Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Optional element to specify additional java VM options (which were present in the launcher *ini file in earlier versions of Delft-FEWS). In short: all -D and -Xmx options can be configured in individual jvmOptions, example see below.


Local cache size  (in MB) for downloaded timeseries from central database (when NOT using synchronization) or from the Open Archive Server.


Use this option to generate a local datastore of a specific format. Will (only) be created when no local datastore is present yet and only in case when a synchProfile is present.


Code Block
titleproxyAutoConfig configuration examples
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
		function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
		return "DIRECT";
	<! -- OR USE -->





Optional element with references to all ModuleDataSet files which should be extracted when an OC or FSS starts. Mostly valid for FSSs since they are running the models. In case of using the new Web Browser Display this option should also be used to distribute the required libraries for an OC.


Code Block
titleConfiguration Example for a synchProfile section
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <clientType>Operator Client</clientType>
        <connection id="mc00_postgresql">
        <connection id=" mc01_oracle">
        <connection id="mc02_sqlserver">
           	<!-- Uncomment if synchronisation is desired -->
        <synchProfile id="full">
                <xmlConfig enabled="true" name="Default xml config" synchLevel="11"/>
                <coldStates enabled="true" name="Default cold states" synchLevel="11"/>
                <moduleDataSets enabled="true" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
                <mapLayers enabled="true" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
                <icons enabled="true" name="Default icons" synchLevel="11"/>
                <reportTemplates enabled="true" name="Default report templates" synchLevel="11"/>
                <reportImages enabled="true" name="Default report images" synchLevel="11"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Telemetry" synchLevel="1" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Manual" synchLevel="5" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Astronomical and climatological" synchLevel="4" maxAge="1000" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Small external forecast grids" synchLevel="6" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Large external forecast grids" synchLevel="16" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <forecastTriggeredTimeSeries name="Simulated forecast time series" enabled="true" synchLevel="0"/>
                <warmStates enabled="true" name="Warm states" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <logEntries enabled="true" name="Log Entries" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <thresholdEvents enabled="true" name="Threshold Events" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <synchProfile id="minimal">
                <xmlConfig enabled="true" name="Default xml config" synchLevel="11"/>
                <coldStates enabled="true" name="Default cold states" synchLevel="11"/>
                <moduleDataSets enabled="false" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
                <mapLayers enabled="true" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
                <icons enabled="true" name="Default icons" synchLevel="11"/>
                <reportTemplates enabled="false" name="Default report templates" synchLevel="11"/>
                <reportImages enabled="false" name="Default report images" synchLevel="11"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Telemetry" synchLevel="1" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Manual" synchLevel="5" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Astronomical and climatological" synchLevel="4" maxAge="1000" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="false" name="Small external forecast grids" synchLevel="6" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <continuousTimeSeries enabled="false" name="Large external forecast grids" synchLevel="16" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
               <forecastTriggeredTimeSeries name="Simulated forecast time series" enabled="true" synchLevel="0"/>
                <warmStates enabled="false" name="Warm states" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
                <logEntries enabled="true" name="Log Entries" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>
                <thresholdEvents enabled="true" name="Threshold Events" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>






Here you can indicate whether you are using an 'external' (= non-blobbed) database for: Parameters, Locations, Qualifiers and External Historical Timeseries. You have to specify the connection details to this (database) server here.
