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definition of threshold values for all locations and data types

schema location






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Table of Contents

Complementary to the definition of the types of thresholds identified, the values of the thresholds are defined in the ThresholdValueSets configuration (ThresholdValueSets.xml on a local filesystem). The configuration of this is similar to the validation rules. Several thresholds may be defined per time series. For each time series to be tested, a set of thresholds is defined.

Thresholds may be defined to initiate an action by the Master Controller when applied in a live forecasting system. Actions are taken in response to a log event code. To identify which threshold crossing for which locations will initiate an actions (e.g. enhanced forecasting), an event code can be defined in the ThresholdValueSet. When the threshold is crossed the event code is generated.

When available on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring the ThresholdValueSets is for example:

ThresholdValueSets 1.00 default.xml

ThresholdValueSets                   Fixed file name for the ThresholdValueSets configuration

1.00                                            Version number

default                                       Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

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Figure 39 Elements of the ThresholdValueSets configuration.


Root element for defining a set of thresholds. For each time series or time series set for which a threshold event is to be tested new element is required.


A thresholdValueSet is build up out of:

  • The values and what type each value is
  • (Optional) Stage/Discharge conversions
  • The timeSeriesSet a thresholdValueSet is associated with OR (since 2024.02) the timeSeries filter a thresholdValueSet is associated with

Thresholds can be used for display purposes in the graphs, spatial display, icons in the map or in reports. It is also possible to have messages logged when thresholds are crossed.

What are the different value types?

There are 3 types of thresholdValues:

  • levelThresholdValues
  • rateThresholdValues
  • maxThresholdValues (also known as peakThresholdValues)

levelThresholdValues are compared with single values from a timeSeries. It is crossed if a timeSeries value is bigger and the previous timeSeries value is smaller then the levelThresholdValue. i.a.w. the first time a timeSeries value is bigger. This means that the values in the timeSeries will first have to become smaller then the levelThresholdValues before it can be crossed again. Even tho the name "level" is asociated with water levels, it can be used for any parameter type (i.e. temperature, rainfall, wind).

rateThresholdValues are compared with a rate of change. To calculate this, each value in a timeSeries is matched with a value in the future that is exactly "timespan" away. The threshold is crossed if the difference between these two values is greater then the rateThresholdValue.

maxThresholdValues are compared with single values from a timeSeries. But only peak values are considered. A peak value has a previous and next value that are both lower. The threshold is crossed if a peak value is above the maxThresholdValue. If two crossings are within the timeSpan, only the first crossing will actually occur.

TimeSeriesSet Association

ThresholdValues are associated with all timeSeriesSets that are defined in the same thresholdValueSetSequence (With some extra associations for Stage/Discharge conversions). When the unit of the threshold values do not correspond with the internal unit, the unit element can be used to define the unit of the threshold values.

When configuring thresholdValueSets, make sure to only configure one thresholdValueSet per unique timeseriesSet. If the same timeseriesSet is used in a second thresholdValueSets, the FEWS code will ignore this second thresholdValueSet. When the FEWS system is started, an ERROR message will be logged when there are multiple thresholdValueSets configured for the same timeseriesSet.

TimeSeries Association

Since 2024.02, ThresholdValues can also be associated with timeSeries that are defined in the same thresholdValueSetSequence. The timeSeries act as a filter to determine which timeSeriesSets the thresholdValueSet is associated with. This is particularly handy to associate a thresholdValueSet with all timeSeriesSet for a parameter group. Note that the valueType always has to be specified and be either scalar or sample. For example:

Code Block
<thresholdValueSet id="id" name="Threshold value set with time series filter">

One thresholdValueSet can have either timeSeries or timeSeriesSets defined in its configuration, not both. This option is not yet implemented for all types of thresholdValueSets. It can be used with:

  • levelThresholdValues
  • maxThresholdValues

but it cannot be used for rateThresholdValues, stage/discharge conversions and forecastAvailableThresholdValue.

