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Since 2022.02 please use: FEWS WebServices Configuration File - since 2022.02

Here follows an explanation of these properties. All property names are case sensitive:

PropertyDescriptionExample ValueSince FEWS Version

This must be one of the filter ids from the Filters.xml file located in the RegionConfigFiles directory. Only the timeseries defined under this filter id will be visible to the FewsPiService. If this option is omitted then it is necessary to define a defaultFilterId in the filters configuration file, otherwise no timeseries will be visible to the FewsPiService.



This must be equal to the name of a flag conversion file located in the FlagConversionsFiles directory. All timeserie values have a 'flag' assigned indicating the quality of the value. However the quality values outside of FEWS can be different that the values assigned by FEWS. With this option the FEWS flags can be translated to external flags. This option can be omitted resulting in no conversion.



This must be equal to the name of a unit conversion file located in the UnitConversionsFiles directory. Each timeseries represents a parameter variable such as water height or discharge. As is the case with the flags, the FEWS unit used to define the parameter variable can differ from the external unit. With this option the FEWS units can be converted to external units. This option can be omitted resulting in no conversion



This mus be equal to the name of a id map file located in the IdMapFiles directory. Each timeseries in FEWS is represented by a combination of; location id, parameter id and 0-n qualifier ids. FEWS again uses its own id values to define locations, parameters and such. In cases where the outside world ids differ this option enables one to translate the internal FEWS ids to external ids. This option can be omitted resulting in the export of the FEWS ids.



Identical to the export option except that with this option the external units can be converted to FEWS units. This option can be omitted resulting in no conversion. If the units are unknown to FEWS then it is assumed that the values are in the same unit as the import parameter.



Identical to the export option except that with this option external id are translated to internal FEWS ids. This option can be omitted resulting in the export of the FEWS ids. If the external ids are unknown to FEWS then it will not be possible to map the timeseries and the values will be discarded.



Option to perform more strict filtering by including qualifiers into the IdMapping of the request parameters, default false.

This is applicable in case the idmapping contains internal qualifiers, while these not exist in the external parameters. Default there is only a parameter mapping, without mapping qualifiers.



Export missing value. All internal NaN values will be mapped to this value (type = float). If omitted the default value \-999 will be used.



Option to skip the export of missing values when reading timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = true/false). If omitted the default value 'true' is used.



Default time zone. If omitted, GMT-0 is used. Request parameters will also use this timezone to determine the date. 


Only read access is allowed to the FEWS Web Services methods if set to true. No create, write, update or execute functionality is allowed. Since 2018.02 readonly mode is enabled by default.



Option to return timeseries with value type SAMPLE in the getTimeSeries method. If omitted the default value 'false' is used resulting in only SCALAR value types being returned. In 2022.02 and later branches this default has changed to 'true'


 Option to specify the time in seconds between a on the fly synchronziation of archive parameters and locations. Default is 10 minutes. Since 2020.01, only for FEWS configurations without a default filter


Option to enable the testpage. Since 2021.02 the test page is disabled by default. It is also possible to pass a java property to the JVM to enable the testpage: -DTEST_PAGE_ENABLED=true


Since 2021.02 it is possible to configure the CORS headers sent by the FEWS Web Services to limit the allowed origins. This can be used to limit the domains from wich javascript web applications can access the FEWS Web Services. If not configured, by default all origins are allowed. To disable all origins, set the CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS to None: CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=None. To allow multiple origins, pass a comma separated list of domains. For example: CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=,



Id of the grid plot group which layers will be made available in the WMS service. If not configured, all layers are available. This must be one of the plotgroupids from the GridDisplay.xml (or SpatialDisplay.xml) file located in the DisplayConfigFiles directory. Only the spatial plots defined under this plotgroupid will be visible to the FewsPiService.



 URL that will be reported in the GetCapabilities response as URL to be used to request maps. Required to generate a GetCapabilities response that validatates agains the WMS xsd: which is required when integrating with some external tools.



Timeout of the cache in seconds, that is sent to the browser. default is 300 seconds (15 minutes). To disable caching, set the timeout to 0.



The maximum size of the WIDTH and HEIGHT product GetMap parameters. For 2020.01 the default is set to 10 million (The default before 2020.01 was set to 2304000, the full HD resolution of 1920x1200). N.B.: The higher this value is set, the more memory is required to generated the WMS images.



