Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
No Format
package nl.wldelft.timeseriesparsers;

packageimport nl.wldelft.util.FastDateFormat;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseriesparsersProperties;
import nl.wldelft.util.TextUtils;
import nl.wldelft.util.TimeZoneUtils;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.DefaultTimeSeriesHeader;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.TimeSeriesContentHandler;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.MapArrayList;
 * @autor pelgrim
 * @author ekkelenk
 * Date: 8/9/13
 * Time: 9:35 AM
 * Import of content reviewer.
public class AifsMLTimeSeriesParser implements XmlParser<TimeSeriesContentHandler> {
    private TimeSeriesContentHandler contentHandler = null;
    private XMLStreamReader reader = null;
    private DefaultTimeSeriesHeader header = null;
    //Use for all
    private String title = null;
    private String identifier = null;
    private String sequenceNumber = null;
    public void parse(XMLStreamReader reader, String virtualFileName, TimeSeriesContentHandler contentHandler) throws Exception {
        this.reader = reader;
        this.contentHandler = contentHandler;
        header = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT, null, null);
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "product"import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;

 * @autor pelgrim
 * @author ekkelenk
 * Date: 8/9/13
 * Time: 9:35 AM
 * Import the warnings from the AifsML format
public class AifsMLTimeSeriesParser implements XmlParser<TimeSeriesContentHandler> {

    private final static Map<String, String[]> PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS = new HashMap<>();

    // Property keys
    public static final String WARNING_NEXT_ISSUE = "Warning_Next_Issue";    
    public static final String PREDICTION_LEVEL_TYPE = "Prediction_Level_Type";
    public static final String WARNING_LIKELIHOOD = "Warning_Likelihood";
    public static final String HYDROGRAPH_TYPE = "Hydrograph_Type";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_TYPE = "Target_Time_Type";
    public static final String PART_DAY_VALUE = "Part_Day_Value";
    public static final String PREDICTION_LEVEL = "Prediction_Level";
    public static final String WARNING_PREDICTION_TEXT = "Warning_Prediction_Text";
    public static final String WARNING_TIME_ZONE = "Warning_Timezone";
    public static final String WARNING_AREA_TYPE = "river-basin";
    public static final String WARNING_ID = "Warning_Id";

    // target time types
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_TYPE_DATE_TIME = "DateTime";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_TYPE_DAY = "Day";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_TYPE_PART_DAY = "PartDay";

    // target time values
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_OVERNIGHT = "Overnight";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_NIGHT = "Night";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE = "Late";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EVENING = "Evening";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY_EVENING = "Early Evening";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE_EVENING = "Late Evening";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE_AFTERNOON = "Late Afternoon";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_AFTERNOON = "Afternoon";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY_AFTERNOON = "Early Afternoon";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE_MORNING = "Late Morning";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_MORNING = "Morning";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY = "Early";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY_MORNING = "Early Morning";
    public static final String TARGET_TIME_VALUE_DAY = "Day";

    private final static String dateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss";
    private final static String dateFormatStringWithTimeZone = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'";
    public static final String WARNING_SEQUENCE = "Warning_Sequence";
    private static FastDateFormat dateFormat = null;

    static {
         // The time ranges of the different par day values in HH:mm:ss format
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY_MORNING, new String[]{"00:00:00", "06:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY,  new String[] {"00:00:00", "08:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_MORNING, new String[] {"00:00:00", "12:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE_MORNING, new String[] {"09:00:00", "12:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY_AFTERNOON, new String[] {"12:00:00", "15:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_AFTERNOON, new String[]{"12:00:00", "18:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE_AFTERNOON, new String[] {"15:00:00", "18:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EARLY_EVENING, new String[] { "18:00:00", "21:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_EVENING, new String[] {"18:00:00", "24:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE_EVENING, new String[]{"21:00:00", "24:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_LATE, new String[] {"18:00:00", "24:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_NIGHT, new String[] {"18:00:00", "24:00:00"});
        PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.put(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_DAY, new String[] {"00:00:00", "24:00:00"});

    private static final String HYFS_MARKER = "[HYFS]";
    private TimeSeriesContentHandler contentHandler = null;
    private XMLStreamReader reader = null;
    private DefaultTimeSeriesHeader header = null;

