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Comment: Changes for FEWS-31029



Table of Contents


The forecast product information panel allows the user to create, edit and view product information associated with forecast time series. When the user views a forecast time series (simulated or external) in a Spatial Display or Time Series Dialog which has a product associated with it, the product information panel will show all product information added to the forecast being viewed. If the viewed product was created in a forecast which used other products as input, the product information panel will show this through its comment from user "System". In this case, the product information for the input products will be shown as well. The user can also turn this "automatic filtering" on product information associated with the viewed time series off, after which the forecast product information panel will show all forecast product information present in the system.

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What is a Product?


For example, a system could import an external weather forecast consisting of a precipitation and a temperature time series. Both of these series are linked to the product "NWP Medium Range". They are imported every six hours and the most recent forecast has a forecast time of "Tue 28-5-2019 00:00:00". The system then produces water level forecasts for several locations through a simulated forecast using the (most recent) precipitation time series as input. All of the water level time series are linked to a product called "HPC G2G Medium Range". While running the forecast, FEWS will record that an input product was used: "NWP Medium Range - Tue 28-5-2019 00:00:00" and store this information in the database. Now if a user views the water level time series for a certain location, the forecast product information panel will show the product information for product "HPC G2G Medium Range" relevant for the forecast time of the time series being viewed. It will also show a comment from the "System" for the "HPC G2G Medium Range" stating: "Created using NWP Medium Range - Tue 28-5-2019 00:00:00". Finally, the panel will also show all product information for "NWP Medium Range" relevant for the forecast time of "Tue 28-5-2019 00:00:00". 

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Why add a Forecast Product Information Panel?


In the forecaster notes system, users can acknowledge messages with level ERROR and FATAL from other users. Thus showing that they read and/or handled the note made by the other user. There is no similar functionality present in the forecast product information panel. Note that messages with level INFO and WARN do not have to be acknowledged.

Showing information on input used


Code Block
	<workflowDescriptor id="Water_Level_Forecast" name="Water Level Forecast" visible="true" forecast="true" allowApprove="false"/>

To have comments be shown in the grid display, make sure that a <commentPositioning> element is configured in the default of the griddisplay.xml


Since version 2022.01 a specific display config file has been introduced in order to define default settings for the product info panel.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<forecastProductInfoDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<productSelection enabled="true"/>
		<defaultForecastPeriod unit="day" multiplier="10"/>
	<confidence enabled="false">
	<classification enabled="false"/>
		<classification visibleByDefault="false"/>

columns visibility

This applies to the visibility of columns, each column can be made invisible by default.

This will be overruled if the user changes the column visibility via the right mouse show/hide columns option also introduced in 2022.01.

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These settings will be stored in the user settings, which will overrule the defaults from the config.

default settings for creating product info

in the config it is also possible to disable elements from the product creation panel, like is done with Confidence and Classification in the example below.

It is also possible to specify a default range for the forecast time, which in this case is 10 days:

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Using the Forecast Product Information

What information is shown when?


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  • when viewing product in spatial display / TSD
  • when viewing product that had input products
  • when viewing several products in a dashboard
  • when filter button is deactivated
  • when using manual filtering (double-click)

Creating Forecast Product Information


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Table columns


By default, the automatic filtering button is turned on and the Forecast Product Information Panel will show the product information relevant to the time series currently being viewed in the Spatial Display or Time Series Display. The title of the Forecast Product Information Panel will indicate which display it is using to determine the relevant product information.

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The Forecast Product Information Panel's automatic filtering can also listen to a Dashboard Display. In this case it will show all product information relevant for the time series shown in the Spatial Displays that are part of the dashboard. If several dashboard frames contain different products, this can result in product information being shown on several products.

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As mentioned in the section about Input Products, if one of the time series currently being shown used an input product when it was created, the Forecast Product Information Panel will also show product information about this input product.

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When the automatic filtering button is turned off, the Forecast Product Information Panel will display all product information present in the system.

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It is possible to filter the information in the table by double-clicking a cell. Cells on which a filter is active are indicated by a light-blue background. Double-clicking the cell again will remove the filter.

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Creating or Editing Forecast Product Information

New product information can be added using the Image Added button. When clicked, the forecast product information creation dialog is shown:

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The top part of this dialog can be used to select the forecast product the information should apply to. This includes a drop down selection of the currently visible products and an option to select the forecast times for which the information should be valid. It is possible to specify product information for a particular forecast time, or for a range of forecast times. The bottom part of the dialog contains the options to specify the product information. The user can choose a confidence and classification they would like to attach to their comment, and type a comment in the provided text box. When the OK button is clicked, the forecast product information will be created.

Created forecast product information can be edited by selecting the product information you wish to edit in the table and then using the edit button Image Added. The same dialog is shown for edits however the options to select to which product the information applies will be disabled:

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Forecast product information can also be deleted. To do so, select the product information you wish to delete in the table and press the delete button Image Added.

It is only possible to create, edit or delete product information for products that are currently being viewed through a Spatial Display, Time Series Display or Dashboard Display, even if the automatic filtering is turned off.

Table columns

The table in the Forecast Product Information Panel contains the following columns:

  • Name: the name of the product this information applies to.
  • Forecast Time: the forecast time or range of forecast times this information applies to.
  • Product Time: the time at which the product time series was added to the database. This is only available when automatic filtering is on, since without automatic filtering a product information could apply to several time series which were created at different times.
  • User: the user that created or edited the product information, or "System" if it is a system comment.
  • Modification Time: the time at which the product information was created or last edited.
  • Confidence: the confidence level set by the user when creating or editing the product information.
  • Comment: the comment entered by the user when creating or editing the product information.
  • Classification: the classification level set by the user when creating or editing the product information.

Disapproving External Forecasts

An external forecasts product for a single external forecast time can be disapproved by ticking the check box in the "Disapproved" column. This check box is only available for the system product (non comment) rows that represent an external forecast. When you disapprove an external forecast all the time series related to this product for the a single external forecast time will no longer be visible in displays and no longer used by any workflow run executed after the disapproving. It is possible to undo the disapproving to enable the forecast again. You need the configured editPermission for the product to disapprove a forecast. Additionally product info rows for disapproved forecasts between the used external forecast time and the system time are added to the panel. The event codes codes "ExternalForecast.Disapproved" and "ExternalForecast.Approved" are used in the log message on (dis)approving. The log message contains the user name, forecast time and product id.

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Showing Forecast Product Information in the Time Series Dialog


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The forecast product information applicable to the time series shown can be included in the graph in the Time Series display. If one or more rows in the product info table are selected, only the product information of the selected rows will be shown. Similarly, if the table is filtered only the product information of the visible rows will be shown in the graph. Finally, the shown comments will appear in the same order as the product information appears in the table, so the order can be changed by sorting the table.

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Showing Forecast Product Information in the Spatial Display


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The forecast product information applicable to the time series shown can be included on the map in the Spatial Display. If one or more rows in the product info table are selected, only the product information of the selected rows will be shown. Similarly, if the table is filtered only the product information of the visible rows will be shown on the map. Finally, the shown comments will appear in the same order as the product information appears in the table, so the order can be changed by sorting the table.

Image Addedalso include it will follow sorting, filtering and selection of info in panel

Exporting Forecast Product Information through the PI REST Web Service
