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The 9th International Meuse Symposium 


took place on Tuesday, September 12th, 2023, in Liège (Belgium).



organized the 9th edition of the International Meuse Symposium together with the “Samenwerkingsverband Schone Maaswaterketen” to broaden the topics towards water quality – which has been mentioned by the participants earlier. Samenwerkingsverband Schone Maaswaterketen (partners for clean Meuse water chain, focuses in particular on organic micropollutants - medicines and industrial chemicals. 

For this year’s edition we look for presentations on the following topics:


Water quantity


Water quality

Conference venue: 

Université de Liège, Galerie des Arts (B7b), Sart-Tilman Campus: Location of Petits Amphithéâtres - Galerie des Arts, building B7b

The conference venue is reachable by bus (bus lines 28, 41, 48, 58, 158 and E20) from the bus stop “Gare des Guillemins” (central station) in Liège.

Bus stops:

  • SART-TILMAN Amphithéâtres
  • SART-TILMAN Chimie (amphis)
  • SART-TILMAN Physique 

Invitation and programme

(updated September 8th, 2023)

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Introductory talks

Jeroen Aerts (VU Amsterdam)

Assessing the dynamic feedbacks between the water system and society

View file
name2023-Aerts-IntlMeuseSympLiege v7.pdf

Susanne Schmeier (IHE Delft)

International cooperation for water quantity and quality

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Parallel programme A: Water quantity and Transport

General session 

Chair: Benjamin Dewals (Université de Liège)

Bernhard Becker (Deltares, RWTH Aachen University)

The Meuse – a European river / an introduction to hydrology, models, water usage and international collaboration

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Aurore Degré (Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech)

Hydrological modelling of three subcatchements of the Vesdre river - scenarios on forest, peatland and agricultural land management

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Christophe Dessers (Université de Liège)

Modular hydrological modelling of the Vesdre and Amblève catchments

General session 

Chair: Roy Frings (Rijkswaterstaat)

Anaïs Couasnon (Deltares)

Estimation of discharge extremes in the Meuse basin - Application of a high-resolution stochastic weather generator and a distributed hydrological model

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Alexander van Braeckel (INBO)

The integrated dynamic ecological expert model ECODYN to evaluate restoration and climate scenarios along the Common Meuse

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Felix Steudtner (RWTH Aachen University)

Numerical simulation of the Vicht basin

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Chair: Remko Uijlenhoet (TU Delft)

Sebastian Hartgring (TU Delft, Deltares)

Hindcasting the 2021 flood event for the Rur river

View file
name2023-09-12 Meuse symposium - Sebastian Hartgring - Rur hindcast.pdf

Eva Vonden (RWTH Aachen University)

Transboundary flood damage survey: design and preliminary outcomes

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Daniela Rodriguez Castro (Université de Liège)

Flood losses in the residential sector in the Vesdre valley: classification and modelling


Chair: Jeroen Aerts (VU Amsterdam)

Nienke Kramer (Deltares)   

Relation between Maas and Rhine discharge and water quality problems related to drinking water preparation

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Utashi Ciraane Docile (Université de Liège)   

Influence of low flow conditions on the salmon downstream migration in Liège

Patrick Willems (KU Leuven)

Water availability along the Albert Canal in relation to the Meuse discharge

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Parallel programme B: Getting grip on organic micropollutants in the Meuse Basin


Monitoring of organic micropollutants - considerations for selecting which pollutants to focus on and working towards action perspectives


Weather extremes: floods and droughts

Pol Magermans (Université de Liège)

PegOpera, a software suite developed by ULiege to assess the quality of surface water. Application to the Meuse transnational watershed

View file
name2023-09-12 Meuse Symp - Pol Magermans Pegase Modelling of Meuse.pdf

Wim van der Hulst (Waterschap Aa en Maas)

Monitoring on micropollutants, treating urban wastewater on pollutants

View file
namemonitoring for pacas Oijen Meuse conference 12 sept 2023.pdf

Interactive session 'Effective cooperation on dealing with indirect discharges and locating these types of sources of pollution


Climate adaptation

Roel Kwanten (Rijkswaterstaat)

Indirect discharges

View file
nameIMS-SMWK-4 Indirect discharges (Roel Kwanten) 12-sep-2023.pdf

Hotspot analysis WWTP

Interactive session 'Data collection and sharing on water quality, sources of pollution, permits and improvements


Water usage and stakeholders

Hans van der Eem (Welldra)

Atlas for a clean Meuse

View file
nameIMS-SMWK-5 Collecting and sharing information (Hans van der Eem) 12-sep-2023.pdf

Interactive session 'Dealing with the EU directive on urban wastewater

The registration form is already open:

9th International Meuse Symposium – Water quantity and water quality (


Maurice Franssen (Waterschap Limburg) and Roel Kwanten (Rijkswaterstaat)

Implications Urban Wastewater Directive

View file
nameIMS-SMWK-6 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 2024 (Roel Kwanten) 12-sep-2023.pdf