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This page briefly describes the Delft3D model adapter for Delft-FEWS when using a NetCDF run file as input. For how to use a delft3dModel adapter xml file as input, please refer to the page Delft3D adapter.




String indicating the type of Delft3D module to use. Can be "FLOW", "FLOW_FM", "WAQ", "ECO", "WAVE" or "PART". The module can also be specified as a runtime argument for the pre and post adapter, in which case it is not required in the netcdf run file. If the module is both present as a runtime argument and as a property in the netcdf run file, then the runtime argument overrules the property in the netcdf run file.



String used to identify the template input file. The runId is used by the pre-adapter to determine which input files to scan for placeholder keywords. Relevant input files for each Delft3D module are listed below.



Template directory relative to rootDir. Directory containing the template files. These files are copied to the workDir by the model adapter prior to running a simulation. For each module only the files that correspond to that module and can contain keywords are copied from the template directory to the work directory. All other files (i.e. files that are not template files at all) should be present in the work directory in advance, as these files will not be copied over.



Prefix of the state file filename. This is only used for WAVE pre-adapter and WAVE post-adapter. The WAVE pre-adapter only processes state files that start with this prefix. This option is only used if state handling is switched on.



Both Delft3D-FLOW and Delft3D-WAQ require the name of a grid file:

  • Delft3D-FLOW requires the name of the file (*.grd) that defines the grid for the meteorological data. It is written in the header of the file with air pressure and so on.
  • Delft3D-WAQ requires the name of the LGRID and CCO files, so that the segment function files can be written properly. This information is needed by the post-adapter as well, in order to export the results on a grid.



Can be "old" (same behaviour as when not configured), "new", "CURVILINEAR" (same behaviour as for "new"). Control the format of the meteo and other field files.



Can be "true" or "false", default is false. Merges all output timeseries to one output XML file if true.



Can be "true" or "false", default is false. If true, then all *.dep files (morphology files) in the stateInput folder and subfolders thereof are copied to the workDir by the pre-adapter. This option is only used if state handling is switched on.


(only required for module FLOW_FM)

The input restart file for Delft3D always has to be called "tri-rst.<run_id>.rst" where <run_id> is the value of the run_id property. The input restart file for FLOW_FM always has to be called "tri-rst.<run_id><restart_netcdf_file_subscript>" where <run_id> is the value of the run_id property and <restart_netcdf_file_subscript> is the value of the restart_netcdf_file_subscript property. Usually restart_netcdf_file_subscript = "". This option is only used if state handling is switched on.



Can be null. This is only used for FLOW pre-adapter and WAQ pre-adapter. This is ignored if there are multiple state files (from other modules) for online-coupled modules and/or domain decomposition. This option is only used if state handling is switched on.



Can be "true" or "false", default is false.


Pathname of netcdf file with input spectra data that should be converted. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the workDir specified in the netcdf run file. This only works if the module property is set to "WAVE". Multiple spectra files can be specified by seperating them with a semicolon, only use a semicolon between spectra files and not at the end. For example: <string key="input_spectra_file_to_convert" value="%ROOT_DIR%/workDir/; %ROOT_DIR%/workDir/; %ROOT_DIR%/workDir/"/>


(optional)Overrules the default (WGS84) geodatum for writing and reading spectra locations, used by the Delft3D-WAVE adapter. For example: <string key="overruling_geodatum" value="Rijks Driehoekstelsel"/>


Template files



<runid>.mdf <runid>.bcc, .bct, .dis, ...

Master definition file. Various attribute files.


<runid>.inp couplnef.inp

Main input file, the only file that is supposed to contain keywords for this module. Input file for the coupling program.



Like WAQ.






see MD - DFLOWFM model adapter
