Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


Every gridPlot that has been configured grid display configuration represents a WMS layer. The following request methods are available in the WMS-T service:

  • GetCapabilities: get the available layers and times available for each layer
  • GetMap: Get the plot image as png for a layer for a requested time, image size and extent. Only untiled images are supported, which means the complete image has to be requested for the complete extent.
  • GetLegend: Get the legend image as png for a layer.






Request URL:


Supported parameters:

LAYERS: the layerId of the plot to display

TIME: the time for which the grid has to be plotted.

WIDTH: width of the image. Default is 800

HEIGHT: height of the image. Default is 600

VERSION: supported version is 1.3 and is the default if not set. Older versions might work, but are not supported

SRS: the output projection of the plot. Supported projections are: EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326

BBOX: the bounding box (in the projection as defined by the SRS parameter) of the extent that should be plot