When configuring thresholdValueSets, make sure to only configure one thresholdValueSet per unique timeseriesSet, also if defined through a timeSeries. If the same timeseriesSet is used in a second thresholdValueSets, the FEWS code will ignore this second thresholdValueSet. When the FEWS system is started, an ERROR message will be logged when there are multiple thresholdValueSets configured for the same timeseriesSet.

Stage/Discharge conversions

Rating Curves are used in fews to convert between stage (water level) and discharge (water flow) values. The optional stage and discharge elements in the thresholdValueSet should only and always be used if a rating curve is used in combination with thresholds.

A timeSeriesSet is put in the stage or discharge element based on what parameter is has. So putting a timeSeriesSet in the stage element says that this timeSeriesSet has a stage parameter. Putting the thresholds in the stage element is very similar to the timeSeriesSets in that it shows that these thresholds are a stage threshold. This indirectly shows what unit the threshold values are in.

A rating curve is normally associated to a timeSeriesSet by its locationId. So when leaving out any ratingCurve related config in the thresholdValueSet, ratingCurves are searched for in this way. When a different ratingCurve is needed, it can be specified with use of the ratingCurveLocationId and ratingCurveQualifierId elements.

After all these definitions it is clear:

  • What thresholds are stage and discharge
  • What timeseries are stage and discharge
  • What ratingCurves need to be used and consequently how to convert between stage and discharge values

Now the stage thresholds will be converted to discharge thresholds and vice versa after which they are assigned to the timeSeriesSet. So the stage and converted discharge thresholds will be assigned to the timeSeriesSets that were placed in the stage element. And similarly, the discharge and converted stage thresholds will be assigned to the timeSeriesSets in the discharge element.

Threshold Module

Thresholds can be used to log messages when threshols are crossed. A predefined workflow activity must be activated in a workflow to have threshold crossings logged. 

Code Block
titleThreshold Module Activity
		<predefinedActivity>threshold event crossing</predefinedActivity>

It is common practice to use the log messages to initiate an action by the Master Controller when using thresholds in a live forecasting system; check the Event Action Mappings documentation in the system admin pages.

EventTypeIds (otherwise known as EventCodes) are used as a prefix in logging messages for the MC to identify which threshold is crossed. When threshold messages need to be logged, a special predefined threshod activity is required in the workflows.

Code Block
titleThreshold Log Messages

ThresholdValueSet Schema

The latest version of the ThresholdValueSet schema can be found on the Deltares schema site: The elements in the schema are shortly described below.

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Contains level- and/or rate- and/or max-thresholds set for a given time series



Optional description for the ThresholdValueSet. Used for reference purposes only.


Since 2016.01 #67260. Default = true.  If set to false, qualifiers are ignored when matching threshold value rule sets to time series. When set to false it is no longer possible to generate threshold events using the ThresholdCrossingModule. The explorer and time series dialog will work with this option


Since 2017.01: By default actions events for observation time series are only issued when all locations of the same ThresholdValueSet have been stood down. When it is required to issue all stand down events even though some locations are still in enhanced state the option 'standDownIndividualLocations' must be set to true. This functionality cannot be used in combination with SystemAlert triggers that are linked to enhanced forecasts. Use this functionality in combination with SystemAlert triggers that send email messages.


Since 2017.01: List of location attribute keys for which the values should be added to the action threshold log messages. If omitted no attributes will be added to the messages.


Since 2017.01: To avoid numerous rate thresholds being issued during a period of heavy rain the graceTime period can be configured. After an initial threshold crossing for a given time series no further crossings will be issued for the duration of the graceTime period. Only if the time series crosses the next threshold level, an event will be issued.


Threshold values and time series that are in units of stage.


Threshold values and time series that are in units of discharge.


If a threshold crossing event is measured for a given observed parameter, then the thresholdEventCrossing module logs whether or not there is a forecast run available for the corresponding forecast parameter, within a given relative time period. This information is used in the ThresholdSkillScoreDisplay.


Define one or more time series sets for which the threshold values in this thresholdValueSet will be used.


When specified the rating curve available at this location is used instead of the location from the time series set.


