Versions Compared


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Figure 1: Illustration of interaction between Data Interface Module (DiM) and Data Conversion Module (DCM).

Binaries / installation

For FEWS versions 2018 and earlier The DCM had a separate bin folder and its own patches and was using the installed Java runtime version 1.8 (or earlier) These can still be requested through FEWS Support.

Starting with FEWS release 2019.02 rather then distributing a separate bin folder (which would need to include Java 11 runtime files) the choice was made to include DCM in the main FEWS distribution. The code of the data conversion module is now part of the main Delft_FEWS.jar and is run using the Delft-FEWSc.exe executable. The deliverable package for DCM that can be requested through FEWs support now contains a standalone configuration to use as a template for you project and a startup script ( / DataConversion.bat) that you can use to start the DCM.

To install the DCM, the procedure is pretty much like any FEWS installation, the main difference difference is that after installing a base-build, you request from the same branch the data conversion package, with the file name dataconversion-stable-NNNN, (where NNNN.NN is the FEWS version number) and unzip this as your region home folder. Then finally you get the latest FEWS patch for the given branch, however instead of putting the patch in the  region home folder you need to put it in the main DCM folder and rename it to patch.jar.


File structure of DCM after installation

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Figure 2: Overview of directory structure after installation of the DCM.

After installation of the DCM your system will contain the following files (see Figure 2): 

  • bin bin                               Directory containing the FEWS distribution (2019.02 or newer)
  • patch.jar                          Directory containing a subset of the Delft-FEWS jars. latest patch file for this FEWS distribution
  • DataConversion_SA     FEWS Region Home directory for the DCM (contains the XML-configuration files)jre7                                Java Runtime Environment
  • DataConversion.bat bat       Script file needed to run DCM on a Windows machine
  •       Script file needed to run DCM on a Linux machinelcp.bat                            Helper file for DataConversion.bat 

This is the complete set of files needed to run the DCM, the FEWS . In the directory DataConversion_SA one can find all configuration files of the DCM (see Figure 3). The DCM configuration is based upon the Delft-FEWS configuration; this implies that its configuration is distributed over several configuration files. All configuration files are written in XML format.


  • regionpath=<name or path> : Name of region directory containing all configuration files (DataConversion_SA). If the region directory is not located in the same directory as the script then a path is required.
  • configfile=<name or path>    : Name of the DCM configuration file (here we use the dataconversion.xml). If the DCM configuration file is not located in the root of the region directory then a path is required.
  • workflowid=<identifier>         : Identifier of workflow that is to be run. This argument is required when the 'configfile' is not provided. Can be comma separated array of workflow ids.
  • importpath=<path>               importpath=<path>                : Path to folder containing import files. The value of this argument will overrule global property IMPORT_FOLDER_ROOT. It is therefore necessary that this property is configured in the file. Furthermore this argument only works in   combination with 'workflowid' argument.
  • exportpath=<path>               <path>                 : Path to where export files will be written. The value of this argument will overrule global property EXPORT_FOLDER_ROOT. It is therefore necessary that this property is configured in the file. Furthermore this argument only works in combination with 'workflowid' argument.
  • systemtime=<timestamp>     <timestamp>       : Timestamp value (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ) to be used as System Time when running workflows. (note: Z for non-GMT time zones needs to be replaced by the timezone offset, i.e. +1000 for CET)
  • binpath=<name or path>      path>        : Path to the directory containing the Delft-FEWS binaries (bin). This argument is configured in the script files.clearonstart=<true or false> : Option to turn off deletion of local datastore on startup. default is truefiles.
  • clearonstart=<true or false>    : Option to turn off deletion of local datastore on startup. default is true.
  • compact=<true or false>         : Option to compact the datastore on startup using a 'rolling barrel' algorithm. default is false. 
  • loglevel=<error, warn, info or debug> : option to set the log level, default is info. You can set it to 'debug' for troubleshooting, 'warn' or even 'error' to filter out non-critical information.

Figure  14: Screenshot of the command prompt when running the DCM on a Windows machine.
