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Climate and Weather




Climate and Weather




Weather UndergroundWorldWeather conditions world wide (measurements). Note: Includes unvalidated personal weather stations.
KNMI Data CentreNetherlandsThe KNMI Data Centre (KDC) provides access to weather, climate and seismological datasets of KNMI. 
Copernicus climateWorld, EuropeThe Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) will combine observations of the climate system with the latest science to develop authoritative, quality-assured information about the past, current and future states of the climate in Europe and worldwide. Note: service is development / pre-operational
Copernicus atmosphereWorld, EuropeThe Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides data on the composition of the atmosphere and solar radiation.
Climatic Research Unit (CRU)WorldPast climate history and climate change.
MERRA - NASAWorldMERRA is a NASA reanalysis for the satellite era using a major new version of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System Version 5 (GEOS-5). The Project focuses on historical analyses of the hydrological cycle on a broad range of weather and climate time scales and places the NASA EOS suite of observations in a climate context.
ECMWFWorldThe European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is an independent intergovernmental organisation supported by 34 states. Provides forecasts, climate reanalysis and atmospheric composition.
Met Office - Hadley CentreWorldResearchers at the Met Office Hadley Centre produce and maintain a range of gridded datasets of meteorological variables for use in climate monitoring and climate modelling. This site provides access to these datasets for bona fide scientific research and personal usage only.
IPCC Data CentreWorldThe DDC provides climate, socio-economic and environmental data, both from the past and also in scenarios projected into the future.
NCAR/UCARWorldContains a large collection of meteorological and oceanographic observations, operational and reanalysis model outputs, and remote sensing datasets.
earth2observeWorldContains hydrometeorological data of 10 global hydrological models including forcing data for a period of 34 year. Also includes a large amount of EO data including soil moisture, precipitation etc. The data is also mirrored at the p-disk at: p:\earth2observe_data






ASTER and SRTM dataWorldPortal for downloading ASTER and SRTM Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. Free data, but registration required.
AHN1 and AHN2NetherlandsInstructions and links to download and visualize the detailed Dutch digital elevation model.
ALOS World 3DWorldGlobal DEM with a 5 m resolution created by the Japanese Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS); unfortunately, not for free.

ALOS World 3D - 30m

WorldGlobal DEM with a 30 m pixel resolution and 5m vertical accuracy created by the Japanese Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS); fortunately, it is free.
Copernicus LandWorld, EuropeIncludes digital elevation model of Europe and various 'land' data geospatial datasets.
Viewfinderpanoramas dem3World

Void filled and 'cleaned-up' global elevation data based on SRTM; particular improvements in some mountain regions

MERIT DEMWorldThe MERIT DEM was developed by removing multiple error components (absolute bias, stripe noise, speckle noise, and tree height bias) from the existing spaceborne DEMs (SRTM3 v2.1 and AW3D-30m v1). It represents the terrain elevations at a 3sec resolution (~90m at the equator), and covers land areas between 90N-60S, referenced to EGM96 geoid.


Satellite Imagery




NASA Worldview EarthdataWorldFast and user friendly satellite web application that allows you to interactively browse global satellite imagery within hours of it being acquired.
SatellietdataportaalNetherlandsSatellite data from various instruments of multiple satellites, free registration required.
Earth ExplorerWorldMultiple global satellite datasets, from multiple instruments (e.g. MODIS, Landsat, ASTER, SRTM). Free registration required.
Earth EngineWorld

Google Earth Engine brings satellite imagery online with tools to mine this data to detect changes, map trends and quantify differences on the Earth's surface

Sentinel Data HubWorldThe Sentinel Data Hub is a web based system designed to provide EO data users with distributed mirror archives and bulk dissemination capabilities for the Sentinels products.
Sentinel Data Access Service (SEDAS)WorldUseful Sentinel data portal by UK Space Agency. Registration required.
LSA SAFWorldThe scope of Land Surface Analysis Satellite Applications Facility (LSA SAF) is to increase benefit from EUMETSAT Satellites (MSG and EPS) data related to: Land,  Land-Atmosphere interaction and Biospheric Applications. The LSA SAF performs:  R&D Programs and Operational Activities (Generation of land surface products, Archiving long time series and Dissemination to users)
Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System - NOAAWorld

The Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) is an electronic library of NOAA environmental data. This web site provides capabilities for finding and obtaining those data.

CLASS is NOAA's premiere on-line facility for the distribution of NOAA and US Department of Defense (DoD) Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) data, NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data, and derived data.

Landsat-8 tile selector WorldLibra is a browser for open Landsat 8 satellite imagery. Use it to browse, filter, sort, and download images.
Satellite imagery - vitoWorldA product distribution portal containing various types of satellite imagery: free satellite imagery, commecial satellite imagery, derived products and APEX.
TRMM near-real time satellite based rainfallWorldftp server with near-real time satellite based rainfall.
GSMaP research and NRT products (MVK+ known to perform excellent over the Zambezi in Southern Africa) WorldUsers can download surface rainfall products of the GSMaP Standard (post-processing, 1998-2006) version here!
GRACE TellusWorldGRACE TELLUS provides user-friendly Level-3 data grids of monthly surface mass changes, with most geophysical corrections applied, to analyze changes in the mass of the Earth's hydrologic, cryospheric, and oceanographic components.

