Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


The conceptual solution for the interface between HEC-RAS and FEWS has been illustrated in Figure 1. Two modes of working are identified that each support a basic use case. The modes of working are:


Note that only binary and configuration files relevant to the HEC-RAS adapter are included, in a real configuration a lot more files can be involved used by another modules of the FEWS system.

No Format

|       <FEWS binaries>

    |   +---ColdStateFiles
    |   |       HECRAS_CONNECTICTUT_UpdateStates state files
    |   |
    |   +---IdMapFiles
    |   |       IdExportHECRAS.xml.......................... custom mappings for the HEC-RAS variables and locations
    |   |
    |   +---ModuleConfigFiles
    |   |        HECRAS_CONNECTICTUT_Forecast.xml............ main configuration file of the adapter
    |   |
    |   +---ModuleDataSetFiles
    |   |        HECRAS_CONNECTICTUT_UpdateStates.xml.........zipped hecras files, transported to Models directory
    |   |
    |   \---ModuleParFiles
    |            HECRAS_CONNECTICUT_Parameters............. configuration file which allows to override some model and structure parameters
            +---bin........................................ directory which contains all HEC-RAS executables for Windows and Linux platforms
            |       DSSWriter.exe.......................... generates binary file containing detailed model output
            |       dss_writer
            |       GeomPreprocessor.exe................... converts geometry files from GUI ASCII format to binary
            |       geo_pre
            |       Steady.exe............................. performs steady flow simulations
            |       steady
            |       Unsteady.exe........................... performs unsteady flow simulations
            |       unsteady
            |       DFORMD.DLL
            |       DFORMDD.DLL
            |       MSVCRTD.DLL
            |       module-adapter-hec-ras.jar............. pre- and pos- adapter, Coverts HEC-RAS data files to/from FEWS-PI format
            |       nwsras.jar............................. main library used by the adapter, reads and writes HEC-RAS data files
            |       heclib6-pc.dll
            |       javaHeclib.dll
            |       castor-0.9.5p.jar...................... the rest of the files below are FEWS dependencies used by adapter
            |       commons-cli-1.1.jar
            |       Delft_FEWS_castor.jar
            |       Delft_FEWS_schemas.jar
            |       Delft_PI.jar
            |       Delft_PI_castor.jar
            |       Delft_Util.jar
            |       jaxp-api-1_3.jar
            |       jaxp-dom-1-3.jar
            |       jaxp-sax-1_3.jar
            |       jaxp-xalan-1_3.jar
            |       jaxp-xercesImpl-1_3.jar
            |       log4j-1.2.14.jar
            |       serializer.jar
            |       TimeSeriesImport.jar
            |       xalan.jar
            |       xerces-c_2_8.dll
            |       xercesImpl.jar
            |       xml-apis.jar
                |    run_info.xml.......................... a file generated by FEWS containing paths, run options
                +---input.................................. input directory of the adapter, input FEWS-PI time series files
                |       inputs.xml
                +---log.................................... log messages written by the hec-ras adapter
                |       adapter.xml
                +---output................................. contains HEC-RAS output converted from the binary and dss output files
                |       output.xml
                \---work................................... working directory of the adapters



List of output variables is defined under outputTimeSeriesParametersFilter item uses Regular Expressions. In most cases it is a list of variable names delimited with '|' character and for those variables where name can occur in another variable names (e.g. FLOW and FLOW AT GATE) it is necessary to use ^ as a prefix and $ $$ as a suffix of the variable. For example:

Code Block

         <string key="outputTimeSeriesParametersFilter" value="^STAGE$^STAGE$$|^FLOW$^FLOW$$|Hydr Radius R|Hydr Radius L|^Flow Area$Area$$" />

Example configuration of the HEC-RAS adapter:

Code Block

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<generalAdapterRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
		<description>hecras Model for Kennebec River</description>
				<stateLocations type="file">
						<stateSearchPeriod unit="day" start="-10" end="-1"/>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" end="0"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" end="0"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
	                        <string key="hecRasProjectFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%/work/Augusta.prj"/>
	                        <string key="hecRasBinDirectory" value="$HECRASBINDIR$"/>
	                        <string key="outputTimeSeriesParametersFilter" value="^STAGE$|^FLOW$"/>
	                        <string key="outputLongtitudionalProfileParametersFilter" value="^STAGE$^STAGE$$|Hydr Radius L"/>
	                        <string key="logLevel" value="DEBUG"/>
	                        <string key="skipBinaryOutput" value="false"/>
                                <string key="hecRasEnvironment" value="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HECRASBINDIR$:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"/>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
						<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>



Name of the structure defined in the HEC-RAS must exactly match group id and location of the structure (station, river, chainage) must be the same as locationId.