One or more qualifier ids the used rating curve should have all


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Specify when the unit given for the values is not the same as the (internally stored) unit of the parameter it applies to. When specified it is required to also specify configUnitConversionsId  configUnitConversionsId in Parameters.xml. In those this unit conversions the conversion from the specified unit to the (internal) unit should be available



Specific values for level thresholds.


Specific Definition of values for level thresholds. This contains one or more level threshold values for different aggregation periods.


Definition of Specific values for rate thresholds.


Definition of values fro peak event thresholds.


If a threshold crossing event is measured for a given observed parameter, then the thresholdEventCrossing module logs whether or not there is a forecastrun available for the corresponding forecast parameter, within a given relative time period. This information is used in the ThresholdSkillScoreDisplay


Definition of the time series set for which the thresholds are to be tested.


Convert this threshold level value to a discharge level threshold value using the ratingcurve defined here

Defining level thresholds

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Figure 40 Elements of the Level Threshold configuration of the ThresholdValueSets configuration


Id of the level threshold. This Id must refer to a threshold type defined in the Thresholds definition (see previous paragraph).


Value of the threshold.


Event code to be generated on the up-crossing of the threshold. This event code can be used to initiate for example enhanced forecasting. The event code need not be unique. Multiple threshold crossings may generate the same event code. Note that event codes will only be generated for runs which have an a-priori approved status. This is normally the scheduled forecast run.



Specific values for max thresholds.



ID of the level threshold type, as it is specified in the file thresholds


Id for the thresholds based on attribute values

Can be based on multivalued attributes


Optional description.


Optional location dependent description that is specified by a function, e.g. "@FLOOD_WATCH@", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the description is ignored for that location.


Optional comment.


Optional location dependent comment that is specified by a function, e.g. "@FLOOD_WATCH@", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the comment is ignored for that location. If a comment that has more than 50 characters specified, the comment is truncated up to 47 characters. The full comment is then shown in a tooltip.

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level threshold value


Location dependent threshold value by using a function with location attributes. eg. @FLOOD_WATCH@. When an attribute is missing for a location the threshold value is invisible/ignored for that location.


Optional label.


Optional location dependent label that is specified by a function, e.g. "@FLOOD_WATCH@", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the label is ignored for that location.


Location dependent text value that points to an id of a different location that is effected by this threshold crossing @TARGET_LOCATION_ID@. 

Can be used in threshold event display to refer to different location / time series 


One or more warnings that correspond to this threshold for the configured timeSeriesSet(s) or timeSeries. These warningAreas are e.g. used in the ThresholdOverviewDisplay threshold crossing counts tabs.


ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if a threshold value is crossed UP. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Up". The event code need not be unique.


Similar to the descriptionFunction, this is a location dependent ID of the action message that is specified by a function, "@ENHANCE_EVENT@" in which the tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the description is ignored for that location.


ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if a threshold value is crossed DOWN. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Down". The event code need not be unique.


Similar to the descriptionFunction and upActionLogEventTypeIdFunction, this is a location dependent ID of the action message that is specified by a function, "@STANDDOWN_EVENT@" in which the tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the description is ignored for that location.

Code Block
			<levelThresholdIdFunction>@ThresholdType@ @ThresholdCategory@</levelThresholdIdFunction>
			<labelFunction>@ThresholdType@ @Purpose@ @FWACode@</labelFunction>


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ID of the level threshold type, as it is specified in the file thresholds


One or more level threshold values for different aggregation periods. If this threshold value set is used for a time series without an aggregation period, then the timeStep of that time series is used as aggregation period. If a value for the aggregation period of a time series is not configured here, then these threshold values are ignored for that time series.

When the aggregationLevelThresholdValues function is used in the threshold module using the ActionEvent logging, the threshold module will only use the timestep of the original time series, it will ignore the timeSpanValue element. For rainfall threshold checking with timespan larger than the timestep of the original time series, the rateThresholdValue function must be used instead.


