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The module parameter modifier is a generic module parameter file editor which can be used to modify every module parameter file.
It is possible to limit the number of module parameter files which can be modified by applying a filter. It is also possible to have
more than one module parameter modifier type configured in a Delft-FEWS regionapplication.

An example of the use of this modifier is the BASEFLOW-modifier of the NWSavailable in NWS (National Weather Service) applications. This modifier modifies the BASEFLOW-parameter of the UNITHG-


Below an example of the display of a module parameter modifier


With the tag filter element <filter> can be identified which module parameter files can be modified.


In addition it is also possible to keep the difference of the parameter value between models the same (interModelRelation = preserve difference) or keep the ratio of the values of a parameter the same between models (interModelRelation = preserve ration).


Below an configuration example.


If the user changes the value of the parameter SI of one of the module parameter files then the values of the SI parameter of the other module parameter will automaticly automatically be adjusted so that the difference between the values is still the same. 

In the example below the difference between the two values of SI is 550.


In the example above the difference between the parameter SCF and SI will be kept the same. 

Module parameters which are a table can by default be changed by using the table editor.


The offset of the end time compared to the option defined in defaultEndTime. For example when the default end
time end time of the modifier is set to end run and an offset of 100 days is defined than the default end time of the modifier
will be set to end run plus 100 days. It corresponds to the same fields in the modifier display. This is only a default value, which can be changed by the user.

If this option is configured than a valid time can be choosen chosen for this modifier. The valid time always default to time zero.


An example of the use of this modifier is the switchts-modifier of the NWS. With this modifier the forecasters temporarily favor one timeseries above the other because the timeseries which normally is used as the primary timeseries is considered to be less reliable.


Below an example of the display of a reverse order modifier. The display is empty. The forecaster can only set a start- and endtime end time of the modifier.

If configured it is also to enter a valid time for this modifier.


The blending steps modifier is a modifier which can only be used in combination with the transformation <adjust><adjustQ>.

The adjustQ-transformation should also have a moduleparameterfile configured.


One of the parameters of the adjustQ-transformation is the number of blending steps.
This parameter determines in how many steps the blend from the observed time series to the simulated time series is done.
The blending steps modifier is used to modify this parameter. The modifier doesn't have a start- and/or endtime end time and is always valid.
The last applied blending steps modifier is always applied. Only one blending steps modifier can be defined in a fews configuration.


Disable adjustment modifier

The transformation adjustQ creates a simulated time series by combining observed time series and simulated time series.

When this modifier is applied the observed time series are ignored and the output will be equal to the simulated time series. This modifier can, like the blending steps modifier, only be used in combination with the
adjustQ the adjustQ transformation. The adjustQ-transformation should use a moduleparameterfile to define its parameters to be able to use this modifier.


The configurator only has to configure the id and the name of the modifier. By doing this, Delft-FEWS knows that it is allowed
to allowed to use this modifier at a each adjustQ-operation which uses a moduleparameterfile and has the tag disableAdjustment in its
moduleparameterfile defined.
