Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents

Report Module Configuration

The role of the report module is to generate reports of the forecast results in a form that can easily be displayed without using DELFT-FEWS on a web server. Reports that are produced by DELFT-FEWS serve two purposes:


Report_Coastal_Forecast 1.00 default.xml


File name for the Report_Coastal_Forecast configuration.


Version number


Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

1.2 Figure 89 Elements of the Reports configuration
1.2.1 Anchor_Toc154574438_Toc154574438 Anchor_Toc95297292_Toc95297292

Configuring formatting of reports



Root element for declaring variables and formats to be used in making the report. Details on how these are to be configured is given in Appendix D.

1.2.3 Figure 90 Elements of the declarations configuration 1.2.4
1.2.5 h5.


The DefineGlobal element can be used to enter some information that is valid for all reports. Multiple DefineGlobal elements may be defined, as long as the ID attribute is kept unique.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Related TAG: $DEFINITION(definitionId)$ 1.2.6 \\ 1.2.7 h5. \[item\]Format Formatting instructions for a specific item in the report. See Appendix D for details. 1.2.8 \\ 1.2.9 h5. templateDir Root directory of the directory containing report templates. 1.2.10 \\ 1.2.11 h5. reportRootsDir Root directory to which the all reports are to be exported. This directory is typically the root directory of


Formatting instructions for a specific item in the report. See Appendix D for details.


Root directory of the directory containing report templates.


Root directory to which the all reports are to be exported. This directory is typically the root directory of the web server the web server

Note: A tag may be useful to define this directory
1.2.12 1.2.13 h5.


Root directory to which the current reports are to be exported. This directory is relative to the reportsRootsDir 1.2.14
1.2.15 h5.


Boolean option to determine if reports are to be written to the file system on creation. If set to false reports will be stored in the Reports table in the database, pending export through the ReportExport module.
1.2.16 Anchor_Toc154574439_Toc154574439 Anchor_Toc95297293_Toc95297293

Configuring content of reports



Root element for defining the data to be included in the report.

1.2.18 Figure 91 Elements of the Report configuration
1.2.19 1.2.20 h5.


Input timeseriesSets for the report. All timeSeriesSets that are used in the report must be defined here, both for carts and for tables. See Transformation Module for details on definint an inputVariable element. 1.2.21
1.2.22 h5.


Reference to an external file that must be copied with the report. The file will be copied to the same location as the report, with the correct filename inserted at the place of the tag. This can be used for copying images.

Related TAG: $FILERESOURCE(resourceId)$
1.2.23 1.2.24 h5.


In the Chart element the variableId's to be used for one or more charts are defined. The Chart ID that is defined is referenced in the TAG.

Related TAG: $CHART(chartId)$
1.2.25 1.2.26 h5.


In the Summary element the variableId's are specified that are used to create the summary information. The OverlayFormat of the SummaryFormat determines what is shown on the map.

Related TAG: $SUMMARY(summaryId)$ 1.2.27
1.2.28 h5.


In the Table element the variableId's are specified that are used to create a table. The TableFormat controls how the table is formatted, i.e. the row and column information and how the data is displayed in the map.

Related TAG: $TABLE(tableId)$
1.2.29 1.2.30 h5.


The Status element links a Status ID that is referenced in the STATUS TAG to a Status Format ID.

Related TAG: $STATUS(statusId)$ 1.2.31
1.2.32 h5.


Template file name to be used for the report.
1.2.33 1.2.34 h5.


Output Sub Directory for the report
1.2.35 1.2.36 h5.


Report Filename.
1.2.37 1.2.38 h5.


The DefineLocal element can be used to enter some information that is valid for a single report. Multiple DefineLocal elements may be defined, as long as the ID attribute is kept unique.


Related TAG: $DEFINITION(definitionId)$1.2.39 Anchor_Toc154574440_Toc154574440


Charts can be used for visualising (more than one) timeseries by displaying them on a x and y axis using lines, dots etc. The charts which can be added to html-reports looks more or less the same as in the TimeSeries Display. Charts are being created as (indivudual) *.png files.

1.2.41 Figure 92 Example of a chart (*.png file) 1.2.42
1.2.44 h5.

Template tag

In the Chart element the variableId's to be used for one or more charts are defined. The Chart ID that is defined is referenced in the TAG.

Related TAG: $CHART(chartId)$1.2.45
1.2.46 h5.

Configuration aspects

Chart should be configured according the following schema definition (reports.xsd)

1.2.49 Figure 93 Chart definition according the ChartComplexType (sharedTypes.xsd). 1.2.50

For adding a chart to a report the following aspects are important to configure:

  • Chart attributes;
  • Chart timeseries;


  • ;
Chart attributes

To display the chart the following attributes need to be defined:

  • Id: unique identifier for this chart (unique in this report);
  • formatId: referring to the format of this chart (in declaration section of the report)
  • height: an integer value for the height of the chart in pixels;
  • width: an integer value for the width of the chart in pixels;



Chart timeseries

To display lines, dots etc. of a certain timeseries, the reference to this timeseries (variableId) should be mentioned.