One or more level threshold values for different aggregation periods. If this threshold value set is used for a time series without an aggregation period, then the timeStep of that time series is used as aggregation period. If a value for the aggregation period of a time series is not configured here, then these threshold values are ignored for that time series. Here the value elements can be function expressions, e.g. "@N@ / 1000", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The expression is evaluated when the configuration is read, by replacing the tags with actual values. These values can be different for different locations. When an attribute is missing for a location the threshold value is invisible/ignored for that location.


Optional label.


Optional location dependent label that is specified by a function, e.g. "@FLOOD_WATCH@", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the label is ignored for that location.


One or more warnings that correspond to this threshold for the configured timeSeriesSet(s). These warningAreas are e.g. used in the ThresholdOverviewDisplay threshold crossing counts tabs.


ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if a threshold value is crossed UP. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Up"Event code to be generated on the down-crossing of the threshold. This event code can be used to initiate for example enhanced forecasting. The event code need not be unique. Multiple threshold crossings may generate the same event code. Note that event codes will only be generated for runs which have an a-priori approved status. This is normally the scheduled forecast run.

Defining rate thresholds

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Figure 41 Elements of the Rate Threshold configuration of the ThresholdValueSets configuration


Id of the rate threshold. This Id must refer to a threshold type defined in the Thresholds definition (see previous paragraph).


Value of the rate threshold that must be exceeded in timeSpan.


Time span to use to establish the rate.


Boolean indicator to identify thresholds in rain rates where the threshold is defined as the average rainRate over the timeSpan exceeding the threshold, and a rate in for example a level where the rate is determined as the value divided by the time span.



ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if a threshold value is crossed DOWN. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Down". The event code need not be unique.


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ID of the rate threshold type, as it is specified in the file thresholds


Value of the rate threshold. This is the change within timeSpan where timeSpan is the timeSpan configured below. Rate of change = (change within timeSpan) / timeSpan.


Location dependent threshold value by using a function with location attributes. eg. @FLOOD_WATCH@. When an attribute is missing for a location the threshold value is invisible/ignored for that location


Optional label.


Optional location dependent label that is specified by a function, e.g. "@FLOOD_WATCH@", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the label is ignored for that location.


ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if threshold value is crossed UP. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Up". The event code need not be unique.


ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if threshold value is crossed DOWN. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Down". The event code need not be unique.


This time span will be used in the computation of the rate of change. Rate of change = (change within timeSpan) / timeSpan.


If rainRate is true, then the input time series is accumulated before the rate of change is computed.


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ID of the max threshold type, as it is specified in the file thresholds


max threshold value


Location dependent threshold value by using a function with location attributes. eg. @FLOOD_WATCH@. When an attribute is missing for a location the threshold value is invisible/ignored for that location


Optional label.


Optional location dependent label that is specified by a function, e.g. "@FLOOD_WATCH@", in which tags between "@" signs refer to location attributes that are defined in the locationSets config file. The tags are replaced by actual attribute values. These attribute values can be different for different locations. If an attribute is missing for a location, then the label is ignored for that location.


ID of the action message (=additional log.message) that must be logged if threshold value is exceeded. This id has to contain a dot, because the action event is only visible to the master controller if this id contains a dot, e.g. "Threshold_Name.Max"Event code to be generated on the up-crossing of the threshold. This event code can be used to initiate for example enhanced forecasting. The event code need not be unique. Multiple threshold crossings may generate the same event code. Note that event codes will only be generated for runs which have an a-priori approved status. This is normally the scheduled forecast run.


Event code to be generated on the down-crossing of the threshold. This event code can be used to initiate for example enhanced forecasting. The event code need not be unique. Multiple threshold crossings may generate the same event code. Note that event codes will only be generated for runs which have an a-priori approved status. This is normally the scheduled forecast run.

Defining peak event thresholds

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Figure 42 Elements of the maxThreshold configuration of the ThresholdValueSets configuration


Id of the max threshold. This Id must refer to a threshold type defined in the Thresholds definition (see previous paragraph).


The value item is used here as a selection of peaks. The peak must exceed this value to be deemed significant (peaks over threshold)..


The timeSpan is used to establish independence of peaks. Peaks within timeSpan of each other are considered as being of the same event as a message will only be issued for the highest.



