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Details about the buttons can be found here: 23 Interactive Forecasting Displays#23InteractiveForecastingDisplays-Buttonbar


At the top of the forecast panel a group of buttons is shown. The  The first Delft-FEWS applications which used the forecast panel had a button panel which had 6 buttons (see left screenshot).

An example is given below.

Image Removed

The reduce the number of buttons which were shown in this panel a new design for this button panel was made .This design that offered the same functionality but had less buttons .

An example is given below.

Image Removed(see right screenshot).

By default the new button panel which is showed above is available.To switch to shown. With <enableOriginalButtons> you can instead use the button panel with more buttons the element <enableOriginalButtons> can be used.6 buttons.

Image Added Image Added

hideModifiersButton and hideTresholdsButton

In the default setting modifier and threshold buttons are visible. They can be hidden by adding hideModifiersButton and hideThresholdsButton to the Topology config. (see below.)An  An config example is shown below.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2014 rel. 2 sp1 ( by Afdeling ICT (Stichting Deltares) -->
<topology xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!--	<hideModifiersButton>true</hideModifiersButton>-->
<!--	<hideThresholdsButton>true</hideThresholdsButton>-->
	<nodes id="NWM" name="Nationaal Water Model">
		<nodes id="Zoetwater" name="Zoetwater">
		<nodes id="Zoetwater_files" name="Prepare Zoetwater files">


The element <saveLocalRunEnabled> can be used to allow the user to promote a local IFD run to a permanent server run.

If this element is set to true for the selected node and an IFD run is available for the selected node the save-button in the button bar will be enabled.


The element <showRunApprovedForecastButton> can be used to enable the user to start server runs from nodes for which the option <localRun> is set to true.

This means that users can start IFD-runs from that node but also server runs.


The element <showMacroButton> can be used to enable a button in the Run options dialog which allows the user to start a run with pre-defined task properties. 
