Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
		<chart id="Example7" formatId="chartFormat2" width="500" height="306">
			<timeSeries preferredColor="green" lineStyle="solid;thick" axis="right" visibleInLegend="true" label="Gemessen">series1</timeSeries>
			<timeSeries preferredColor="red" lineStyle="solid;thick" axis="right" visibleInLegend="true" label="COSMO2">series2</timeSeries>
			<timeSeries preferredColor="orange" lineStyle="solid;thick" axis="left" visibleInLegend="true" label="COSMO7">series3</timeSeries>
			<timeSeries preferredColor="violet" lineStyle="solid;thick" axis="left" visibleInLegend="true" label="ECMWF">series4</timeSeries>

Threshold line only for timeseries on the left y axis

Stage/discharge plots


Stage/discharge plots support only deprecated rating curves . Deprecated rating curves are ratings obtained from xml file according to the schema ratingCurves.xsd. The PI rating curves (pi_ratingcurves.xsd) are not supported yet.

When a discharge is displayed, it is possible to show the stage on the right axis. It is not possible to configure this rating on the left axis (and the timeseries on the right axis), since a plot has to have at least one timeseries on the left axis.


Code Block
<spatialPlotSnapshots id="spatialPlotSnapshot">
  <snapshot id="Snapshot">
      <relativeTime value="0" unit="hour"/>
      <dateTimeLabel visible="true">
             <font name="SansSerif" size="12" style="bold"/>



A summary is a (background) map which can be added to a report. On top of this map, icons can be displayed. The icons indicate the location or the (warning) status of the monitoring or forecasting point. By adding specific html-functionality to the report template(s), maps can be used to navigate through the reports as well. Clickable areas and locations can be distinguished here. The map itself (as a file) can be any image file. For displaying maps in html-reports the following formats are advised: *.png, *.jpg or *.gif.


  • id: unique identifier (as reference to this table);
  • tableStyle: a choice of tableStyle which can be influenced by using the corresponding classes in a cascading style sheet. Choices are tableStyle1 to tableStyle10;
  • column: indicates what (of one or more Timeseries) should be shown in the columns (options are: location, time, date, locationcritical, parameter, parameters, choice, allSeries);
  • row: indicates what (of one or more Timeseries) should be shown in the rows (options are: location, time, date, locationcritical, parameter, parameters, choice, allSeries);
  • relativeWholePeriod: definition of a moving period in time to be displayed (in the example above 24 hours before the day containing T0 of the forecast and 24 after the day containing T0 of the forecast (in total 3 days);
  • topLeftText: definition of the text to be displayed in the upper left cell of the table;
  • cellFormat: format of the cell containing the values;
  • topFormat: Format of the column headers: "0,number,0.00" for a number, "0,date,dd/MMM" for a date.
    • In combination with <column>location</column>, the topFormat specifies what should be written in the header of the column: "1" for location name, "2" for parameter name, "3" for parameter unit (N.B. use curly brackets in place of the quotation marks). Example: <topFormat>{1} - {2} ({3})</topFormat>
    • In combination with <column>parameters</column> or <column>allSeries</column>, the topFormat element can be used to specify a custom column header for each data column. For a table with one data column just specify the custom column header in the topFormat element. For a table with multiple data columns, specify multiple custom column headers (one for each column), separated by "#" symbols, in the topFormat element. E.g. "header1#header2#header3". For parameters the headers can also use "0" for the parameter name and "1" for the unit name. The following example shows a configuration for a table with 2 data columns where the parameter name and value are displayed in the header:  < topFormat >{0} {1}#{0} {1}</ topFormat >
    • To use default headers instead of custom column headers, leave the topFormat element completely empty. If custom column headers are used, then there should be as many custom column headers as data columns in the table, otherwise a warning is logged and default column headers are used instead;
  • leftFormat: format of the most left column;
  • missingValueText: definition of the missing value character. Choices are: " ", "#", "" or "-";
  • nullValueText: definition of the null value (NAN) indicator. Choices are: " ", "-", "-999", "no data";
  • scrollable: Use this to split the table into two parts, one for the header row(s) and one for the data rows. The data row part refers to the tableStyle for this table with "_scrollable" appended. This can be used to make the data rows scrollable while the header row(s) remain fixed. For this to work the referred style needs to be defined in the report tables .css file.
  • tableBackgroundColors:  Override background colors in a HTML report for certain hours in the week. Works similar to: 02 Time Series Display Configuration (tableBackgroundColors)


must be transferred to the report declarations. The definitions of the date format and number format cannot be copied directly to the report configuration since they have a slightly different format.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<reports xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0">
	<defineGlobal id="ForecastingRegion">IWP-Twentekanalen</defineGlobal>
	<dateFormat id="DF1">
	<numberFormat id="NF1">{0,number,##0.00}</numberFormat>
// Add Ssd report elements here for generating Avi, Gif, Png or Svg.
