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Issues related to the development of the Kisters Hydstra adapter (Deltares internal access only):


Table of Contents



  • Alberta River Forecasting System (ARFS), used by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), Edmonton, Canada (Deltares contacts: Dave Casson & Micha Werner). Note that AEP owns the IPR of the HYDSTRA Model engine code.


Download of the model adapter is not available is not available here: please e-mail to Delft-FEWS Product Management for more information.

Interface between FEWS and Hydstra

The adapter described here provides the following tasks in running Hydstra model engine from FEWS. The Hydstra adapter is developed in Java and is configured to run from the Delft FEWS configuration through a suitably configured General Adapter run. The tasks supported by the adapter include:

  • Reading of the input time series required for the Hydstra model run (e.g. precipitation, temperatur, discharge) as provided through from the general adapter through the FEWS Published Interface XML format (PI-XML), and transforming these to the input format required by the Hydsra model engine (Hysdstra Time Series Format, TSF).
  • Amending the Hydstra model definition file (TSO file) with the appropriate run-time parameters (e.g. model start time, run length etc). These data are provided from the FEWS General Adapter through the PI-XML formatted run file.
  • Amending the value of model parameters and states within the TSO file to allow influencing the behaviour of the Hydstra model. These parameters can be set either using the PI-XML parameters file exported from the FEWS General adapter (typically used for setting the value of model parameters, or through an PI-XML time series (typically used for setting the value of a model state at the start of the run).
  • Reading the output time series provided by the Hydstra model engine. These outputs are provided by the model engine using two formats; TSF formatted files and free format text files (format specified in the TSO file).

Hydstra model definition file

Each of the basin models that can be run through the Hydstra adapter is defined in the Hydstra Model Definition File (Model TSO file). This defines all model inputs and outputs, model structure and model parameters. The format of the file is JSON, which is loaded into the Hydstra adapter as a JSON object. While the Hydstra adapter does not interpret the full file, there are specific sections that are important. The model structure is made up of a series of nodes and links,, where each node is a modelling element of a defined type (this refers to a specific modelling algorithm such as the Synthetic Streamflow and Reservoir Routing - SSARR, or Unit Hydrograph - UH, algorithms). Links are important in this context to identify the inputs to the model as external time series are connected to the algorithms defined in the nodes though these links.

Identifying input time series to be provided from FEWS

When setting up the Hydstra model to run from FEWS, it is important to identify all expected input time series, where each time series is read from a TSF file. These are identified through the key word Source=TimeSeries. An example is provided below:


To run the model from FEWS, the configuration must be set up that each named TSF file is exported. Note that the path to which the file is exported need not be set as the adapter when exporting the TSF file to be used by the model will set the path in the TSO file to ensure the file is found.  Note that the adapter will check that all names TimeSeries are available as a TSF file prior to the model being run. If there is a file missing then an error will be generated. Additionally the adapter also checks that all time series exported are linked to a TSF ile defined in the TSO file (with the exception of time series that are explicitly flagged as being time series pertaining to model states).

Identifying parameters and initial state values that can be changed

The Hydstra adapter allows the values of model parameters and initial state values to be changed by the user. These are changed within the node element of the Hydstra model definition file These values can be changed either through providing the value to be defined using a PI-XML parameter file, or through using a PI-XML time series of the values. To set this up, the nodes for which parameters are to be changed need to be identified, as well as the names of the parameter and/or initial state variables.  The snippet of a TSO file (in this case for a UH model) below shows an example of a node element definition.  To be able to change values in this element from FEWS, is it important to record the node name (in this example: "Uh_05DB006") as that is used by the adapter. Any of the parameters/initial state values that are defined in the Symbols section can be amended. To do so the new value must be provided in the PI-XML parameters file or in the PI-XML time series file, where the name of the symbol is used as an identier (e.g. "Baseflow"). It is not required to configure all symbols, as those not provided will not be amended. Note also that if a NaN is provided as a value, or the parameter/initial state value is missing in a time series, then the original value will not be amended.

No Format
        Dimensionless unit hydrograph node.
        float Theta = 0.2
        const int TimeToPeak = 45
        float Area = 2253
        float Baseflow = 13.0
        int FileOutput = 0
        String NodeName = "Uh_05DB006"
        String PrecipSourceName = ""
        float Outflow = 0
        int Outflow.Quality = 255

Identifying output time series available for import to FEWS

After the model run has completed the adapter will read configured outputs provided by the Hydstra model engine.  Outputs can be provided by the engine to be read by the adapter through to formats. The first is through TSF formatted files, and the second is a free-format text file. The format of the latter is defined in the TSO file.

