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Definition of historical events to be plotted against real time forecast data for reference purposes

schema location

DELFT-FEWS allows a set of historical events to be defined that can be retrieved when looking at forecast data through the time series display. These events can then be displayed in the same plot as the real-time data for reference purposes.

Historical events are configured as a time series referenced to a location/parameter. When that location/parameter is displayed in the time series display, a drop down list of the events available for that specific combination is displayed. Selected events are displayed in the same sub-plot as the real time data for that location parameter.

This configuration is optional. If not available no historical events will be displayed.

When available on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring the HistoricalEvents is:

HistoricalEvents 1.00 default.xml

HistoricalEvents             Fixed file name for the HistoricalEvents configuration

1.00                                            Version number

default                                       Unit to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 52 Elements of the HistoricalEvents configuration.


Root definition of an historical event. Multiple events may be defined.


  •         locationId: Id of the location of the event (see definition of DELFT-FEWS locations).
  •         parameterId: Id of the parameter in the event (see definition of DELFT-FEWS parameters).
  •         name: name of the historical event. This name will be available as a list of historical events.

Time series data for the event. This follows the same defition of the inputVariable detailed in the Tranformation Module configuration. The typical profile option is used for defining an historical event).


  •         variableId: ID of the variable (group).Later used in referencing the variable.
  •         variableType: Optional type definition of variable (defaults to "any")
  •         convertDatum: Optional Boolean flag to indicate if datum is to be converted.

Time step for typical profile if variable to be defined for the historical event.


  • unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week, nonequidistant)
  • multiplier defines the number of units given above in a time step (not relevant for nonequidistant time steps)
  • divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units in time step.

Relative view period of the event. This is the time span of the event. The start and end information will be used when initially plotting the event to determine its position against the display time at the time of display


Data entered to define the event. Data is entered using the dateTime attribute only, the specific date and time values given for each data point. Other attributes available for defining typical profiles are not used.


  • dateTime: Attribute value indicating the value entered is valid for a specific date time combination. The string has the format "<year><month><day>T<hour>:<minute>:<second>". For example the 23rd of August is "1984-12-31T00:00:00".

Optional specification of the time zone for the data entered (see timeZone specification).


The offset of the time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT). Entries should define the number of hours (or fraction of hours) offset. (e.g. +01:00)


Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones.

Example of an Historic event:

<!— Example historic event -->
<historicalEvent name="04-07 January 1999" locationId="RCS.RIV.765512" parameterId="H.obs">
		<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
		<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-48" end="24"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T10:00:00" value="2.196"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T10:15:00" value="2.199"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T10:30:00" value="2.201"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T10:45:00" value="2.198"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T11:00:00" value="2.204"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T11:15:00" value="2.213"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T11:30:00" value="2.218"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T11:45:00" value="2.233"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-04T12:00:00" value="2.252"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-07T09:15:00" value="2.472"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-07T09:30:00" value="2.462"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-07T09:45:00" value="2.453"/>
		<data dateTime="1999-01-07T10:00:00" value="2.444"/>

  • No labels