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To perform a number of operations according to the Toolbox selected from the Toolbox tab in the Top Menu.  For For all the supported models this the startup toolbox is the quick mode of the model maker and . For Delft3D-WAVE also the possibility to combine several sources of bathymetry is implemented.


To add a description to the communication file (MDW file eg.) to describe the purpose of the present model.


Delft3D-WAVE can be use uncoupled (stand-alone) or coupled (offline and online). When choosing the coupled option the user needs to specify the MDF-file of the specific the corresponding Delft3D-FLOW model. Another possibility is the online with Dashboard Flow option. This option will automatically result between in a coupling between FLOW and WAVE, a commonly used feature.

GridsThe data group Grids contains the following sub-data groups in the Working Space: Grids, Bathymetry, Spectral resolution, and Nesting. All the tabs are always visible. 
  • Grids: One or more spatial grids on which SWAN solves the wave action balance equation.
  • Bathymetry: The bathymetry of the area to be modeled
  • Spectral resolution: The boundaries and resolution of the directional and frequency space, which SWAN uses to perform the computations
  • Nesting: When two or more computational grids are defined, you have to define which grid is nested in which. This means the possiblity possibility of a rougher and finer Delft3D-WAVE grid. Coupling with FLOW is defined in the data group Hydrodynamics.

Time Frame

Defines the computational mode (stationary or non-stationary) and the time points for the WAVE computation.


To define the boundaries, their location, type and other parameters describing them. It is possible to vary conditions in space and orientation. The wave spectrum can be created based on a parametric relation or via the usage of a sp2 file.

ObstaclesDefines obstacles in the Delft3D-WAVE simulation. There are two possibilities: sheet & dam. The user can simply click in the Delft Dashboard in order to specify the area where an obstacle is needed. Double click to finalize the line. There is also the possibility to copy the locations of the thin dams from FLOW.

Physical Parameters

To select or specify a number of parameters related to the physical conditions of the model area. The data Group Physical parameters contains the following sub-data groups in the Working Space: Constants, Wind, Processes, Various. All the tabs are always visible. 

  • Constants: to define values for: “Gravity”, “Water Density”, North axis, minimum depth, wave set-up, convection (nautical or Cartesian) and options for wave forces.
  • Wind: to add a wind field or apply a uniform wind speed and direction. A wind field is be saved as a .wnd file.
  • Processes: to define a whole number of processes. SWAN can run in several modes, indicating the level of parameterization. Default The default is the 3rd generation which supports depth-induced wave breaking, LTA (non-Linear Triad interActions), bottom friction and diffraction. More information about these processes can be found in the Delf3D-WAVE manual.
  • Various: several processes can be activated like wind growth, quadruplets and white capping, refraction and a frequency shift.

Numerical Parameters

To specify parameters related to the spectral space and the accuracy criteria.


To select or specify output there a number are a number of possibilities. The data Group Output contains the following sub-data groups in the Working Space: General, Grids, Locations, Curves and Debug. All the tabs are always visible. 

  • General: x
  • Grids: x
  • enables options related to hot start, verfication of input files and output for a FLOW grid.
  • Grids: gives the user the possibility to write output for the computational grid(s) used.
  • Locations: it is also possible to specify locations by clicking on the map. At the right side of the window, the user can define what output (table, 1D spectra, 2D spectra) needs to be presented.Locations: x
  • Curves: not yet implemented in Dashboard
  • Debug: x
  • this feature is used for debugging options.