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maxActionEventDuration: Optional maximum duration of actions (like e.g. enhanced forecasting mode). An action can be switched on by a threshold upActionLogEvent (see thresholdValueSets). When this duration has passed after the most recent upActionLogEvent that switched on the actionIf the last upActionLogEvent issue is older than this period, then the action is automatically switched off. If not defined, then uses duration of one defaults to 1 day.

forecastAvailableThreshold: Optional threshold that triggers forecast available threshold events. If this is specified, then forecast available events will be logged and these events can then be used in the SkillScoreDisplay. A forecast available threshold event indicates if there is a forecast available for a given observed threshold crossing event.


A threshold group is a collection of one or more thresholds. The groups can be used to apply multiple threshold for displaying in graphs or generating reports. Each group can contain any number of level thresholds, rate thresholds and max value thresholds. For each threshold group it is possible to define a default threshold. The default provides extra information for the state in which no thresholds are crossed. The state in which no thresholds are crossed always corresponds to the least severe warning level in the thresholdWarningLevels configuration file. The least severe warning level is used e.g. to get the color to display in the user interface when no thresholds are crossed.


0) On initialization of the Threshold Crossing Module a subset of events is read from the ThresholdEventsTable. The number of records read is defined by the configuration parameter 'maxActionEventDuraion' time times 10. Events older than this are considered irrelevant.

1) Check if  a newly logged event is already in the list of logged events retrieved from the database. For this check the following values are compared in the given order:


5) Go over the list of currently active Action Events and check if they have exceeded their max action duration time. This is the maximum time that an action event can be active. This value is configured in the Thresholds file with element 'maxActionEventDuration'. Default value is 1 Day. If an up action has expired then a corresponding down Action Event needs to be created and added to the issue list. Action Events of none approved forecast time series timeseries are skipped.

6) Now we have a complete list of active Action Events we go through the list and set their 'issue' status. Setting the issue status to 'true' will cause the event to be logged and will also trigger so the System Alerter to will trigger an action. Setting the issue status to 'false' will only result in the event being logged. This The issued status is set to 'true' for the following cases:
    - Up crossing Action Events from the currently active list as long as they are not generated by none approved forecasts.
    - Down crossing Action Events as long as there is not a corresponding down Action Event active.

7) The list of active Action Events has be compiled. Down crossing Action Events have been created for expired up crossings. All 'issue' status values have been set. Now the events are logged. Depending on the action status of the events the following logs are can be created:

Code Block
With Action ID:
  Issued status 'true'
    Is up crossing
      (WARN) "<event action id>: UpCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      (WARN) "<event action id>: RateOfRise event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      (WARN) "<event action id>: PeakEvent event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
    Is down crossing
      Actual down crossing
        (WARN) "<event action id>: DownCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
        (WARN) "<event action id>: RateOfFall event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      Result of expired event
        (WARN) "<event action id>: Expired DownCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
        (WARN) "<event action id>: Expired RateOfFall event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
  Issued status 'false'
    Is up crossing
      (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): UpCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): RateOfRise event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): PeakEvent event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
    Is down crossing
      Actual down crossing
        (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): DownCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
        (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): RateOfFall event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      Result of expired event
        (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): Expired DownCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
        (INFO) "<event action id>(not_issued): Expired RateOfFall event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"

No Action ID:
    Is up crossing
      (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: UpCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: RateOfRise event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: PeakEvent event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
    Is down crossing
      Actual down crossing
        (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: DownCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
        (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: RateOfFall event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
      Result of expired event
        (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: Expired DownCrossing event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
        (DEBUG) "Threshold.Crossing: Expired RateOfFall event <threshold name> for <parameterid> at <locationid> (<location name>). Time <date> <time>"
