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We have a hydrodynamic flow model, which has been built with Sobek 2.12, of the fluvial system around Zwolle. The model has been completely set up, except for the Boundary condition at one of the tributaries, at Boxbergen, and the roughness of both main tributaries. We also have a time series of water level measurements at the entrance of the channels which flow across the center of Zwolle. Using this information, build a script to automatically calibrate the model. Image Added
The workflow of this tutorial has been divided into the following steps:

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Opdracht SOBEK DSD 2014.pdfOpdracht SOBEK DSD 2014.pdfscrollbar \\ {code:title=Sobek scripting example|linenumbers=true|language=python} #region Import libs # python libs from SobekWorkshopHelperFunctions import * # .Net libs from System import DateTime, Double from System.Collections.Generic import List # DeltaShell libs from SharpMap import Map from DelftTools.Shell.Core.Workflow import ActivityRunner from DeltaShell.Plugins.SharpMapGis.ImportExport import CsvFunctionExporter from DeltaShell.Plugins.DelftModels.WaterFlowModel.DataObjects import WaterFlowModel1DBoundaryNodeDataType #endregion rootPath = "D:\\scripting\\" # Import of csv (station data) CsvPath = rootPath + "waterflow_at_6_Measured.csv" measuredTimeSeries = ImportCsvTimeSeries(CsvPath, "Time", "Value" ,"dd-M-yyyy H:mm:ss") measuredTimeSeries.Components[0].Name = "Measured time series" ModelPath = rootPath + "SW_max.lit\\2\\" # Read hisfile waterlevel time series hisTimeSeries = GetHisFileTimeSeriesForLocation(ModelPath + "calcpnt.his", "6") # Import SOBEK 2.13 model (Maas) model = ImportSobek2Model(ModelPath + "NETWORK.TP",False,True,False,False) waterFlowModel = GetItemByName(model.Models, "water flow 1d") waterFlowModel.Network.CoordinateSystem = Map.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateFromEPSG(28992) #RD new # Run model ActivityRunner.RunActivity(waterFlowModel) # Get timeseries at calculation point P_1128 calculationPoint = GetItemByName(waterFlowModel.NetworkDiscretization.Locations.Values, "6") timeSeriesBase = waterFlowModel.OutputWaterLevel.GetTimeSeries(calculationPoint) timeSeriesBase.Components[0].Name = "Base time series" # Create time series list containing all timeseries to compare timeSeriesToCompare = List[TimeSeries]() timeSeriesToCompare.Add(measuredTimeSeries) timeSeriesToCompare.Add(hisTimeSeries) timeSeriesToCompare.Add(timeSeriesBase) # Run loop with changing boundary data boundary = GetItemByName(waterFlowModel.BoundaryConditions, "Hancate - Q :0 m^3/s") boundary.DataType = WaterFlowModel1DBoundaryNodeDataType.FlowConstant for i in range(1,4): # 1, 2, 3 boundary.Flow = 30.0 * i ActivityRunner.RunActivity(waterFlowModel) timeSeries = waterFlowModel.OutputWaterLevel.GetTimeSeries(calculationPoint) timeSeries.Components[0].Name = "Case " + str(i) + " : N_001 flow " + str(boundary.Flow) timeSeriesToCompare.Add(timeSeries) # show in chart Gui.DocumentViewsResolver.OpenViewForData(timeSeriesToCompare) # export time series to csv exporter = CsvFunctionExporter() index = 0 for ts in timeSeriesToCompare: exporter.Export(ts, rootPath + "waterflow_at_6_" + str(index) + ".csv") index += 1 {code}