1.2.56 Figure 94 chart declaration in the report section 1.2.57 Anchor_Toc154574441_Toc154574441


A summary is a (background) map which can be added to a report. On top of this map, icons can be displayed. The icons indicate the location or the (warning) status of the monitoring or forecasting point. By adding specific html-functionality to the report template(s), maps can be used to navigate through the reports as well. Clickable areas and locations can be distinguished here. The map itself (as a file) can be any image file. For displaying maps in html-reports the following formats are advised: *.png, *.jpg or *.gif.1.2.58 1.2.59 h5.

Template tag

In the Summary element the variableId's are specified that are used to create the summary information. The OverlayFormat of the SummaryFormat determines what is shown on the map.

Related TAG: $SUMMARY(summaryId)$

Creating a summary

Wiki Markup
1.2.60 \\ 
1.2.61 h5. Creating a summary 
The map itself is an existing file and can be created in several ways. An image processing software package (like Paint Shop Pro) can create a 'screendump' from the map section of The FEWS-Explorer. The FEWS-Explorer itself has some hidden features which can be used as well. The \[F12\] button can be used for:


Wiki Markup
Remark: Every time you use the above mentioned \[F12\] features, the png file in the /bin directory and the clipboard is overwritten! In making series of maps you should copy/rename your png file after using this option. You should also paste the map extent in a text editor or spreadsheet directly before repeating the operations with another map extent in the FEWS-Explorer.
1.2.63 h5.

Configuring a summary

1.2.64 Declaration section

In the declarations section of the report ModuleConfigFile, the summaryFormat needs to be declared. The following elements should be specified (see figure).

  • Id: unique identifier (as reference to this summary)
  • Map
    o Image
  • file: relative reference/path to the image file;
  • width: width of the image file in pixels;
  • height: height of the image file in pixels;
    o x0: horizontal margin/shift of the map on the html page;
    o y0: vertical margin shift of the map on the html page;
    o leftLongitude: left side of the map in real world coordintes;
    o rightLongitude: right side of the map in real world coordinates;
    o bottomLatitude: bottom side of the map in real world coordinates;
    o topLatitude: top side of the map in real world coordinates;
    o mapFormat: details for positioning and behaviour of the map;
    o overlayFormat: details for positioning and behaviour of icons on the map; 1.2.66
    1.2.67 Image Removed

Image Added
Figure 95 Summaryformat in the declarations section



Detailed explanation
  • File details like width and height can be retrieved using image processing software.
  • The x0 and y0 elements are margins/shifts of the position of the map compared to the left-upper point of the report (e.g. an A4-sheet). This left-upper point is (0,0). The x0/y0 refer to the left-upper point of the image.
  • Wiki Markup
    The mapFormat is used for positioning the map on the page (relative to all other content) and therefor it is placed in a so-called \[DIV\] tag. This type of html tag puts everything which is configured within that tag in that position on the page. The following table explains the references of the number in this format:







Absolute x position of map image.





Absolute y position of map image.





Image width.





Image height





Image filename.









Reference to a clickable map (#clickmap by default)


  • The overlayFormat is used for positioning location and/or warning icons on the map based on:
  • The map itself (defined in mapFormat);
  • X and Y coordinates of the required locations from the Locations.xml;


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="3f53b8aae6feac36-c4018d29-4c424e31-8cd78a37-d5483f28aacc29045daaccff"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

[img border="0" src="northeast.png" width="503" height="595" usemap="#clickmap" ]

[!-- Here the clickable map starts: SHOULD BE IN THE TEMPLATE --]
[map name="clickmap"]
[area alt="Northumbria Area" href="northumbria/area_status.html" shape="polygon" coords="138, ...,...,34"]
[area alt="Dales Area" href="dales/area_status.html" shape="polygon" coords="266, ..., ..., 285"]
[area alt="Ridings Area" href="ridings/area_status.html" shape="polygon" coords="359, ..., ..., 379"]



<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="479cc5312cc0b42f-76346dd6-4a924b8b-b8e29dec-92f93a3d396a2f499e87a09b"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

[!-- map --\]\\ \[div style="TOP:160px;LEFT:5px;position:absolute;Z-index:0"\]\\ \[img border="0" src="derwent.png" width="503" height="578" usemap="#clickmap" \]\\ \[/div\]\\ \\ \[!-- icons --]
[div style="TOP:467px;LEFT:427px;position:absolute;Z-index:1"]
[a href="BOYNTN1/forecastlocation.html"][img border="0" src="fluvial_site_data.gif"
title="Boyntn1: No threshold exceeded"][/a]