    private String warningTitle = null;
    private String warningNextIssue = null;    
    private String productIdentifier = null;
    private String externalForecastTime = null;
    private String warningSequence=null; // Warning sequence should be used by all area locations.
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AifsMLTimeSeriesParser.class);

    public void parse(XMLStreamReader reader, String virtualFileName, TimeSeriesContentHandler contentHandler) throws Exception {
        this.reader = reader;
        this.contentHandler = contentHandler;
        header = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT, null, null);
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "product");

        if (!XmlStreamReaderUtils.goTo(reader, "warning")) {
            // There has to be a warning element.
            throw new IOException("Input file doesn't contain a warning element: " + virtualFileName);
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "warning");
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "warning-info");


    private void clearFieldsFromPreviousParse() {
        warningTitle = null;
        warningNextIssue = null;
        productIdentifier = null;
        externalForecastTime = null;

     * Retrieve the identifier from the source element
     * @throws XMLStreamException;
    private void parseIdentifier() throws XMLStreamException {
        XmlStreamReaderUtils.goTo(reader, "identifier");
        if (TextUtils.equals(reader.getLocalName(), "identifier")) {
            this.productIdentifier = reader.getElementText();

    private void parseExternalForecastTime() throws XMLStreamException {
        XmlStreamReaderUtils.goTo(reader, "issue-time-utc");
        if (TextUtils.equals(reader.getLocalName(), "issue-time-utc")) {
            this.externalForecastTime = reader.getElementText();

     * filter the warning sequence and warning title text attributes from the text elements.
     * they will be used for all areas.
     * @throws XMLStreamException
    private void parseWarningInfo() throws XMLStreamException {
        do {
            if (!XmlStreamReaderUtils.goTo(reader, "text", "warning-info")) {
                // no more text areas, return.
            if (this.warningTitle == null || warningNextIssue == null) {
                String type = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "type");
                if (TextUtils.equals("warning_title", type)) {
                    this.warningTitle = reader.getElementText();
                if (TextUtils.equals("warning_next_issue", type)) {
                    this.warningNextIssue = reader.getElementText();
            if (this.warningTitle != null && this.warningNextIssue != null) {
                // we're finished with the text elements, skip to the areas
        } while (reader.hasNext());

     * Retrieve the locationId from the area element(s) and call separate method to parse forecast data
     * @throws XMLStreamException;
    private void parseWarningAreas() throws XMLStreamException {
        // parse all areas inside a warning element.
        warningSequence = null; // Warning sequence should be used by all area locations.
        do {
            if (!XmlStreamReaderUtils.goTo(reader, "area", "warning")) {
                // alle area's have been processed or an end tag warning has been found.
            String locationId = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "aac");
            String areaType = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "type");
            // an area can have more that one fore-cast periods.
            parseForecastData(locationId, areaType);
        } while (reader.hasNext());

     * helper class to store forecast data per area.
    private static class ForecastData {
        private Properties.Builder propertiesBuilder = new Properties.Builder();
        private String parameter = null;
        private String value = null;
        private String localTime = null;
        private String comment = null;
        private Long timeRangeTime = null;
        private Long timeRangeStart = null;
        private Long timeRangeEnd = null;
        private String valueRangeStart = null;
        private String valueRangeEnd = null;

     * This method skips elements until a start element with the corresponding local name is found and returns true,
     * If an end tag with name endName is found, return false.
     * Otherwise returns false
     * Warning: if the element is not found and the end tag is not found, the reader is skipped until the end of the document
     * @param reader    the xml reader
     * @param localName local name to look for
     * @param endName   local name of end tag to find.
     * @return boolean return true if localName cannot be found or the endName end tag has been found.
     * @throws XMLStreamException
    private static boolean goTo(XMLStreamReader reader, Set<String> localNameSet, String endName) throws XMLStreamException {
        do {
            if (!reader.hasNext()) return false;
            if (reader.isEndElement() && TextUtils.equals(reader.getLocalName(), endName)) return false;
        } while (!reader.isStartElement() || !localNameSet.contains(reader.getLocalName()) );
        return true;

