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Configuration for the general adapter module

schema location

Entry in ModuleDescriptors

<moduleDescriptor id="GeneralAdapter">
<description>General Adaptor to launch published interface compliant modules</description>

General Adapter Configuration

A key feature of DELFT-FEWS is its ability to run external modules to provide essential forecasting functionality. These modules may be developed by Deltares as well as by other companies or institutions. The DELFT-FEWS system does not have any knowledge of the specific implementation of these modules. It is rather the central philosophy to have an open system, that is able to treat external modules as plug-ins that can be used if needed.

The General Adapter is the part of the DELFT-FEWS system that implements this feature. It is responsible for the data exchange with the modules and for executing the modules and their adapters. The central philosophy of the General Adapter is that it knows as little as possible of module specific details. Module specific intelligence is strictly separated from the DELFT-FEWS system. In this way an open system can be guaranteed. Module specific intelligence required by the module to run is vested in the module adapters.

Communication between the General Adapter and a module is established through the published interface (PI). The PI is an XML based data interchange format. The General Adapter is configured to provide the data required for a module to run in the PI format. A module adapter is then used to translate the data from the PI to the module native format. Vice versa, results will first be exported to the PI format by a module adapter before the General Adapter imports them back into DELFT-FEWS.
Grid and scalar timeseries can also be exchanged using netCDF format.
This exchange format is intended for the modules that obtain their input from netCDF files and/or write their output to netCDF files.

The General Adapter module can be configured to carry out a sequence of five types of tasks;

  • Startup Activities. These activities are run prior to a module run and any export import of data. The activities defined are generally used to remove files from previous runs that may implicate the current run.
  • Export Activities. These activities define all items to be exported through the published interface XML formats to the external module, prior to the module or the module adapters being initialised. Grid and scalar timeseries can be exported also in netCDF format.
  • Execute Activities. These execute activities define the external executables or Java classes to be run. Tracking of diagnostics from these external activities is included in this section.
  • Import Activities: These activities define all items to be imported following successful completion of the module run.
  • Shutdown Activities. These activities are run following completion of all other activities. The activities defined are generally used to remove files no longer required.

Figure 65 Schematic interaction between the General Adapter and an external module

When available as configuration on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring an instance of the general adapter module called for example HBV_Maas_Forecast may be:

HBV_Maas_Forecast 1.00 default.xml


File name for the HBV_Maas_Forecast configuration.


Version number


Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 66 Elements of the General Adapter configuration


Root element of general settings.


Burn-in period and initial value for cold state starts.


Root element for the activities to be defined. The activities are defined in a fixed order;

  • startUpActivities
  • exportActivities
  • executeActivities
  • importActivities
  • shutDownActivities

General settings

Figure 67 Elements of the general section of the general adapter configuration


Optional description of the configuration. Used for reference purposes only.


Version of the PI specification that is supported by the pre and post adapter.


Root directory for the external module. Other directories can be defined relative to this rootDir using predefined tags (see comment box below).


Working directory to be used by the external module. When started this directory will be the current directory.


Directory to export data from DELFT-FEWS to the external module. All Published Interface files will be written to this directory (unless overruled in naming the specific export files).


Directory to export module datasets from DELFT-FEWS to the external module. A module dataset is a ZIP file, which will be unzipped using this directory as the root directory. If the zip file contains full path information, this will be included as a tree of subdirectories under this directory.


ID of the IdMap used to convert internal parameterId's and locationId's to external parameter and location Id's. See section on configuration for Mapping Id's units and flags.


Id of UnitConversions to be used for export unit mapping


Directory to import result data from the external module to DELFT-FEWS. All Published Interface files will be read from this directory (unless overruled in naming the specific export files).


ID of the IdMap used to convert external parameterId's and locationId's to internal parameter and location Id's. This may be defined to be the same as the import directory, but may also contain different mappings. See section on configuration for Mapping Id's units and flags.


Id of UnitConversions to be used for import unit mapping


Directory for writing dump files to. Dump Files are created when one of the execute activities fails. A dump file is a ZIP file which includes all the dumpDir directories defined. The dump file is created immediately on failure, meaning that all data and files are available as they are at the time of failure and can be used for analysis purposes. The ZIP file name is time stamped to indicate when it was created.


Directory to be included in the dump file. All contents of the directory will be zipped. Multiple dumpDir's may be defined.

NOTE: ensure that the dumpDir does not include the dumpFileDir. This creates a circular reference and may result in corrupted ZIP files.


File name and path of diagnostic files created in running modules. This file should be formatted using the Published Interface diagnostics file specification.


Optional specification of missing value identifier to be used in PI-XML exported to modules and imported from modules.

NOTE: it is assumed an external module uses the same missing value identification for both import and export data.


Optional Boolean flag to indicate level data is used and produced by the module at a global rather than a local datum. The convention in DELFT-FEWS is that data is stored at a local datum. If set to true data in parameter groups supporting datum conversion will be converted on export to the global datum by adding the z coordinate of the location. (see definition of parameters and locations in Regional Configuration).