This website allows visitors to perform basic data analysis on publicly available Level-2 GRACE data. Computations are performed in real-time, producing downloadable maps or time series.






EMODnet Central PortalEuropeEMODnet: European Marine Observation and Data network. This is the central web page containing all EMODnet portals. The portal categories are: bathymetry, geology, seabed habitats, chemistry, biology, physics, human activities, and coastal mapping.
EMODnet Bathymetry ViewerEuropeA web viewer application to EMODnet bathymetry data.
EMODnet BathymetryEuropeEMODnet: European Marine Observation and Data network. Bathymetry, coastlines, and geographical location of underwater features: wrecks.
EMODnet GeologyEuropeSeabed substrate, sea-floor geology, coastal behaviour, geological events and probabilities, and minerals.
EMODnet SeabedEuropeModelled seabed habitats based on seabed substrate, energy , biological zone, and salinity.
EMODnet ChemistryEuropeThe concentrations of chemicals (pesticides, heavy metals, antifoulants) in water, sediments and biota.
EMODnet BiologyEuropeTemporal and spatial distribution of species abundance and biomass from several taxa.
EMODnet PhysicsEuropeSalinity, temperature, waves, currents, sea-level, light attenuation, and FerryBoxes.
EMODnet Human Act.EuropeThe intensity and spatial extent of human activities at sea
US Ocean DataUnited StatesThe place to search for data on US marine, coastal, and Great Lakes environments.
MATROOS North SeaMATROOS (Multifunctional Access Tool foR Operational Oceandata Services): recent and historical model and monitoring data relevant to storm surge forecasts
SeaDataNetEuropeSeaDataNet infrastructure links oceanographic data centres and marine data centres from 35 countries riparian to all European seas. 
OBISWorldOBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) allows users to search marine species datasets from all of the world's oceans.
NDBCWorldNDBC (National Data Buoy Center): get wave measurements for model input & calibration
CoastdatNorth Seawind, wave, current and water level data of the North Sea (hindcast database)
ICESWorldICES Oceanographic
CMEMSWorldCopernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS)
Marine Geoscience Data SystemWorldThe Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) provides a suite of tools and services to marine geoscience research data acquired throughout global oceans and continental margins
Informatiehuis MarienNetherlandsThere's a lot of background data to find information about the different projects and reports. The basic data of some of these projects are now gradually unlocked through this viewer of the IHM. This first step is opened up a selection of the basic data of wind projects and Environmental compensation Maasvlakte. In the future, data from other projects and parties will be available on this site. However, the data remain at the source !!! All basic data are provided with a link in this is to see where the basic data are and who is the administrator.
Schelde MonitorNetherlands-BelgiumScheldeMonitor is a Flemish-Dutch information portal for research and monitoring in the Scheldt estuary and offers an overview of the research landscape and an extensive literature collection. On top of that, it also includes measurement information and data products from various data sources.
Cefas Data HubUnited KingdomCefas is a world leader in marine science and research. In support of our commitment to open data access and open science, we have information on 1972 data holdings, with 5499 data sets available for download.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)WorldAgainst a backdrop of global change and for the benefit of society, our objective is to develop and apply world-leading, integrated marine science towards the sustainable future of the ocean.






OneGeology PortalWorld

OneGeology is an international initiative of the geological surveys of the world to create a dynamic digital geological map data for the world.

DINO OndergrondmodellenNetherlandsThe 'DINOloket Ondergrondmodellen' contains a viewer where you can visualize and access data from the DGM, REGIS and GeoTOP geological models.
DINO OndergrondgegevensNetherlandsContains an extensive collection of soil and groundwater samples.
EarthChemWorldThis web site gives you access to data systems and services for geochemical, geochronological, and petrological data.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United StatesNCEI is responsible for hosting and providing access to one of the most significant archives on Earth, with comprehensive oceanic, atmospheric, and geophysical data. From the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun and from million-year-old sediment records to near real-time satellite images, NCEI is the Nation's leading authority for environmental information.
Soil GridsWorldSoilGrids is an automated system for global soil mapping based on the machine learning and global soil profile data collections. All predictions are based on fitting global spatial prediction models (per variable). For more info see the SoilGrids home page.