     * Retrieve the variable, value, unit, time and comment from the forecast data element(s)
     * Retrieve comment text from forecast text element
     * return true if more forecast periods are available
     * @throws XMLStreamException;
    private void parseForecastData(String locationId, String areaType) throws XMLStreamException {
        // not every area has a forecast-period. Try to find the next forecast-period,
        // but stop if not found, or an end-tag area has been found.
        Set<String> forecastPeriodSubElements = new HashSet<>();
        // We're interested in text end element sub elements inside the forecast period.
        boolean isRiverBasin = WARNING_AREA_TYPE.equals(areaType);
        List<ForecastData> forecastDataList = new ArrayList<>();
        String warningPrediction = null; // There is only one warningPrediction per area.
        while (XmlStreamReaderUtils.goTo(reader, "forecast-period", "area")) {
            String predictionLevelValue = null;
            String commentText = null;
            String predictionLowerValueString = null;
            String predictionUpperValueString = null;
            String time = null;
            String targetTimeType = null;
            String partDayValueString = null;
            Properties.Builder propertiesBuilder = new Properties.Builder();

            // inside the forecast-period we need to  process the text elements first.
            do {
                // process all elements until we reach the end tag forecast-period.
                if (!goTo(reader, forecastPeriodSubElements, "forecast-period")) {
                    // break so we can write this forecast as a timeseries.
                String elementName = reader.getLocalName();
                String type = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "type");

                if (isRiverBasin && TextUtils.equals("element", elementName) && TextUtils.equals("warning_sequence", type)) warningSequence = reader.getElementText();

                if (TextUtils.equals("text", elementName) && TextUtils.equals("warning_prediction", type)) warningPrediction = reader.getElementText();

