package netcdfexample.reading;
import nl.wldelft.util.TextUtils;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable;
import ucar.nc2.Variable;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateUnit;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
public class NetcdfGridAdapter {
public static final String AIRPRESSURE_FORECAST = "airpressure_forecast";
public static final String LON = "lon";
public static final String LAT = "lat";
public static final String X = "x";
public static final String Y = "y";
public static final String TIME = "time";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 1)
throw new Exception("Specify only the netcdf run file as argument");
File runFile = new File(args[0]);
if (!runFile.exists())
throw new Exception("Can not find run file specified as argument " + runFile);
//Reading netcdf run file
Path runPath = runFile.getParentFile().toPath();
NetcdfDataset netcdfRunFileDataset = new NetcdfDataset(NetcdfDataset.openFile(runFile.getAbsolutePath(), null));
Variable startTimeVar = netcdfRunFileDataset.findVariable("start_time");
//Start and end time can be used for model specific settings
double startDateTime = startTimeVar.readScalarDouble();
double endDateTime = netcdfRunFileDataset.findVariable("end_time").readScalarDouble();
Attribute units = startTimeVar.findAttribute("units");
String tunitsString = units.getStringValue();
DateUnit referenceUnit = new DateUnit(tunitsString);
//The time of date origin can be used to determine the real time values
long currentReferenceTime = referenceUnit.getDateOrigin().getTime();
//The variable work_dir specifies the working directory relative to the directory of the run file
String relativeWorkDirString = netcdfRunFileDataset.findVariable("work_dir").readScalarString().trim();
String workDir;
//A point "." means the work dir is the same as the directory of the run file
if (TextUtils.equals(relativeWorkDirString, ".")) {
workDir = runPath.toString();
} else {
workDir = runPath.resolve(new File(relativeWorkDirString).toPath()).toString();
//Reading variable that specifies input netcdf files
Variable inputNetcdfVar = netcdfRunFileDataset.findVariable("input_netcdf_files");
Array inputNetcdfArray =;
Object inputTimeSeriesFilesNDArrayObject = inputNetcdfArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
char[][] inputTimeSeriesFilesChar = (char[][]) inputTimeSeriesFilesNDArrayObject;
//Converting 2 dimensional char array to list of strings
List<String> inputTimeSeriesFilesList = new ArrayList<>();
for (char[] chArray : inputTimeSeriesFilesChar) {
//Done reading netcdf run file
//Processing input files
for (String inputFilePath : inputTimeSeriesFilesList) {
File inputFileRelativePath = new File(inputFilePath);
String absoluteFilePath = runPath.resolve(inputFileRelativePath.toPath()).toString();
File inputNetcdfFile = new File(absoluteFilePath);
//Should not happen often in practice because run file only specifies input netcdf files that are actually exported
//But could happen when running adapter with older run info file
if (!inputNetcdfFile.exists())
throw new RuntimeException("Input file does not exist: " + absoluteFilePath);
processAirPressure2DimensionalGrid(absoluteFilePath, workDir, tunitsString);
//Example how to read gridded data from netcdf file exported by FEWS
public static void processAirPressure2DimensionalGrid(String absoluteFilePath, String workDir, String tunitsString) throws Exception {
NetcdfFile netcdfDatasetInputFile = new NetcdfDataset(NetcdfDataset.openFile(absoluteFilePath, null));
try {
//Reading air pressure variable
Variable airPressureVariable = netcdfDatasetInputFile.findVariable(AIRPRESSURE_FORECAST);
if (airPressureVariable == null)
throw new Exception("Air pressure variable '" + AIRPRESSURE_FORECAST + "' not found in");
//Reading time variable
Dimension timeDimension = airPressureVariable.getDimension(0);
Variable timeVariable = netcdfDatasetInputFile.findVariable(timeDimension.getName());
long[] convertedTimeArray = readTimes(timeVariable);
//Reading latitude variable
Variable latitudeVariable = netcdfDatasetInputFile.findVariable(LAT);
Array latitudeArray =;
double[][] latitudeValues = (double[][]) latitudeArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
//Reading longitude variable
Variable longitudeVariable = netcdfDatasetInputFile.findVariable(LON);
Array longitudeArray =;
double[][] longitudeValues = (double[][]) longitudeArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
//Reading x variable
Variable xVariable = netcdfDatasetInputFile.findVariable(X);
Array xArray =;
double[] xValues = (double[]) xArray.copyTo1DJavaArray();
//Reading y variable
Variable yVariable = netcdfDatasetInputFile.findVariable(Y);
Array yArray =;
double[] yValues = (double[]) yArray.copyTo1DJavaArray();
//Reading air pressure values
Array airPressureArray =;
float[][][] floatValues = (float[][][]) airPressureArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
File outputNetcdfFile = new File(workDir, "");
NetcdfFileWriteable gridNetcdf = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(outputNetcdfFile.getPath(), false);
try {
writeNetcdfGrid(gridNetcdf, floatValues, tunitsString, convertedTimeArray, latitudeValues, longitudeValues, xValues, yValues);
} finally {
} finally {
//Example how to write netcdf for FEWS
private static void writeNetcdfGrid(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, float[][][] floatValues, String timeUnitsString, long[] convertedTimeArray, double[][] latitudeValues, double[][] longitudeValues, double[] xValues, double[] yValues) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Dimension timeDimension = netcdfFile.addDimension(TIME, floatValues.length);
Dimension yDimension = netcdfFile.addDimension(Y, floatValues[0].length);
Dimension xDimension = netcdfFile.addDimension(X, floatValues[0][0].length);
ArrayList<Dimension> timeDimensions = new ArrayList<>();
addNetcdfVariable(netcdfFile, timeDimensions, TIME, DataType.DOUBLE, TIME, TIME, timeUnitsString, "T");
ArrayList<Dimension> xDimensions = new ArrayList<>();
addNetcdfVariable(netcdfFile, xDimensions, X, DataType.DOUBLE, "projection_x_coordinate", "x coordinate according to CH1903", "degrees_east", "X");
ArrayList<Dimension> yDimensions = new ArrayList<>();