If two peaks fall have a distance that is less then the defined timeSpan, only the first peak will be reported.

Event Threshold Value

An event threshold value is similar to a level threshold, only it has the possibility to be based on correlation events. See 07 Correlation Module - EOL in 2023#07CorrelationModule-LocationAttributeBasedEvents 

The advantage to this is that for instance peak heights that occured through the years can be used in the correlation display as well as a threshold without storing the same information in different ways.

The <parameterIdFunction> specifies for which parameter the threshold is valid, the enabled function specifies whether the it should be included as threshold or not. This is mainly meant to filter out events needed for the correlation module that is not desired as threshold. This function is optional, when not configured the thresholds will be applied to all parameters of the timeseries associated with the threshold value set. When multiple different parameters are present in a plot in the Time Series Dialog and it is desired that the event thresholds are visible it might be needed to duplicate the attribute values for the different parameters because there will be no thresholds shown when multiple time series have thresholds which are not identical. When this duplicate configuration is undesired it might be better to remove this function.

The <enabledFunction> can refer to a boolean location attribute which specifies whether the event should be included as threshold or not. Default is false.

This functionality is specifically designed for multivalued attributes. An important requirement is that for all the functions: <valueFunction>, <labelFunction>, <parameterIdFunction> and <enabledFunction> the location should have the same amount of attribute values.

This can easily be accomplished by storing all attributes in the same multivalued attribute csv file like the example below.

Code Block
titleThreshold Value Set
<thresholdValueSet id="EventThresholds" name="EventThresholds">
      <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
      <timeStep unit="hour" divider="1" multiplier="1"/>
      <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<locationSets xmlns=""
           xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.1">
  <locationSet id="MultiValuedAttributePeakHeights">
      <geoDatum>WGS 1984</geoDatum>
         <attribute id="PEAK_HEIGHT_PAR">
         <attribute id="PEAK_HEIGHT_TIME">
         <attribute id="PEAK_HEIGHT_VALUE">
         <attribute id="PEAK_HEIGHT_ENABLED">

Code Block


is used to log the info that the related forecast run was available within a certain time window when the observed threshold has been crossed.

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since 2010.01, for NEW style rating curve types. Used when stages are specified for the threshold levels and there are discharges in (some of) the specified time series sets.


Discharge parameters for which the threshold values should be converted from stage to discharge.


since 2010.01, for NEW style rating curve types. Used when discharges are specified for the threshold levels and there are stages in (some of) the specified time series sets.


Stage parameters for which the threshold values should be converted from discharge to stage


For OLD style rating curve types. Convert the threshold levels from stage to discharge or vice versa using the rating curve defined here.


Rating curve id to use for threshold mapping.


Type of rating curve


Parameter ids of the time series sets for which the conversion should take place.

Example Configuration Files

The following example shows the configuration of a thresholdValueSet where water level time series are checked against up and down crossing events. When a threshold is crossed up or down crossing events will be logged. The optional element standDownIndividualLocations is set to True, the threshold module will then treat the up and down events for the individual locations instead of catchments or regions. All threshold values and labels are configured using location attributes, from the metadata CSV/DBF files.  

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Another example is showing the configuration for rainfall data. Different functionality is included in the thresholdValueSet shown below. The timeseriesSet is a 15 minute rainfall set for all rain gauges in a country. The rateThresholdValue element will check 24 hour accumulated rainfall totals and check these total values against a location attribute value @IFD_10Y_24h@. When this total value is crossed for a location, a log messages and event action message is logged. This event action has a grace time of 1 day, this means that if more 24 hour total values are crossed within a 24 hour period, no new event crossing messages for this location will be logged.

The aggregationLevelThresholdValues are used in the Spatial Display. When the accumulation slider computes new aggregated values, the correct thresholdvalue will be used for the aggregated time period.  

Image AddedEvent code to be generated on the threshold occurring. This event code can be used to initiate for example enhanced forecasting. The event code need not be unique. Multiple threshold crossings may generate the same event code. Note that event codes will only be generated for runs which have an a-prioriapproved status. This is normally the scheduled forecast run.