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: Import data from an OPeNDAP server directly into Delft-FEWS


Import data from an OPeNDAP server directly into Delft-FEWS

Where to Use?

This can be used for importing data into the Delft-FEWS system.

Why to Use?

The advantage of importing data directly from an OPeNDAP server, as opposed to importing local files, is that the files do not have to be stored locally. Furthermore if only part of a file is needed, then only that part will be downloaded instead of the entire file. This can save a lot of network bandwidth (i.e. time) for large data files.


The data to import needs to be available on an OPeNDAP server that is accessible by the Delft-FEWS system.


The imported data will be stored in the Delft-FEWS dataStore.

Available since:

Delft-FEWS version 2011.02


Table of Contents


Data can be imported into Delft-FEWS directly from an OPeNDAP server. This can be done using the Import Module. The following import types currently support import using OPeNDAP:

import type



Use this for importing grid time series that are stored in NetCDF format


Use this for importing scalar time series that are stored in NetCDF format


Use this for importing profile time series that are stored in NetCDF format

GRIB1Imports grid time series data from grib1 format used by meteorological institutes.

Imports grid time series data from grib2 format used by meteorological institutes.

To instruct the import to use OPeNDAP instead of importing local files, specify a server URL instead of a local import folder. Below is an example import configuration with a serverUrl element.


Import data from a single file

To import data from a single file on an OPeNDAP server, the correct URL needs to be configured in the serverUrl element. To get the correct URL for a single file:

    1. Use a browser to browse to a data file on an OPeNDAP server, e.g.
    2. Copy the URL that is listed on the page after the keyword "Data URL:", e.g.
    3. Paste this URL in the serverUrl element in the import configuration file.

Delft-FEWS version 2022.01 and later are also  able to import compressed datasets with extension bz2 from the serverUrl

Import data from a catalog

Instead of specifying the URL of a single file on an OPeNDAP server, it is also possible to specify the URL of a catalog. The files on an OPeNDAP server are usually grouped in folders and for each folder there is a catalog file available. The catalog usually contains a list of files and subfolders, but can also refer to other catalog files. If the URL of a catalog file is specified for the import, then all files that are listed in the catalog will be imported. Other catalogs that are

To filter the catalog for a specific period, a fileNameObservationDateTimePattern should be specified in combination with a relative or absolute period to import. Note that specifying the fileNameObservationDateTimePattern also causes the parser to use the observation date as indicated by the filename instead of the meta data that may or may not be included in the file content.

If the URL of a catalog file is specified for the import without configuring the fileNameObservationDateTimePattern element, then all files that are listed in the catalog will be parsed, and only the content that falls within the specified absolute or relative period will be imported in the database, which can be very inefficient. Other catalogs that are listed in the specified catalog are also imported recursively.

A catalog file is usually called catalog.xml. The URL of a catalog file can be obtained in the following way.

For a THREDDS opendap server:

First browse to a folder on the server. Then copy the current URL from the address line and replace ".html" at the end of the url by ".xml".

For a HYRAX opendap server:

First browse to a folder on the server. Then click on the link "THREDDS Catalog XML" on the bottom of the page. Then copy the current URL from the address line.

For example to import data from the folder use the catalog URL in the import configuration. For example:

Code Block
		<startDateTime date="2007-07-01" time="00:00:00"/>
		<endDateTime date="2008-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>


The variable_identification_method property can have the following values:




All external parameter ids are matched to the standard_name attributes of the variables in the NetCDF file to find the required variable(s) to import.


All external parameter ids are matched to the long_name attributes of the variables in the NetCDF file to find the required variable(s) to import.


All external parameter ids are matched to the names of the variables in the NetCDF file to find the required variable(s) to import.

If the variable_identification_method property is not present, then variable_name is used by default. The variable_identification_method property currently only works for the import types NETCDF-CF_GRID, NETCDF-CF_TIMESERIES and NETCDF-CF_PROFILE.



Importing data for a subgrid currently only works for regular grids from CF compliant NetCDF files using the NETCDF-CF_GRID import type as in the above example.

For NetCDF grids that are not fully compliant with the CF conventions, the NetcdfGridDataset import type can be used, which requires that the complete grid extent is imported.


Code Block
		<startDateTime date="2007-07-01" time="00:00:00"/>
		<endDateTime date="2008-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>


To import the certificate file into the truststore use e.g. the following command on the command line:an Operator Client or Stand Alone and press F12.

If it needs to be done via the command line, use the following command

No Format
 GD:\java\jre6jdk11\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -alias aliasName -keystore GD:\FEWS\client.truststore -storepass d3lftf3wsdummy_password -file fileName 

where fileName is the pathname of the certificate file, aliasName is the alias to use for the certificate, G:\java\jre6\bin\keytool.exe is the pathname of the Java keytool.exe file (depends on your Java installation) and G:\FEWS is the path of the Delft-FEWS region home directory (depends on your Delft-FEWS installation). If the file client.truststore does not exist, then the above command will create it. After entering this command, the keytool will display details of the server certificate, type 'yes' to trust the certificate. If the above procedure was successful, then the keytool will display "Certificate was added to keystore". The truststore file called "client.truststore" in the Delft-FEWS region home directory is automatically read each time when Delft-FEWS starts, so Delft-FEWS may need to be restarted after the certificate has been added.

In the above command d3lftf3ws is the default password for the client.truststore file. By default Delft-FEWS expects the truststore to have this default password. If another password is used for the truststore, then that password the above command dummy_password needs to be replaced with the default password (obtainable via Delft-FEWS Support) or this password must be set as the value of the java system property "". This is needed so that Delft-FEWS is able to get the password to access the truststore.

See also: ClientConfig XML File for Operator Client and Forecasting Shell Servers - 2018.02 - 2021.01#08RootConfigurationFilesforOperatorClientandForecastingShellServers-truststore 

Known issues

Export of data