addNetcdfVariable(netcdfFile, yDimensions, Y, DataType.DOUBLE, "projection_y_coordinate", "y coordinate according to CH1903", "degrees_north", "Y");
ArrayList<Dimension> latLonDimensions = new ArrayList<>();
addNetcdfVariable(netcdfFile, latLonDimensions, LAT, DataType.DOUBLE, "latitude", "latitude", "degrees_north", "Y");
addNetcdfVariable(netcdfFile, latLonDimensions, LON, DataType.DOUBLE, "longitude", "longitude", "degrees_north", "Y");
ArrayList<Dimension> airPressureDimensions = new ArrayList<>();
addNetcdfVariable(netcdfFile, airPressureDimensions, AIRPRESSURE_FORECAST, DataType.FLOAT, null, AIRPRESSURE_FORECAST, "hPa", null, -999, "y x");
//First define all variable and dimensions, then create the netcdf, after creation values can be written to variables
//Write values to variable
writeTime(netcdfFile, convertedTimeArray);
write1DValues(netcdfFile, xValues, X);
write1DValues(netcdfFile, yValues, Y);
write2DValues(netcdfFile, latitudeValues, LAT);
write2DValues(netcdfFile, longitudeValues, LON);
writeAirPressure(netcdfFile, floatValues);
private static void addNetcdfVariable(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, ArrayList<Dimension> dimensions, String variableName, DataType dataType, String standardName, String longName, String units, String axis) {
netcdfFile.addVariable(variableName, dataType, dimensions);
netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "standard_name", standardName);
netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "long_name", longName);
netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "units", units);
netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "axis", axis);
private static void addNetcdfVariable(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, ArrayList<Dimension> dimensions, String variableName, DataType dataType, String standardName, String longName, String units, String axis, int fillValue, String coordinates) {
netcdfFile.addVariable(variableName, dataType, dimensions);
if (standardName != null) netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "standard_name", standardName);
if (longName != null) netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "long_name", longName);
if (units != null) netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "units", units);
if (axis != null) netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "axis", axis);
if (fillValue != Integer.MIN_VALUE) netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "_FillValue", fillValue);
if (coordinates != null) netcdfFile.addVariableAttribute(variableName, "coordinates", coordinates);
private static void writeAirPressure(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, float[][][] floatValues) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
ArrayFloat.D3 airPressureArray = new ArrayFloat.D3(floatValues.length, floatValues[0].length, floatValues[0][0].length);
for (int i = 0; i < floatValues.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < floatValues[0].length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < floatValues[0][0].length; k++) {
airPressureArray.set(i, j, k, floatValues[i][j][k]);
netcdfFile.write(AIRPRESSURE_FORECAST, airPressureArray);
private static void write2DValues(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, double[][] latValues, String variableName) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
ArrayDouble.D2 latArray = new ArrayDouble.D2(latValues.length, latValues[0].length);
for (int i = 0; i < latValues.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < latValues[0].length; j++) {
latArray.set(i, j, latValues[i][j]);
netcdfFile.write(variableName, latArray);
private static void writeTime(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, long[] convertedTimeArray) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
ArrayDouble.D1 timeArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(convertedTimeArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < convertedTimeArray.length; i++) {
timeArray.set(i, convertedTimeArray[i]);
netcdfFile.write(TIME, timeArray);
private static void write1DValues(NetcdfFileWriteable netcdfFile, double[] yValues, String variableName) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
ArrayDouble.D1 yArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(yValues.length);
for (int i = 0; i < yValues.length; i++) {
yArray.set(i, yValues[i]);
netcdfFile.write(variableName, yArray);
private static long[] readTimes(Variable timeVariable) throws IOException {
if (timeVariable == null) throw new RuntimeException("Time variable not present");
//read times.
Array timeArray =;
double[] times = (double[]) timeArray.get1DJavaArray(Double.class);
//convert times.
long[] convertedTimes = new long[times.length];
DateUnit dateUnit = readTimeUnit(timeVariable);
if (dateUnit == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid date time unit string has been coded in the file: '" + timeVariable.getUnitsString() +
"'. Unit string should be for example: 'seconds since 2012-01-30 00:00:00'");
for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
Date date = dateUnit.makeDate(times[i]);
if (date != null) {
convertedTimes[i] = date.getTime();
} else {//if date is null.
convertedTimes[i] = 0;
return convertedTimes;
public static DateUnit readTimeUnit(Variable timeVariable) {
try {
String unitString = timeVariable.getUnitsString();
//if present, replace . by : in the timeZone specification in the unitString,
//e.g. change "days since 2011-09-19 06:0:0.0 0.00" to "days since 2011-09-19 06:0:0.0 0:00".
//This is a workaround implemented for FEWS-6544.
String[] parts = unitString.split("\\s+");
if (parts.length > 0 && parts[parts.length - 1].matches(".?\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{2}")) {
//if a timeZone specification is present, then it is always the last part, see
parts[parts.length - 1] = parts[parts.length - 1].replaceFirst("\\.", ":");
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(parts[0]);
for (int n = 1; n < parts.length; n++) {
buffer.append(' ').append(parts[n]);
unitString = buffer.toString();
return new DateUnit(unitString);
} catch (Exception e) {
//if the given variable does not have a unit of time.
return null;