Versions Compared


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  • addition of Fortran routines to McTools, working with dll's: from Matlab to Fortran and vice versa (Gerben de Boer, Jan Kramer, Fedor Baart)
  • discussion on the new duinerosion routines: strong points, status so far, implementation and use in other projects etc. (Kees den Heijer, Pieter van Geer, Ferdinand Diermanse, Mark van Koningsveld, Sander van Rooij)
  • general maintenance of McTools (Robin Morelissen, Gerben de Boer, Kees den Heijer, Pieter van Geer, Mark van Koningsveld)
  • discussion over in te dienen offerte morfologisch onderzoek zwakke schakels on upcoming coastal projects in the framework of Sandmotor and Weak link issues (PieterKoen Tonnon (offerte leider), Jan Mulder, Ap van Dongeren, Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Dano Roelvink, Mark van Koningsveld)
  • discussie over de opzet van een operationeel stormimpact model DC en discussion on the setup of an operational storm impact model for DC and MICORE (Deepak Vatvani, Mark van Koningsveld, Ap van Dongeren, Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Dano Roelvink)

Eenieder is natuurlijk vrij om aan te haken/bij te dragen aan deze onderwerpen of andere vraagstukken ter tafel te brengen. Enkele van de afdelingshoofden/projectleiders hebben aangegeven even langs te zullen lopen om zich te laten bijpraten en eventueel zelf dingen aan te dragen. Ik ga er dus vanuit dat het weer een zeer productieve dag wordt. We staan nu met McTools op revision 759. Ik blijf bij mijn aanbod om het eten te betalen voor diegene die het eerst de 1000 aantiktEveryone is obviously free to join and contribute to each of these topics or to raise other items that are not on the agenda yet. It looks like it will be a very productive day. McTools is now at revision 759. Free dinner for the person to hit 1000!

Script demonstrating useful McTools applications (by Pieter and Kees)

Code Block
titleExample script: (to run save as mfile in MATLAB!)
clear all;fclose all;close all;clc

cd f:\mctools\mc_toolbox; mcsettings

% edit getCalls getIsCalledBy getInputSize getInputVariables roundoff double2evalstr getFileName getVolume

%% getInputVariables / getInputSize
clear;fclose all;close all;clc
quickstart internet
d = readTransectData('Jarkus Data','Noord-Holland','03000','2006');
xInitial    = d.xe(~isnan(d.ze)); %keep only the points with non-NaN z-values
zInitial    = d.ze(~isnan(d.ze)); %keep only the points with non-NaN z-values

dbstop in getVolume at 42
[Volume, result, Boundaries] = getVolume(xInitial, zInitial);
dbclear in getVolume at 42
writemessage(3,'Example of getInputVariables completed');

%% roundoff
clear;fclose all;close all;clc
X = 87643.7852;
for n = -2:2:4
    Xround = roundoff(X, n);

%% getdefaults
dbstop in roundoff at 40
Xround = roundoff(X);
dbclear in roundoff at 40

%% double2evalstr
clear;fclose all;close all;clc

dbstop in double2evalstr_test at 9
run double2evalstr_test

dbstop getHsig_t_test at 30
dbstop getHsig_t_test at 41
run getHsig_t_test
writemessage(4,'Example of double2evalstr_test completed');

%% getFileName
clear;fclose all;close all;clc
directory = 'D:\heijer\My Documents\Work\TU Delft\PhD project\Prob2B\ParametricStudy\DenHeijer2008\Case_10';
extension = 'txt';
exception = 'DP_Case_10_maxRD=068.7.txt';
fileid = [];
fname = getFileName(directory, extension, exception, fileid)
writemessage(5,'Example of getFileName completed');

%% writemessage
writemessage(7,'Staring example of writemessage');
SavedMessages = writemessage('get')

%% IsCalls
fun = 'getDuneErosion_VTV2006';
directory = 'D:\heijer\My Documents\Program Files\McTools\mc_toolbox\mc_applications\mc_ucit\getDuneErosion\';
IsCalls = getCalls(fun, directory);
IsCalls = getCalls(fun, directory, 'quiet');
writemessage(1,'Example of IsCalls completed');

%% IsCalledBy
clear;fclose all;close all;clc
fun = 'getVolume';
directory = 'D:\heijer\My Documents\Program Files\McTools\mc_toolbox\mc_applications\mc_ucit\getDuneErosion\';
[IsCalledBy, Line, Column] = getIsCalledBy(fun, directory);
[IsCalledBy, Line, Column] = getIsCalledBy(fun, directory, 'quiet');
writemessage(2,'Example of IsCalledBy completed');

%% FD_GUI_figure
cd( directory);
run FD_GUI_figure
writemessage(6,'Example of FD_GUI completed');

%% guidisp
guidisp('test message panel');
guidisp('Test Command line');
writemessage(7,'Example of guidisp completed');

%% dbstate
dbstop in getDuneErosion_test at 6
dbstop in getDuneErosion_VTV2006 at 12
writemessage(7,'Example of dbstate completed');

%% dbstopcurrent
cd('D:\heijer\My Documents\Work\Deltares\Projects\McTools');

%% writemessage
SavedMessages = writemessage('get')
dbclear all

Items that came up during the day

migrate Refference Guide generation to Build Server