                if (TextUtils.equals("text", elementName) && TextUtils.equals("river_level_prediction", type) ) {
                    String riverLevelPredictionText = reader.getElementText();
                    int index = riverLevelPredictionText.indexOf(HYFS_MARKER);
                    if (index != -1) {
                        String levelPredictionPart = riverLevelPredictionText.substring(0, index);
                        //noinspection StringConcatenationMissingWhitespace
                        String fieldSeparatorRiverLevelPrediction = "\\[FFWDEL" +
                        String[] splits = levelPredictionPart.split(fieldSeparatorRiverLevelPrediction);
                        if (splits.length > 0 && splits[0] != null && !splits[0].isEmpty()) {
                            propertiesBuilder.addString(PREDICTION_LEVEL_TYPE, splits[0].trim());
                        if (splits.length > 2 && splits[2] != null) {
                            if (!splits[2].isEmpty() && !"##".equals(splits[2])) {
                                try {
                                    predictionLowerValueString = splits[2];
                                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                    predictionLowerValueString = null;
                        if (splits.length > 3 && splits[3] != null) {
                            if (!splits[3].isEmpty() && !"##".equals(splits[3])) {
                                try {
                                    predictionUpperValueString = splits[3];
                                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                    predictionUpperValueString = null;
                        if (splits.length >4 && splits[4] != null && !splits[4].isEmpty()) {
                            propertiesBuilder.addString(PREDICTION_LEVEL, splits[4].trim());
                        String valueComment = riverLevelPredictionText.substring(index + HYFS_MARKER.length());
                        int split = valueComment.indexOf(",");
                        if (split != -1) {
                            predictionLevelValue = valueComment.substring(0, split);
                            commentText = valueComment.substring(split + 1);
                            try {
                            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                log.warn("Import.Warn: Unparsable prediction level value in river_level_prediction: " + predictionLevelValue);
                                predictionLevelValue = null;
                            if (warningPrediction != null) {
                                propertiesBuilder.addString(WARNING_PREDICTION_TEXT, warningPrediction.trim());
                        if (productIdentifier != null) {
                            propertiesBuilder.addString(WARNING_ID, productIdentifier);
                } else if (TextUtils.equals("text", elementName) && TextUtils.equals("hydrograph_type", type)) {
                    String hydroGraphType = reader.getElementText();
                    propertiesBuilder.addString(HYDROGRAPH_TYPE, hydroGraphType);
                } else if (TextUtils.equals("element", elementName) && TextUtils.equals("warning_likelihood", type)) {
                    String warningLikelihood = reader.getElementText();
                    propertiesBuilder.addString(WARNING_LIKELIHOOD, warningLikelihood);
                } else if (TextUtils.equals("element", elementName) && TextUtils.equals("time", type)) {
                    String timeString = reader.getElementText();
                    int index = timeString.indexOf(HYFS_MARKER);
                    if (index != -1) {
                        String timeStringSeparator = "\\[FFWDELIM]";
                        String timeStringPart = timeString.substring(0, index);
                        String[] splits = timeStringPart.split(timeStringSeparator);
                        if (splits.length > 0 && splits[0] != null && !splits[0].isEmpty()) {
                            propertiesBuilder.addString(TARGET_TIME_TYPE, splits[0]);
                            targetTimeType = splits[0];
                        if (targetTimeType != null && targetTimeType.equals("PartDay") && splits.length > 4 && splits[4] != null && !splits[4].isEmpty()) {
                            propertiesBuilder.addString(PART_DAY_VALUE, splits[4]);
                            partDayValueString = splits[4];
                        time = timeString.substring(index + HYFS_MARKER.length());
                    // we found a river_level_prediction.
                    if (time != null && predictionLevelValue != null) {
                        if (warningSequence != null) propertiesBuilder.addString(WARNING_SEQUENCE, warningSequence);
                        if (validWarningNextIssue(warningNextIssue)) propertiesBuilder.addString(WARNING_NEXT_ISSUE, warningNextIssue);
                       propertiesBuilder.addString(WARNING_TIME_ZONE, time.substring(19));
                        List<Long> timeRange = getTimeRange(time, targetTimeType, partDayValueString);
                        ForecastData forecastData = new ForecastData();
                        forecastData.comment = commentText;
                        forecastData.localTime = time;
                        forecastData.timeRangeTime = timeRange == null ? null : timeRange.get(0);
                        forecastData.timeRangeStart = timeRange == null ? null : timeRange.get(1);
              //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
 forecastData.timeRangeEnd = timeRange == null ? null: readertimeRange.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "amoc");
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "source")forecastData.valueRangeStart =predictionLowerValueString == null ? predictionLevelValue : predictionLowerValueString;
                reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "warning")forecastData.valueRangeEnd = predictionUpperValueString == null ? predictionLevelValue: predictionUpperValueString;
        reader.require(XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT, null, "warning-info");
      forecastData.value = parseWarningInfo()predictionLevelValue;
    forecastData.parameter * filter the warning sequence and warning title text attributes from the text elements.
= "prediction";
                 * they will be used for all areas.forecastData.propertiesBuilder = propertiesBuilder;
     * @throws XMLStreamException
     private void parseWarningInfoforecastDataList.add(forecastData);
 throws XMLStreamException {
        do {
    if (!goTo("text")) {
      // no more text areas, return.
 } while (reader.hasNext());
            // return;
All events have been collected
    writeTimeSerie(locationId, forecastDataList);
       // we}
 only need the sequence}

 number and the title.
private boolean validWarningNextIssue(String s) {
        if (this.sequenceNumbers == null) || this.title == null) {
return false;
        if ("This is a final warning, no further warnings will be Stringissued typefor =this readerevent.".getAttributeValue(null, "type")equals(s)) return false;
                if (TextUtils.equals("warning_sequence", type)) {return true;