Time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT) for all time dependent data communicated with the module. If not defined, UTC+0 (GMT) will be used. This time zone is used when importing pi files and the time zone is not available in the pi file.


The offset of the time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT). Entries should define the number of hours (or fraction of hours) offset. (e.g. +01:00). This time zone is used when importing pi files and the time zone is not available in the pi file.


Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones. This time zone is used when importing pi files and the time zone is not available in the pi file.


The date time format of the %TIME0% variable
yyyy Year
M Month in year
d Day in month
H Hour in day (0-23)
m Minute in hour
s Second in minute


Defines if ensembles are read from or written to a number of sub directories.

Burn-In Profile

Burn-in profile for cold state starts. Used to replace first part of a timeseries.

For time series with matching parameter-location ids, the first value is replaced by the initialValue. Element length defines the length of timeseries beginning that is to be replaced using linear interpolation.


Length of time series beginning that is to be replaced.


Initial value (which should match cold state), location and parameter should be specified.

Startup Activities

Figure 68 Elements of the startUpActivities section of the General Adapter configuration.


Root element of a purge activity used to delete files from previous runs. Multiple purge activities may be defined.


Filter specifying files to be removed. Wildcards may be used.

Deleting a whole directory can be achieved by defining the directory path in the filter without any file filter options (.).
eg: %ROOT_DIR%/exportDir/purgeDirectory

A directory can only be removed if it is a sub directory of the General Adapter root directory!

Example (not the use of tags to define the directory names):


Root element of an unzip activity used to unpack a zip file and put the contained files in the directory of choice. Multiple unzip activities may be defined.

Each activity has the following elements:

  • description - optional description of the activity (for documentation only)
  • sourceZipFile - the name of the zip file to be unzipped
  • destinationDir - the name of the directory where the files will be put


Root element of a zip activity used to pack all files and subdirectories of an indicated directory to a zip file for later use/inspection. Multiple zip activities may be defined. The file name may include environment variables, as well as tags defined in the general adapter or on the See the environment variables section for a list of internal variables.

Each activity has the following elements:

  • description - optional description of the activity (for documentation only)
  • sourceDir - the name of the directory containing the files to be zipped
  • destinationZipFile - the name of the zip file to be created



Export Activities

Figure 69 Elements of the ExportActivity section

Export activities are defined to allow exporting various data objects from DELFT-FEWS to the external modules. The list of objects that can be exported (see figure above) includes;

  • exportStateActivity to export module states
  • exportTimeSeriesActivity to export time series for scalar or polygon time series
  • exportDataSetActivity to export module datasets
  • exportMapStacksActivity to export time series for grid time series
  • exportProfilesActivity to export time series for longitudinal profile time series
  • exportCustomFormatTimeSeriesActivity to export time series in a custom format using a third party serializer
  • exportRatingCurveActivity to export rating curves
  • exportParameterActivity to export module parameters
  • exportTableActivity to export table (e.g. rating table)
  • exportNetcdfActivity to export scalar or grid time series in Netcdf format
  • exportRunFileActivity to export a run file (The run file contains general information that is used by the pre and post adapter)
  • exportCustomFormatRunFileActivity to export a custom format run info file that can be used by the model
  • exportAreaSelectionActivity exports bitmasks for the model adapter with a polygon embedded in the TaskProperties as input (is currently only used within NGMS)
  • exportLocationAreaActivity exports bitmasks for the model adapter with location ids from the TaskProperties as input (is currently only used within NGMS)

For most types of exportActivity, multiple entries may exist.

NB. See also the exportPlaceholderFile option in the several importActivities, which is another form of preparing input for the module adapter.


Figure 70 Elements of the ExportStatesActivity section.


Optional description for the export states configuration. Used for reference purposes only.


Id of the moduleInstance that has written the state to be exported. Generally this will be the same as the Id of the current instance of the General Adapter. This can also be the ID of another instance of the General Adapter. The latter is the case when using a state in a forecast run that has been written in an historical run.


Directory to export the states to. This is the export location for the (binary) state files.


Name (and location) of the PI-XML file describing the states. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.


Root element for the description of the state. Both a read location and a write location will need to be defined. This allows the name of the file(s)/directory to be different on read and write. Multiple locations may be defined, but these must all be of the same type.

  • Attributes type: indication of type of state to be imported. This may either be "directory" or "file". Note that multiple locations are supported only if type is "file".
  • stateLocation - Root element of a state location
  • readLocation - Location where the external module will read the state. This is the location (and name of file/directory) where the General Adapter writes the state.
  • writeLocation - Location where the external module is expected to write the state. This is the location (and name of file/directory) where the General Adapter expects to read the state.
<stateLocations type="file">

Root element to specify how a state to be exported to the external module is to be selected. Two main groups are available, cold states and warm states. Only one of these types can be specified. Note that if a warm state selection is specified and an appropriate warm state cannot be found, a cold state will be exported by default.