The first request to GetCapabilities might take long if a lot of grids are configured. To preload these grids on startup, the WMS_PRELOAD_CAPABILITIES can be set to true. This will make the first request to GetCapabilities fast as well.

ENABLE_PERMISSIONSIf enabled, the users and groups of Delft-FEWS are applied by the Web Service as well. Default is false.true


Only active if ENABLE_PERMISSIONS was set to true. When set, all web services requests will be performed as that user with the permissions assigned to that user in the UserGroups.xml file. fews2022.02
SSD_ALLOWED_DISPLAYGROUP_IDId of the display group that will be made available in the GetCapabilities of the SSD Service.My_Display_Group_ID2022.02




Code Block
# Optional filter id. Only the timeseries defined under this filter id will be visible to the FewsPiService
# Identifier of the flag conversion file to use when extracting timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = string).
# If omitted no flag conversion takes place
# Identifier of the unit conversion file to use when extracting timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = string).
# If omitted no unit conversion takes place
# Identifier of the id map file to use when extracting timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = string).
# If omitted no id mapping takes place
# Identifier of the unit conversion file to use when writing timeseries to the FewsPiService (type = string).
# If omitted no unit conversion takes place
# Identifier of the id map file to use when writing timeseries to the FewsPiService (type = string).
# If omitted no id mapping takes place
# Export missing value. All internal NaN values will be mapped to this value (type = float).
# If omitted the default value \-999 will be used.
# Option to skip the export of missing values when reading timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = true/false).
# If omitted the default value 'true' is used.
# Default time zone.
# If omitted, GMT-0 is used.
# Option to return timeseries with value type SAMPLE in the getTimeSeries method.
# If omittedthe default value 'false' is used resulting in only SCALAR value types being returned.
# Readonly mode can be set to true if no only read access is allowed for FEWS WebServices methods.
# When set to true no create, write, update or execute functionality is allowed.
# default set to false in 2017.02
# Since 2018.02 the default is set to true

# option to limit the grid plot groups that can be accessed by the webservice


Here follows a explanation of these properties. All property names are case sensitive:

  • FILTER_ID = This must be one of the filter ids from the Filters.xml file located in the RegionConfigFiles directory. Only the timeseries defined under this filter id will be visible to the FewsPiService. If this option is omitted then it is necessary to define a defaultFilterId in the filters configuration file, otherwise no timeseries will be visible to the FewsPiService.
  • EXPORT_FLAG_CONVERSION_ID = This must be equal to the name of a flag conversion file located in the FlagConversionsFiles directory. All timeserie values have a 'flag' assigned indicating the quality of the value. However the quality values outside of FEWS can be different that the values assigned by FEWS. With this option the FEWS flags can be translated to external flags. This option can be omitted resulting in no conversion.
  • EXPORT_UNITCONVERSION_ID = This must be equal to the name of a unit conversion file located in the UnitConversionsFiles directory. Each timeseries represents a parameter variable such as water height or discharge. As is the case with the flags, the FEWS unit used to define the parameter variable can differ from the external unit. With this option the FEWS units can be converted to external units. This option can be omitted resulting in no conversion.
  • EXPORT_IDMAP_ID = This mus be equal to the name of a id map file located in the IdMapFiles directory. Each timeseries in FEWS is represented by a combination of; location id, parameter id and 0-n qualifier ids. FEWS again uses its own id values to define locations, parameters and such. In cases where the outside world ids differ this option enables one to translate the internal FEWS ids to external ids. This option can be omitted resulting in the export of the FEWS ids.



# option to specify the time in seconds between a on the fly synchronziation of archive parameters and locations. Default is 10 minutes. Since 2020.01, only for FEWS configurations without a default filter.

# Since 2021.02 the test page is disabled by default. To enable the test page, set the property: TEST_PAGE_ENABLED=true

# Since 2021.02 it is possible to configure the CORS headers sent by the FEWS Web Services to limit the allowed origins. This can be used to limit the domains from wich javascript web applications can access the FEWS Web Services.
# If not configured, by default all origins are allowed.
# To disable all origins, set the CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS to None: CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=None
# To allow multiple origins, pass a comma separated list of domains. For example: CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=,