    private static List<Long> determineOvernightRange(String time, int beforeNight, int afterNight) {
        long this.sequenceNumberrawTimeZoneOffset = reader.getElementText()TimeZoneUtils.parseRawTimeZoneOffset(time.substring(19));
        long date = parseTime(TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZone(rawTimeZoneOffset), dateFormatString, time);
   } else if (TextUtils.equals("warning_title_text", type)) {     Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
            this.title = reader.getElementText(cal.setTimeInMillis(date);
        Date currentDate       }= cal.getTime();
        int hour   }= cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
   if (this.sequenceNumber != null && this.title != null) { cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
       // we'reboolean finishedbeforeMidnight with= thehour text<= elements,24 skip&& tohour the> areas12;
        Date beforeDate;
         goTo("area")Date afterDate;
        if (beforeMidnight) {
      cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, beforeNight);
        }beforeDate while= (readercal.hasNextgetTime());
     * Retrieve the identifier from the source elementcal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
     * @throws, afterNight);
       privateafterDate void= parseIdentifiercal.getTime();
   throws XMLStreamException {
   } else {
        if (TextUtilscal.equalsset(reader.getLocalName(), "identifier")) {Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, afterNight);
            this.identifierafterDate = readercal.getElementTextgetTime();
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
   // only identifier inside the source tag. Jump to warning.
        goTo("warning"cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, beforeNight);
    beforeDate * Retrieve the locationId from the forecast element(s) and call separate method to parse forecast data
     *= cal.getTime();
        if (currentDate.before(beforeDate)) {
     * @throws;
    private void parseAreas() throws XMLStreamException {
        do {
            if (!goTo("area")) {
    log.warn("Import.Warn: Overnight was configured but event time is not inside the overnight range of " + beforeNight + ".00-" + afterNight + ".00. The event time '" + currentDate + "' is before " + beforeDate);
            return null;
    if (currentDate.after(afterDate)) {
      String    locationId = readerlog.getAttributeValuewarn(null, "aac");
        } while (reader.hasNext());
     * helper class to store forecast data.
    private static class ForecastData {
 "Import.Warn: Overnight was configured but event time is not inside the overnight range of " + beforeNight + ".00-" + afterNight + ".00. The event time '" + currentDate + "' is after " + afterDate);
            return null;
       private StringList<Long> parameterresult = new nullArrayList<>();
        private String value = null;
    private String unit = null result.add(afterDate.getTime());
        privatereturn result;
 String localTime = null;}

    public static List<Long> getTimeRange(Date privatetime, String commenttargetTimeType, = null;
    }String partDayValueString) {
    DateFormat *fmt Retrieve the variable, value, unit, time and comment from the forecast data element(s)
= FastDateFormat.getInstance(dateFormatString, TimeZoneUtils.GMT, Locale.getDefault(), null);
        String timeString = fmt.format(time);
      * Retrieve comment text from forecast text element
     * @throws;
    private void parseForecastData(String locationId) throws XMLStreamException   timeString += "+00:00";
        return getTimeRange(timeString, targetTimeType, partDayValueString);


        public static List<Long> getTimeRange(String time, String targetTimeType, String partDayValueString) {
        // not every area has a forecast-period.if (TARGET_TIME_TYPE_DATE_TIME.equals(targetTimeType)) return null; // no range
        if (!goTo("forecast-period"TARGET_TIME_TYPE_DAY.equals(targetTimeType)) {
  return timeRangeByHours(time, PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.get(TARGET_TIME_VALUE_DAY));          return;
  //if (TARGET_TIME_TYPE_DAY.equals(targetTimeType)) return   null; // get the start-time-utcno range
        String externalForecastTime = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "start-time-utc");if (TARGET_TIME_TYPE_PART_DAY.equals(targetTimeType)) {
        // the sequences are split over different elements. We have to merge them. We'll use a sequence map with String[].
if (TARGET_TIME_VALUE_OVERNIGHT.equals(partDayValueString)) {
                return determineOvernightRange(time,  Map<String, ForecastData> forecastSequenceMap = new LinkedHashMap();
18, 6);
 do {
          return  if (!goTo("element")) breaktimeRangeByHours(time, PART_OF_DAY_MAPPINGS.get(partDayValueString));
    String   sequence =return reader.getAttributeValue(null, "sequence");

    ForecastDataprivate forecastDatastatic =List<Long> forecastSequenceMap.get(sequence);
    timeRangeByHours(String time, String[] range) {
        if (forecastDatarange == null) return {null;
        List<Long> ranges = new ArrayList<>();
        forecastDatalong =rawTimeZoneOffset new ForecastData()= TimeZoneUtils.parseRawTimeZoneOffset(time.substring(19));
        long date       forecastSequenceMap.put(sequence, forecastData= parseTime(TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZone(rawTimeZoneOffset), dateFormatString, time);
        //  Replace the }
hour part of the date: 2016-10-05T12:00:00+11:00
        String typetimeRangeStart = readertime.getAttributeValuesubstring(null0, "type");
    11) + range[0] + time.substring(13,19);
        String unitstimeRangeEnd = readertime.getAttributeValuesubstring(null0, "units");
    11) + range[1] + time.substring(13, 19);
        //long 0dateStart = parameterparseTime(TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZone(rawTimeZoneOffset), dateFormatString, 1timeRangeStart);
 = value   2 = unit long 3dateEnd = local time   4 comment
parseTime(TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZone(rawTimeZoneOffset), dateFormatString, timeRangeEnd);
       if (TextUtilsranges.equals("prediction", type)) {add(dateStart);
        // time-local will be set from the prediction element. See comment in [FEWS-11311]
      return ranges;

    private static long parseTime(TimeZone timeZone, String pattern, String dateTime) {