Code Block

<parameters xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.5">
    <group id="default" name="hec-ras run parameters">
        <parameter id="ComputationInterval">
            <description>Computation interval in minutes. Does not change interval of output data.</description>

    <!-- Gate name and locationId should be equal to what is defined in the HEC-RAS gui -->
    <group id="Gate #1" name="hec-ras gate parameters">
        <locationId>CT River R1/18100</locationId>

             Gate parameters depend on the mode selected in the RAS configuration files (gui),

             Posssible modes which can te set in the gui are:

                    based on upstream WS (default)
                    based on specified reference
                    based on difference in stage

        <!-- parameters valid all modes -->
        <parameter id="RateOpen">

        <parameter id="RateClose">

        <parameter id="MaxOpen">

        <parameter id="MinOpen">

        <parameter id="InitOpen">

        <!-- parameters specific for "based on upstream WS" -->
        <parameter id="ZOpen">

        <parameter id="ZClose">

        <!-- parameters specific for "based on specified reference" -->
        <parameter id="ReferenceWSType">
            <description>Valid values: Reach, RiverStation, StorageArea</description>

        <parameter id="ReferenceWS">
            <description>Depending on the ReferenceWSType parameter</description>

        <parameter id="referenceWSOpen">
            <description>Reference elevation at which gate begins to open</description>

        <parameter id="referenceWSClose">
            <description>Reference elevation at which gate begins to close</description>

       <!-- parameters specific for "based on difference in stage" -->
        <parameter id="stageDiffUSType">
            <description>Upstream Reach, RiverStation or StorageArea location for stage difference computation</description>

        <parameter id="stageDiffUS">
            <description>Depends on the stageDiffUSType parameter</description>

        <parameter id="stageDiffDSType">
            <description>Downstream River, Reach, RiverStation or StorageArea location for stage difference computation</description>

        <parameter id="stageDiffDS">
            <description>Depends on the stageDiffDSType parameter</description>

        <parameter id="stageDiffOpen">
            <description>Stage difference at which gate begins to open</description>

        <parameter id="stageDiffClose">
            <description>Stage difference at which gate begins to close</description>

    <group id="Levee Breach" name="hec-ras levee breach parameters">
        <locationId>CT River R1/248658</locationId>

        <parameter id="IsActive">
            <description>true when breach is activated, otherwise model skips it during computations</description>

        <parameter id="IsWSStart">
            <description>true if trigger for failure is WS elevation</description>

        <parameter id="ThresholdWS">
            <description>water surface elevation for breaching</description>

        <parameter id="ThresholdDuration">
            <description>threshold time (hours) for breaching</description>

        <parameter id="StartDate">
            <description>Start date for breaching (e.g. 01MAR2001)</description>

        <parameter id="StartTime">
            <description>Start time for breaching (e.g. 1630)</description>

        <parameter id="CenterStation">
            <description>Center of breach (XS station / location)</description>

        <parameter id="BottomWidth">
            <description>Final bottom width</description>

        <parameter id="BottomElevation">
            <description>Final bottom elevation</description>

        <parameter id="LeftSideSlope">
            <description>Left side slope</description>

        <parameter id="RightSideSlope">
            <description>Right side slope</description>

        <parameter id="BreachTime">
            <description>Full formation time (hours)</description>

        <parameter id="WeirCoef">
            <description>Breach weir coefficient</description>

        <!-- parameter below are used only when IsPipe = true -->
        <parameter id="IsPipe">
            <description>true if piping failure, false if overtopping</description>

        <parameter id="PipingCoefficient">
            <description>Piping coefficient (default is .8)</description>

        <parameter id="InitialPipingElevation">
            <description>Initial piping elevation</description>


