Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


With daily exports of observed data per area, the number of small datasets on the file system may increases quickly. This has several disadvantages as the harvesting process will take longer processing many small datasets, while the performance of seamless integration (and webservices) will also drop. Therefore, an amalgamate process is developed which merges the daily observation files into one observation file per month. Currently, this amalgamate process is executed from the Fews-application side by an FSS by using the following configuration. Specify the relativePeriod in such way that the observed datafiles are stable and are not updated anymore. E.g. use one or two months of delay

Code Block
titleexample amalgamate observations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<exportArchiveModule xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <relativePeriod unit="day" start="-62" end="-31"></relativePeriod>




GeneralAmalgamateObservedSection ComplexType





Export destination folder, assumes that the account running the FEWS (FSS) application has write access



period experiencing changed data that should be amalgamted

AmalgamateActivities ComplexType





indicator that observed data will be amalgamated



area for which amalgamation takes place


Delft-FEWS can export external forecast time series to the archive via the ArchiveExportModule (exportExternalForecast activity).
For external forecasts a dataset is generated for every area for every source for every forecast. The associated directory structure of the Delft-FEWS export for this type of dataset is as follows:
<archiveRoot>/<yyyy>/<MM>/<areaId>/<dd> /external_forecasts/<sourceId>_<ExtForecastTime>
The exportArchiveModule.xsd has a dedicated exportExternalForecast section to configure the time series that need to be archived (see Figure 4.4). Table 4.3 documents the associated elements:

Figure 4.4 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving external forecasts

Table 4.3 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving external forecasts


Delft-FEWS can export the current configuration to the archive via the ArchiveExportModule (exportConfig activity). The configuration thus is exported as part of the workflow. The associated root directory structure of the Delft-FEWS export for this type of dataset is as follows:
The date refers to the revision date of the configuration. The file name typically holds the revisionId.
The exportArchiveModule.xsd has a dedicated exportConfig section to setup the export of the Configuration (see Figure 4.6). This is due to be revised as the same relativePeriod based export mechanism should be adopted for checking what to export (see Table 4.5).

Figure 4.6 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving configurations

Table 4.5 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving a configuration


Delft-FEWS can export rating curves to the archive via the ArchiveExportModule (exportRatingCurves activity). The entire history of the rating curves is exported and the export format is PI-XML (not NetCDF!). The associated root directory structure of the Delft-FEWS export for this type of dataset is as follows FEWS-10198: update directory structure to above setup:
The configurator can choose between exporting the full set or just the rating curves that have changed, with or without modifier changes.
The exportArchiveModule.xsd has a dedicated exportRatingCurve section to setup the export of the Configuration. Table 4.6 and Figure 4.7 discuss the general section.


Figure 4.7 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving rating curves, general section

Table 4.7and Figure 4.8 discuss the activities section of for exporting rating curves.





RatingCurvesActivities ComplexType



RatingCurvesExportActivity ComplexType





without nc extension, preferably no spaces



area to which the dataset belongs



Stage increment between the rows in a rating table



Locations for which rating curves should be exported to this file


Archiving Delft-FEWS snap shots

Location of the snapshot

Snap shots of the Delft-FEWS database can be archived via the archiveExportModule (exportSnapShot activity).
For snapshots a dataset is generated and stored under the configured area at the memoment moment of workflow execution. The associated directory structure of the Delft-FEWS export for this type of dataset is as follows:
Figure 4.9 and Table 4.8 documents the associated elements in the exportSnapShot activity:.

Incremental export

Since 2019.02 the archive snapshot export is incremental. A copy of the last exported snapshot is made to use as base for the new export. The modified and new rows are copied. Rows that are no longer in the specified profile or central database are deleted from the copy. The snapshot is compacted afterwards . Whether or not a previous snapshot is used as base, the created snapshot contains the same rows and has the same size.

Table 4.8 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving database snap shots

Delft-FEWS stores the location of the last snapshot in a text file: $ARCHIVE_FOLDER$\lastExportedSnapshotPath_$AREA$.txt, If this file does not exist, Delft-FEWS will export a complete snapshot.

Table 4.8 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving database snap shots






general ComplexType





Export destination folder, assumes that the account running the FEWS (FSS) application has write access

zipExportedSnapShotbooleanPlace local datastore in zip file. Default true
The archive folder structure will be ignored and the snapshot will be written directly in the archiveFolder

ExportSnapShotActivity ComplexType





area (folder) where snapshot is archived

Figure 4.9 Delft-FEWS export configuration for archiving database snap shotsexport configuration for archiving database snap shots

Code Block
<exportArchiveModule xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
                <filter id="only time series">
                    <xmlConfig enabled="false" name="Default xml config" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <coldStates enabled="false" name="Default cold states" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <moduleDataSets enabled="false" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <mapLayers enabled="false" name="Default map layers" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <icons enabled="false" name="Default icons" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <reportTemplates enabled="false" name="Default report templates" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <reportImages enabled="false" name="Default report images" synchLevel="11"/>
                    <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Simulated" synchLevel="0" maxAge="1000" unit="week"/>
                    <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Telemetry" synchLevel="1" maxAge="1000" unit="week"/>
                    <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Manual" synchLevel="5" maxAge="1000" unit="week"/>
                    <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Astronomical and climatological" synchLevel="4" maxAge="1000" unit="week"/>
                    <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Small external forecast grids" synchLevel="6" maxAge="1000" unit="week"/>
                    <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Large external forecast grids" synchLevel="16" maxAge="10000" unit="week"/>
                    <warmStates enabled="false" name="Warm states" maxAge="10" unit="week"/>
                    <logEntries enabled="false" name="Log Entries" maxAge="1" unit="week"/>
                    <thresholdEvents enabled="false" name="Threshold Events" maxAge="1" unit="week"/>

Archiving Delft-FEWS products


An configuration example is given below.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">


An configuration example is given below.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">


An configuration example is given below

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
