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Root configuration files define the behaviour of DELFT-FEWS on the local machine. These files are synchronised in the live system environment, nor are they available in the database. The files must be installed locally with the DELFT-FEWS system.


The clientConfig File determines if the instance of DELFT-FEWS is to run as a stand alone system, or if it is to connect to the master controllers defined below.

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Figure 158 Elements of the clientConfig configuration


Definition of the client type. Enumeration of options includes;

  • Operator Client
  • Stand Alone

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Looks something like this for an OC:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fews-master-config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
		<factory jndi="ConnectionFactory"/>
  <mc id="MC00">
		<jndicontext factory="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" provider="jnp://localhost:1099" prefixes="org.jboss.naming:org.jboss.interfaces"/>
			<root jndi="TEST/MC00/"/>
			<synch jndi="External/JMSQueue/OCIncoming" timeout="10"/>
		<messaging maxrecords="1000" maxlobdata="30000000"/>
		<processor maxlistsize="500000"/>
		<schema location="nl/wldelft/fews/master/data/synchdata/synchronisation_schema.xsd"/>
      <login timeout="10" />

The synchConfig does not normally require editting.

The only setting that may demand editting is the <login timeout="10" />, which controls the timeout for a login attempt of the OC on the MC (in seconds). (This element may be absent, in which case the timeout is 10secs)
It may be needed to extend this timeout if the JMS server is very busy (very many clients starting up and synchronising at the same time, e.g. when all the PCs for a workshop are all starting up at the same time).
Note: the xml config can only extend the time out from the default 10 secs. Settings less than 10 secs are ignored)


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To be completed
