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The regional configuration items form the basis of the region specific configuration of DELFT FEWS as a forecasting system for a particular river system or administrative region. It includes definitions of the parameter, locations, units and flags used, which may vary per application of the system.

The region configuration items include (items in bold are required for a minimal system):

  • Parameters definition of the parameters used for time series
  • Locations definition of all locations
  • LocationSets definition of sets of locations
  • Branches definition of branches (used for displaying longitudinal profiles)
  • Grids definition of grids used in the system.
  • TimeUnits Definition of time units supported by the system (used for mapping external time units to internal time units).
  • Filters Definition of filters in the main map display
  • ValidationRuleSets Definition of validation rule sets
  • Thresholds definition of threshold types
  • ThresholdValueSets definition of threshold values for all locations and data types.
  • ValueAttributeMaps attributes to be mapped from time series values for use in reports.
  • ColdModuleInstanceStateGroups Definition of groups of cold module states.
  • Polygons link polygons in shape files to DELFT-FEWS locations.
  • ModuleInstanceDescriptors Definition of instances of modules
  • WorkflowDescriptors Definition of workflows
  • IdMapDescriptors Definition of ID maps used for mapping external parameters and ID's to DELFT-FEWS locations and parameters.
  • FlagConversionDescriptors Definition of Flag conversions used for mapping external data quality flags to DELFT-FEWS data quality flags.
  • UnitConversionsDescriptors Definition of unit conversions used for mapping external units to DELFT-FEWS units.
  • CorrelationEventSetsDescriptors Definition of sets of correlation events (used by correlation module only).
  • TravelTimesDescriptors Definition of sets of travel times for correlation events (used by correlation module only).
  • HistoricalEvents Definition of historical events to be plotted against real time forecast data for reference purposes.
  • CustomFlagSources Definition of custom flag sources

From version 2008.03 onwards you can now choose to define Locations, LocationSets, IdMaps, DisplayGroups, ThresholdValueSets and ValidationRuleSets in a dbf file. This can be a useful way of defining all your information in one place. It also means you can efficiently configure Fews without XML Spy and reduces XML parsing time when starting Fews. See chapter 22 for further details.


Many of the configuration items required will include references to strings. To avoid duplication, a tag can be defined in the file in the root configuration and the tag name used in the XML file (see also System Configuration).



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