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One or more workflow ids that import or created create external historical time series over a short time span (scheduled frequently). Note that this should be the id of the main workflow, i.e. the one that is actually scheduled and leads to a task run. Referring to workflows that are part of the main workflow will not work. 


Workflow runs younger than the specified age are skipped; only workflow runs (TaskRuns) that exist in the TaskRuns database table and are older than the importRunMinimalAge will be included in the ImportAmalgamate module.


  1. Identify which external historicals need to be amalgamated.
  2. Pick a suitable expiry time T for the taskrun metadata. The taskrun expiry time for amalgamation timeseries should never be set to expire before the timeseries do. By default a TaskRun expires after 10 days and the timeseries become orphaned, but for amalgamation timeseries a much longer expiry time and taskrun expiry time is recommended. It is essential that the taskrun meta data for the "to be amalgamated imported external historical timeseries" does not expire before the amalgamation takes place. When using amalgamate, the taskrun meta data should only be deleted by the amalgamate module.
  3. When import runs for external historical timeseries need to run regularly, set up a task and workflow for importing external historical timeseries. The timeseries expiry time is preserved by the amalgamate module and not influenced by the taskrun metadata expiry time. By default the timeseries expiry time is the same as that of the import run, but it is strongly recommended to overrule this by setting an explicit timeseries expiry time in the import module. Use the taskrun metadata expiry time T for the task determined under step @1. Set for instance the expiry time of the task in the Admin Interface to 50 years.
  4. Optionally set up an Archive export task and workflow. Obviously this must be before the taskrun metadata expires and before a daily amalgamate has acted on the data.
  5. Set up a task and workflow for running a daily amalgamate (after the archive export before taskrun of the import expires). Use the taskrun metadata expiry time T for the task. Set for instance the expiry time of the task in the Admin Interface.
  6. When preserving external historical timeseries much longer than a week, setup a separate task and workflow for a weekly amalgamate. This workflow should be setup to process the output of the daily amalgamate. Obviously this workflow must therefore be run before the daily amalgamate taskrun metadata expires. Use the taskrun metadata expiry time T for the task. Set for instance the expiry time of the task in the Admin Interface..
  7. When preserving external historical timeseries much longer than a month, setup a separate task and workflow for a monthly amalgamate. This workflow should be setup to process the output of the weekly amalgamate. Obviously this workflow must therefore be run before the weekly amalgamate taskrun metadata expires.


  1. Verify that the workflow id's in the ImportAmalgamate module refer to the main workflows (i.e. the ones that are actually scheduled) and not to any workflows that are run as part of a main workflow.
  2. Verify that the import workflows are inserting expected amounts of external historical TimeSeries with the correct period - e.g. the begin time must start after the end time of the previous run. Check in DatabaseLister!
  3. Check that the processing steps that operate on the external historical data do not contain transformations that produce warnings about "Overwriting with missing" (evil!).
  4. Verify the history popup (Ctrl-H) in the TimeSeriesDialog does not contain multiple entries.
  5. Verify that the external historical TimeSeries records are created with a healthy expiryTime.
  6. Verify that the TaskRuns for external historical TimeSeries records created with a healthy expiryTime.
  7. Verify that the Tasks for external historical TimeSeries records created with a healthy expiryTime.
  8. Does the ImportAmalgamate configuration include all the workflowIds of interest.
  9. Does the ImportAmalgamate run without errors.