General (national or regional) Data Portals




Nationaal GeoregisterNetherlands

Dutch national spatial data catalogue

NEDData HubNetherlandsDutch open data portal, including historical data. KingdomUK national data portal
Data.govUnited StatesUS national data portal
gob.esSpainES national data portal
ign.esSpainSpanish national geographic data portal. Includes high resolution DEMs.
INSPIRE GeoportalEurope INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) contains European spatial data that may have an impact on the environment.
European Environment AgencyEuropeLarge collection of European environmental datasets
Atlas LeefomgevingNetherlandsContains maps with information over health aspects of the (Dutch) environment
Atlas Natuurlijk KapitaalNetherlandsMaps with information about the services that the natural environment delivers, such as forest, food, energy sources.

Extensive list of Open Data Portals, containing e.g. census/demographics, climate, health, education, commerce, agriculture/food portals.

Environmental Information Platform

WorldDataportal of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Includes WATCH Forcing data.
European Data PortalEurope

The European Data Portal harvests metadata of Public Sector Information available on public data portals across European countries.

SWITCH-ONEuropeSWITCH-ON (Sharing Water-related Information to Tackle Changes in the Hydrosphere for Operational Needs) explores the potential of Open Data for water security and management.
re3data.orgWorldre3data is a global registry that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines
Rijkswaterstaat GeodataNetherlands

Direct download of many important Dutch geodatasets, such as Top10, (vaar)wegen, AHN, DTB, coastal maps, vegetation.

Rijkswaterstaat GeoWeb CatalogusNetherlandsA variety of (Dutch) national and regional based geological maps.
Water Kwaliteits PortaalNetherlandsThe Water Quality Portal (WKP) collects, manages and onsluit data for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and makes it possible to present a consistent image of the Dutch water quality. In addition, their surface water quality data administrators each year as part of the National Water Quality Survey in the Import WKP.
Fresh Water MetadataEuropeInformation on existing freshwater datasets is indispensable for ensuring its discovery and (re)use, e.g. in large scale analyses. The metadatabase on freshwater related datasets was built as part of the EU BioFresh project to centralise such information and provide free and universal access to it
Watergegevens RWSNetherlandsProjected and historical measurement data on water quality and water quantity. These can be viewed on a map, and then displays them in a table or graph. You can also save the data or printing.
The measured data on water quality going back up to 15 years. The measured data on water quantity go up to 28 days back. Expectations go up to 2 days ahead.
Water Info RWS WaterhoogteNetherlandsOverview of the water levels in the Netherlands measured by Rijkswaterstaat. You can view the history and predicted water levels at a given point by clicking on this measuring point.
Flusshydroligischer Webdienst - Bundesanstalt für GewässerkundeGermanyThe FLYS system is an instrument of the BfG (Germany) for processing model results against the background of measurement data. The tool interpolates between the results, visualizes and interprets together with further information and so compiles the appropriate sections: Measurement and model, federal and district data, historical and current, geodetic, hydrological and morphological data. 
United States Geological SurveyUnited StatesThe types of data collected are varied, but generally fit into the broad categories of surface water and groundwater. Surface-water data, such as gage height (stage) and streamflow (discharge), are collected at major rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Groundwater data, such as water level, are collected at wells and springs.
River GagesUnited StatesThe data contained herein is preliminary in nature and therefore subject to change. The data is for general information purposes ONLY and SHALL NOT be used in technical applications such as, but not limited to, studies or designs. All critical data should be obtained from and verified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The United States Government assumes no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the data contained herein and any use of such data inconsistent with this disclaimer shall be solely at the risk of the user.
U.S. Geological SurveyUnited StatesReal-time or near real-time data and information on current conditions and earth observations about water, remote sensing and landsat, volcanoes, and landslides.
Geo Dataportaal van Provincie LimburgNetherlands (Regional)This Geo Data Portal provides the necessary current geographic files in a user-friendly, future-oriented, open form available to particular other authorities, water boards and engineering firms. These files can be edited and processed in their own GIS environment.
Nederlands Hydrologisch Instrumentarium (NHI)NetherlandsDutch Hydrological Instrumentation (NHI) is the toolbox of software and data for the development of groundwater and surface models on a national and regional scale. Within NHI will work towards open data and software. This portal has begun with the opening of data and data NHI can be viewed and downloaded.
Geoweb RijkswaterstaatNetherlandsGeoWeb is a Web GIS with geo-information multiple, distributed sources quickly and be easily combined. Thereby GeoWeb is used to transparently and accessible manner geo-information to draw a wider audience available.
Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart (PDOK)NetherlandsPDOK enables users to access digital geographical data via official PDOK webservices. About 250 web services (aimed at digital mapping) are available to the general public, private companies, organisations and the public sector. The use of PDOK is for free. This website explains how to use PDOK products and services. Belgium Geopunt is de centrale toegangspoort tot geografische overheidsinformatie. Het geoportaal maakt geografische informatie toegankelijk voor overheidsinstanties, burgers, organisaties en bedrijven. 
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Geospatial Open Data

United States

Supporting the agency's vision of creating strong community partnerships, safeguarding Florida's natural resources and enhancing its ecosystems. Includes spacial and raster datasets, tables, and documents.