The HEC-RAS adapter is configured properly and forecast is performed from the Delft-FEWS system - a list of input and output variables will be written into the standard log file of the system. The location and variables are based on the active <region>.b01 file of the HEC-RAS model configured in the GUI of HEC-RAS. Pre-adapter of the HEC-RAS will provide list of all possible input variables and locations in the following part of the log file:

Code Block

156 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Found input at locations:
156 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  -     CT River, R1, 334752.0, Flow Hydrograph
156 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  -     CT River, R1, 0.00, Stage Hydrograph

Locations and variables listed after the line Found input at locations: can be configured in the Delft-FEWS as a part of adapter input, e.g. input.xml in this case may contain something like the lines below:

Code Block

    version="1.2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <locationId>CT RIVER R1/334752.0</locationId>
            <parameterId>Flow Hydrograph</parameterId>
            <timeStep unit="second" multiplier="3600"/>
            <startDate date="2008-11-06" time="12:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2008-11-08" time="12:00:00"/>
            <stationName>Connicut River at Thompsonville</stationName>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="12:00:00" value="14.98" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="13:00:00" value="14.705" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="14:00:00" value="14.43" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="15:00:00" value="14.155" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="16:00:00" value="13.88" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="17:00:00" value="13.605" flag="0"/>


In the same way list of all output variables and locations can be found in the post-adapter log output, for example:

Code Block

84843 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Profile, Profile number.,
84843 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - W.S. Elev, Calculated water surface from energy equation., (ft)
84843 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - E.G. Elev, Energy gradeline for given WSEL., (ft)
84843 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Max Chl Dpth, Maximum main channel depth., (ft)
84843 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Min Ch El, Minimum Channel Elevation., (ft)
84843 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Q Left, Flow in left overbank., (cfs)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Q Channel, Flow in main channel., (cfs)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Q Right, Flow in right overbank., (cfs)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Q Total, Total flow in cross section., (cfs)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Flow Area, Total area of cross section active flow., (sq ft)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Flow Area L, Area of left overbank active flow., (sq ft)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Flow Area Ch, Area of main channel active flow., (sq ft)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - Flow Area R, Area of right overbank active flow., (sq ft)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - W.P. Total, Wetted perimeter of total cross section., (ft)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - W.P. Left, Wetted perimeter of left overbank., (ft)
84859 [main] INFO nl.wldelft.fews.adapter.hec.HecRasDataAccessFacadeImpl  - W.P. Channel, Wetted perimeter of main channel., (ft)


Code Block
titleExample of the FEWS-PI containing binary output of the HEC-RAS model

    version="1.2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <locationId>CT River R1/334752.0</locationId>
            <parameterId>W.S. Elev</parameterId>
            <timeStep unit="second" multiplier="3600"/>
            <startDate date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2008-11-08" time="00:00:00"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00" value="32.06013" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="01:00:00" value="32.06013" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="02:00:00" value="32.034" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="03:00:00" value="32.03394" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-07" time="23:00:00" value="32.03618" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-08" time="00:00:00" value="32.03598" flag="0"/>
            <locationId>CT River R1/334752.0</locationId>
            <parameterId>E.G. Elev</parameterId>
            <timeStep unit="second" multiplier="3600"/>
            <startDate date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2008-11-08" time="00:00:00"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00" value="32.06734" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="01:00:00" value="32.06734" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="02:00:00" value="32.056885" flag="0"/>


Code Block
titleExample of the FEWS-PI containing DSS output of the HEC-RAS model

    version="1.2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <locationId>CT RIVER R1/0.00</locationId>
            <timeStep unit="second" multiplier="3600"/>
            <startDate date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2008-11-08" time="00:00:00"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00" value="24.38823" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="01:00:00" value="-5.8442316" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="02:00:00" value="68.705124" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="03:00:00" value="391.09784" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-07" time="23:00:00" value="438.6425" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-08" time="00:00:00" value="-5259.6562" flag="0"/>
            <locationId>CT RIVER R1/0.00</locationId>
            <timeStep unit="second" multiplier="3600"/>
            <startDate date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2008-11-08" time="00:00:00"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="00:00:00" value="5.0" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="01:00:00" value="5.0" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="02:00:00" value="5.0" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2008-11-06" time="03:00:00" value="5.0" flag="0"/>