To identify those outputs provided as a TSF file, the sections in the TSO file with the keywords "Output=TimeSeries" must be identified. e.g.


Note that the name of the TSF file is later used to identify the location and parameter of the time series as the TSF format has no meta data internal to the file format.

The free-formatted text files are defined in the print sections in the TSO file. The example below shows a snippet. Note that great care must be taken if the format used here is amended as this may cause the adapter to be unable to read model outputs. The adapter will use the header names to identify the time series location (e.g. NodeName - which is a variable) as well as the parameter (e.g. "Outflow" and "Outflow.Quality"). 

No Format
hFile1=OPEN(PLOutFileName, Create, Exclusive)
Print(hFile1, "Node Type";comma;"DimGraph";comma;"NodeName";comma; NodeName;comma;"Run Time";comma;RunTime)
Print(hFile1, "Date";comma;"Time";comma;"Precip";comma;"Precip.Quality";comma;"Outflow";comma;"Outflow.Quality")
Print(hFile1,MonthString;"/";DateString;"/";YearNum;comma; HourString;":00";comma; Precip;comma;Precip.Quality;comma;Outflow;comma;Outflow.Quality)

Directory Structure

The Hydstra adapter and model use a specified directory structure to run from. While this can be configured differently the structure below is recommended. Note that this structure also reflects the relevant sections of the FEWS configuration. Descriptions of elements where relevant are provided in angle brackets. File names where provided below are given for the "Elbow" model (replace this with appropriate model name).

No Format
+---bin  <FEWS binaries>
\---FEWS_sa  <FEWS REGION Home directory>

    |   +---ColdStateFiles
    |   |       Elbow_Hydstra_Calib_Forecast           <cold state files (placeholder)>
    |   |
    |   +---IdMapFiles
    |   |       IdExportHydstra_Elbow.xml		<mapping of identifies for model input series exported from FEWS>
    |   |       IdImportHydstra_Elbow.xml		<mapping of identifies for model output series imported to FEWS>
    |   |
    |   +---ModuleConfigFiles
    |   |        Elbow_Hydstra_Calib_Template.xml      <main configuration file of the general adapter - note this may be a template)
    |	|	     Elbow_Hydstra_Forecast_Template.xml      <main configuration file of the general adapter - note this may be a template)
    |   |
    |   \---ModuleDataSetFiles
    |             <zipped TSO template (original)>
    |   |
    |   \---ModuleParFiles
    |            ParameterConfig_HydstraModels.xml.........<(optional) Hydsrta(template) parameter files>
            +---bin.................................... directory containing the Hydstra Adapter Java Class files 
   containing Hydstra executable and model libraries
   to which model input time series are exported (exportDir in General Adapter Config)
   to which Hydstra TSF and TXT files are written
   from which output time series are read (importDir in General Adapter Config)
   where (original) template TSO files are stored (exported from zipped modelDataSet)
            +---Work....................................Working/Current directory during model execution

Configuring the FEWS General Adapter to run the Hydstra adapter and model

The Hydstra model adapter follows standard way of integrating external models into the Delft-FEWS system by use of General Adapter. For more details about configuration of General Adapter please check 05 General Adapter Module.

Although the configuration of the Hydstra follows the same approach as all adapters linked to Delft FEWS, there are some specific details that are described here.

Exporting the Hydstra model input time series from FEWS 

All data that is required to run the model is exported from FEWS as PI-XML time series. This will include all precipitation and temperature data, discharges as well as time series data relevant to reservoir simulation. These data will be transformed by the adapter from the PI-XML format to the TSF format, and written to the \Work directory. It is important that the ID mapping is set up properly so that the model can find these files when the Hydstra model is run. When writing the TSF file, the Hydstra adapter uses the locationId in the header of the PI-XML file to define the filename of the TSF file. This should be the same as the TSF filename defined for that input time series in the Hydstra TSO file. This is established in the ID Mapping definition. The snippet below shows an example of the ID Mapping. This also includes the ID Mapping as defined for the input time series mentioned above, where the QR.obs time series at location 05DB006 will be written to a TSF file called 05DB006_QR.tsf as that is the identifier set for the external location. An exception to this  is made for those time series flagged as being values of the initial state.

No Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<idMap version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<!-- Id mapping for exporting data to a HYDSTRA model run  -->
	<!--Precip Station Mapping -->
	<map internalLocation="05DB802" internalParameter="PC.obs" externalLocation="05DB802_PC" externalParameter="PC"/>
	<map internalLocation="05CC805" internalParameter="PC.obs" externalLocation="05CC805_PC" externalParameter="PC"/>
	<map internalLocation="05CA812" internalParameter="PC.obs" externalLocation="05CA812_PC" externalParameter="PC"/>
	<map internalLocation="FIRES-R1" internalParameter="PC.obs" externalLocation="FIRES-R1_PC" externalParameter="PC"/>
	<map internalLocation="FIRES-R2" internalParameter="PC.obs" externalLocation="FIRES-R2_PC" externalParameter="PC"/>
	<!--Hydro Station Mapping -->
	<map internalLocation="05DB006" internalParameter="QR.obs" externalLocation="05DB006_QR" externalParameter="QR"/>
	<!--Forecast Precip Basin Mapping -->
	<map internalLocation="ClearwaterNSask" internalParameter="PC.nwp" externalLocation="Forecast_ClearwaterNSask_PC" externalParameter="PC"/>

Exporting time series to be used for initial states

All initial states values that are to be used in the Hydstra model run (usually resulting from a previous run), must be passed as a time series. If these are not provided as a time series, then the default value as defined in the original TSO file will be used. Hydstra does not have a formal state exchange file. The time series with the values of the initial states are exported to a PI-XML formatted file. This needs to be flagged to ensure these are not considered by the adapter as model time series. The adapter will then read these time series and use the value to set the required value of that initial state in the TSO file that is used to run the model. To link the time series exported by FEWS to the correct Hydstra node, the locationID in the PI-XML file is used to identify the node, while the parameterID is used to identify the symbol in the TSO file to change. This established through the definition of the ID Mapping. An example is shown below (snippet of the full configuration). Note that these time series have been imported from a previous Hydstra run. Modifiers can be used in FEWS to change the value of the time series. The id of the SSARR node in which the values are to be changed is Ssarr_05BJ004. 

Note that the value of the initial state is set to the value of the time series at the start time of the model run. If that is not defined, the closest that is a valid value after the start of the model run will be used. If all values in the time series are missing, the original value in the TSO defined for that symbol will not be changed.

No Format
	<!-- Parametrer ID mapping for the SSARR states (uses the more general/brief form) -->
	<parameter internal="QR.sim" internalQualifier="SFABaseflow" external="SFBBaseflow"/>
	<parameter internal="QR.sim" internalQualifier="SFASubsurf" external="SFBInterflow"/>
	<parameter internal="QR.sim" internalQualifier="SFASurface" external="SFBSurfaceflow"/>
	<parameter internal="QR.sim" internalQualifier="SCABaseflow" external="SCBBaseflow"/>
	<parameter internal="QR.sim" internalQualifier="SCASubsurf" external="SCBInterflow"/>
	<parameter internal="QR.sim" internalQualifier="SCASurface" external="SCBSurfaceflow"/>
	<parameter internal="SCA.sim" external="SCArea"/>
	<parameter internal="SWE.sim" external="SNVL"/>
	<parameter internal="SMI.sim" internalQualifier="SCA" external="SMI1SCB"/>
	<parameter internal="SMI.sim" internalQualifier="SFA" external="SMI1SFB"/>
	<parameter internal="BII.sim" internalQualifier="SCA" external="BII1_SCB"/>
	<parameter internal="BII.sim" internalQualifier="SFA" external="BII1_SFB"/>
	<location internal="05BJ004" external="Ssarr_05BJ004"/>

Exporting model parameters 

All parameter values that need to be influence from within FEWS using the modifier functionality will need to exported to the Hydstra adapter using the PI-XML parameter exchange file. Within FEWS these parameters may be defined as attributes to a location, the value of which is then exported to the parameters PI-XML that is subsequently read by the adapter to define the values in the TSO file. The example below shows a parameter XML file exported for a UH model where two nodes are considered; a check node and a UH Node. Note that the name of the node is identified as the group id in the Pi-XML file. This nodeId can be configured as an attribute of the location that pertains to this check node. The name of the symbol to be changed is the ID of the parameter.

No Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<parameters xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.5">
    <group id="Cn_05DB006" readonly="false">
        <parameter id="UseMeasured">
        <parameter id="UseBestValue">
    <group id="Uh_05DB006" readonly="false">
        <parameter id="Theta">
        <parameter id="TimeToPeak">
        <parameter id="Baseflow">

Defining the run-time parameters 

A very important part of the configuration is defined under the <exportRunFileActivity> element. This contains all relevant parameters that are passed to the Hydstra adapter that influence the behaviour of the run. An example of the definition is provided below. This shows example of the keywords to be specified:

