampletrue
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--WIS Application Launcher -->
<launcher xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
   <!--Title of the launcher window-->
   <title>Launcher Test</title>

   <!--Do not change the action ID, the launcher relies on an exact match.-->
   <action id="ViewReports">
      <webPage name="Reports Pandora" appPath="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" arg=""/>

   <!--Do not change the action ID, the launcher relies on an exact match.-->
   <action id="LaunchFewsClient">
      <!--Optional field. Configure the text on the button.-->
      <buttonText>Start FEWS</buttonText>
      <!--Optional field. Configure the text over the selection.-->
      <description>Launch FEWS for Clients</description>
         <!--Path to the FEWS executable file. Has to be an absolute path.-->
         <appPath>D:\fews\bin\windows\	<action id="LaunchFewsClient">
		<!-- FEWS Clients-->
            <!--Any number of arguments can be configured. Region needs has to be configured. Use absolute path. All arguments should start with -D -->
	  <!--You can configure several regions.-->
         <appPath>D:\fews\FEWS-20434\fews-stable-201802-82884-bin\windows\			<region>FEWS Scotland</region>
         <region>Mines of Moria</region>
            			<region>FEWS Scotland</region>

   <!--Do not change the action ID, the launcher relies on an exact match.-->
	<action id="LaunchConfigManager">
		<!-- FEWS     <buttonText>Manage configurations</buttonText>
      <description>Configuration manager</description>
         <appPath>D:\fews\bin\windows\Clients -->
            <!--Configure region home-->
            <argument>Dregion.home=\Config Manager</argument>             
            <argument>-D<configure database URL here></argument>
         <region>Mines of Moria</region>

   <!--Do not change the action ID, the launcher relies on an exact match.-->
   <action id="LaunchAdminInterface">
      <description>Inspect Reports</description>
      <webPage name="Hogwarts			<region>FEWS Scotland</region>
				<argument>-Ddatabase.url=INSERT SAME DATABASE URL AS FOR OPERATOR CLIENT</argument>
	<action id="LaunchAdminInterface">
		<webPage name="Admin Interface (1)" appPath="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" arg="http://COMPLETE URL TO ADMIN INTERFACE"/>
		<webPage name="Admin Interface (2)" appPath="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" arg="http://COMPLETE URL TO ADMIN INTERFACE"/>
	<action id="ViewReports">
		<webPage name="FEWS Trouble-Shooting" appPath="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" arg="http://fewsappsvr01:8081/manager/htmlANY HTTP(S) URL TO BE OPENED"/>


4 different actions can be configured:

  • ViewReports
  • LaunchFewsClient
  • LaunchConfigManager
  • LaunchAdminInterface

The ids of the 4 actiuns must match exactly.  All paths configured need to be absolute paths, not relative. 