          String timeLocal = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "time-local");
   if (timeZone == null)
            throw String valuenew IllegalArgumentException("timeZone = reader.getElementText(= null");
        if (pattern == null)
     forecastData.parameter = "prediction";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("pattern == null");
        forecastData.localTimeif (TextUtils.trimToNull(dateTime) = timeLocal;= null) {
            return Long.MIN_VALUE;
   forecastData.comment = value;
       } elsedateFormat if= (TextUtils.equals("value", type)) {FastDateFormat.getInstance(pattern, timeZone, Locale.US, dateFormat);
        long res;
       forecastData.value = reader.getElementText();try {
            res =   forecastData.unit = unitsdateFormat.parseToMillis(dateTime);
        } catch (Exception e) }{
           } whilereturn (reader.hasNext())Long.MIN_VALUE;
        //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection}
        header.setForecastTime(TimeZoneUtils.GMT, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", externalForecastTime)return res;

     * Write a //time Theserie forecastheader sequenceand mapit's containsevents abased stringon arraythe withforecastData.
 the following elements:
  * @param locationId location of the //timeserie
 0 = parameter, 1 =* value@param externalForecastTime forecast 2time.
 = unit  3 =* local@param timeforecastCollection collection of 4forecast commentevents.
    forprivate void writeTimeSerie(ForecastDataString forecastDatalocationId, : forecastSequenceMap.values()Collection<ForecastData> forecastCollection) {
        //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    contentHandler.setComment(identifier + " #" + sequenceNumber + ": " + title + '\n' + forecastData.comment);
 header.setForecastTime(TimeZoneUtils.GMT, dateFormatStringWithTimeZone, this.externalForecastTime);

        for (ForecastData forecastData  header.setParameterId(forecastData.parameter);
: forecastCollection) {
            long rawTimeZoneOffset = contentHandlerTimeZoneUtils.setValueparseRawTimeZoneOffset('.', forecastData.valueforecastData.localTime.substring(19));
            String sequenceText  header.setUnit(forecastData.unit)= "";
            longif rawTimeZoneOffset(warningSequence = TimeZoneUtils.parseRawTimeZoneOffset(forecastData.localTime.substring(forecastData.localTime.length() - 6));!= null && !warningSequence.isEmpty()) //noinspection StringConcatenationInLoop
            contentHandler.setTime(TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZone(rawTimeZoneOffset), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", forecastData.localTime.substring(0, forecastData.localTime.length() - 6));
 sequenceText += " (ws " + warningSequence + ")";            contentHandler.applyCurrentFields();  
     * This method skips elements until a start element with the corresponding local name is found and returns true, if not returns false
contentHandler.setComment(productIdentifier + sequenceText + ": " + warningTitle + ' '+ '\n' + forecastData.comment);
           * Warning: if the element is not found the reader is skipped until the end of the document header.setParameterId(forecastData.parameter);
            contentHandler.setValueAndRange('.', forecastData.value, forecastData.valueRangeStart, forecastData.valueRangeEnd);
     * @param localName
     * @return boolean
if (forecastData.timeRangeTime != null) {
        * @throws XMLStreamException
    private boolean goTo(String localName) throws XMLStreamException {
 contentHandler.setTimeAndRange(forecastData.timeRangeTime, forecastData.timeRangeStart, forecastData.timeRangeEnd);
            } doelse {
            if (!reader.hasNext()) return false;    contentHandler.setTime(TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZone(rawTimeZoneOffset), dateFormatString, forecastData.localTime.substring(0, 19));
        } while (!reader.isStartElement() || !TextUtils.equals(reader.getLocalName(), localName))contentHandler.applyCurrentFields();
        return true;}