  • templateTsoFile: This is the original TSO file that will be read and amended to provide the TSO file that the model is run with  (note that the real file name may be given, or a token used (e.g. $TSOFILE$ when this name is defined in the workflow definition)
  • newTsoFile: This changed TSO file will be used to run the model
  • parameterValueXmlFile: This flag is used to identify the time series that are exported that include the values of initial states or of model parameters conveyed as time series. This flag identifies the name of the PI-XML file to which these time series should all be written. This means these will not be converted to TSF formatted files.
  • outputDir: The directory where the adapter expects Hydtsa two write all outputs (both fomatted as TSF and TXT files). All files in this directory will be converted to PI-XML for possible import into FEWS.
  • locationNameOnly: This is a boolean flag to indicate when reading the TSF files that only whole file name (without extension) is considered as the location name. When set to false, the file name will be parsed to a location identifier and a parameter identifier, with the underscore as separator.
No Format
		<string key="templateTsoFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%/Template/Elbow_FEWS_C.tso/>
		<string key="newTsoFile" value="%WORK_DIR%/Elbow_FEWS_C.tso/>
		<string key="parameterValueXmlFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%/InputFilesXML/Elbow_hydstra_input_statevariables.xml"/>
		<string key="outputDir" value="%ROOT_DIR%/OutputFiles"/>
		<bool key="locationNameOnly" value="true"/>

Importing model results to FEWS 

After the Hydstra model run is complete, all model results that are provided by the model are made available to FEWS for importing (the user can select which to import and which to discard on configuring the general adapter). Note that the Hydstra adapter will process all time series found in the output directory, including all TSF files and correctly formatted TXT files and convert these to PI-XML formatted files. It is important to note that in doing so, a specific logic is used to identify the time series. 

  • For TSF formatted output files which have no metadata to identify the file, the convention followed is that in the PI-XML file the location ID and parameter ID are set to 'unknown'. The qualifierID is then set to the name of the TSF file.
  • For TXT formatted output files, the column headers in the TXT files are used to specify the Parameter ID in the PI-XML file. The name of the TXT file is then used as the location ID. 

These conventions are important to be able to map the outputs read from the Hydstra model to the correct FEWS time series. An example of the ID mapping to correctly import and map these time series is shown below. 

No Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2009 sp1 ( by ICT (Stichting Deltares) -->
<idMap version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<!-- Id mapping for import data from a HYDSTRA model run - this is a TSF format which has no location/parameter. The file name is set as the qualifier -->
	<map internalLocation="05CE020" internalParameter="QR.sim" externalLocation="unknown" externalParameter="unknown" externalQualifier="Forecast_05CE020_QR"/>
	<!-- Id mapping for import data from a HYDSTRA model run - this is from a TXT format. The file name is set as the externalLocation and the column to be read as the external parameter.-->
	<map internalLocation="05CE020" internalParameter="QR.sim" internalQualifier="Output" externalLocation="RD.Cn_05CE020" externalParameter="Output"/>
	<map internalLocation="05CE020" internalParameter="QR.sim" internalQualifier="Routed" externalLocation="RD.Cn_05CE020" externalParameter="Routed"/>
	<map internalLocation="Michichi" internalParameter="PC.sim" externalLocation="RD.Precip_05CE020" externalParameter="Precip"/>
	<map internalLocation="Michichi" internalParameter="PC.sim"  internalQualifier="Forecast" externalLocation="RD.Precip_05CE020" externalParameter="PrecipForecast"/>
	<map internalLocation="Michichi" internalParameter="PC.sim.acc" externalLocation="RD.Precip_05CE020" externalParameter="Total Precip"/>

Example configuration of the General Adapter to run Hydstra adapater and model

The example below provides a complete configuration of the general adapter.

No Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2019 rel. 3 sp1 (x64) ( by Nathalie Brunet (Service AB - Office of the Corporate CIO) -->
<generalAdapterRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
				<stateLocations type="file">
						<startDate unit="day" multiplier="$COLDSTATETIME$"/>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-30" end="$ENDTIME$"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated forecasting</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep id="day_MST"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$" endOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$" endOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated forecasting</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$" endOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated forecasting</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" end="$ENDTIME$" endOverrulable="true"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
				<description>Export TSO file to TSO Template directory</description>
					<string key="templateTsoFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%/Template/$TSOFILE$"/>
					<string key="newTsoFile" value="%WORK_DIR%/$TSOFILE$"/>
					<string key="parameterValueXmlFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%/InputFilesXML/Elbow_hydstra_input_statevariables.xml"/>
					<string key="outputDir" value="%ROOT_DIR%/OutputFiles"/>
					<bool key="locationNameOnly" value="true"/>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
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						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
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						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
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						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
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						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
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						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
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						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>