  • coldState - Root element for defining the stateSelection method to always export a cold state.
  • groupId - Id of the group of cold states to be used. This must be a groupId as defined in the ColdModuleInstanceStateGroups configuration (see Regional Configuration).
  • coldState:startDate - Definition of the start date of the external module run when using the cold state. This startDate is specified relative to the start time of the forecast run. A positive startDate means it is before the start time of the forecast run.
  • coldState:fixedStartTime - (Since 2012_02) the start date can be configured as an fixed time
  • warmState - Root element for defining the stateSelection method to search for the most suitable warm state.
  • stateSearchPeriod - Definition of the search period to be used in selecting a warm state. The database will return the most recent suitable warm state found within this search period.
  • coldStateTime - Definition of the start time to use for a cold state if a suitable state is not found within the warm state search period.
  • insertColdState - When you set insertColdState to true, the defaultColdState is inserted into the WarmStates when no WarmState is found inside the stateSearchPeriod. By default the cold state is not inserted as warm state
          <stateSearchPeriod unit="hour" start="-48" end="0"/>
	  <coldStateTime unit="hour" value="-48"/>


When specified, all activities are run in a loop to ensure that a state is produced on every cardinal time step between the time of the exported state and T0. This has two advantages:

  • states are distributed over time equally and frequently. It is possible to start an update run from every point, also half way of a cold update run that spans several days.
  • restriction of memory consumption. You can run an update run over months without going out of RAM.

Do not specify a relative view period for all time series sets in the export activity


When specified, an extra state is written at the end of the state search period. Note that the run is then split in two. E.g my state search period is -10 to -4 days, then there are two update runs, one from the time where a state was found to -4 and one from -4 to T0. A state is written at the end of both runs (T0 and T0 - 4days). You can additionally define a minimum run length. This is necessary for some runs that need a minimum run length for e.g. PT updating. The run is then only split in two if both runs can be run over the minimum run length. If not, there is only one run and the state is written to the end of this run (T0), no intermediate state is written.

see example configuration below and this figure

	<stateLocations type="file">
			<stateSearchPeriod unit="hour" start="-240" end="-96"/>
	<minimumRunLength unit="day" multiplier="4"/>


Figure 71 Elements of the exportTimeSeries section


Optional description of the timeSeries export configuration.


Name (and location) of the PI-XML file with exported time series. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.


When true the events in the PI time series file are written to a binary file instead of the xml file. The written xml file will only contain the time series headers and optionally a time zone. The binary file has the same name as the xml file only the extension is "bin" instead of "xml". During PI time series import the bin file is automatically read when available. The byte order in the bin file is always Intel x86.


When true the run period, written in the pi run file, will not be extended.


When true any thresholds for the exported timeseries will be written in the timeserie headers


Root element for defining timeSerieSets to be exported.

timeSerieSets: timeSerieSet

TimeSeriesSets to be exported. These may contain either a (list of) locations or a locationSet. Multiple entries may be defined.


Includes missing values in the export file or leave them out.


When true, a series is not exported when the time series is empty (or when omitMissingValues = true, when the time series is empty after removing the missing values.)


Can be used to select all approved forecasts with a forecast start time lying within this period


Figure 72 Elements of the ExportMapStacksActivity.


Optional description of the timeSeries export configuration.


Name (and location) of the PI-XML file describing the map stack of the exported grid time series. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.


Root element for defining file name of grid to be exported


LocationId for grid to be exported.


Name of the files for the grid to be exported. For grid files where each time slice is stored in a different file, this name is the prefix for the full file name. The final file name is created using an index of files exported (e.g the file name for the 4^th^ time step is grid00000.004).


Format of the exported grid. Enumeration of options include;

  • asc : for exporting to ARC-INFO ASCII grid format
  • pcrgrid : for exporting to PCRaster native grid file format
  • usgs : for exporting to USGS DEM format (BIL)

TimeSeriesSets to be exported. These should contain only one locationId. For exporting multiple grids, multiple exportMapStack activities should be defined.


Configuration of the exportProfiles activity is identical to the exportTimeSeries Activity.


Figure 73 Elements of the exportDataSets section


Optional description of the module dataset export configuration.


Optional reference to the moduleInstanceId of the moduleDataSet to be exported. If not defined the moduleInstanceId of the current module instance is taken as a default (see section on Module Datasets and Parameters).


Figure 74 Elements of the exportParameter section


Optional description of the module parameter configuration.


Optional reference to the moduleInstanceId of the moduleParameter to be exported. If not defined the moduleInstanceId of the current module instance is taken as a default (see section on Module Datasets and Parameters)


Name (and location) of the PI-XML file with exported parameters. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.


Figure 1 Elements of the ExportTableActivity configuration


Optional description of the ExportTableActivity configuration.


File to which the table will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.


Type of table to be exported. Currently enumeration must be "ratingCurve"


ID of the table to be exported.


Parameters for the convertEquation operation. Must include minimumLevel, maximumLevel and stepSize


location id to select the rating curve


Exports grid or scalar timeseries to netCDF file. All timeseries specified inside one exportNetcdfActivity must have the same value type - grid or scalar.
For an export it is required that all ensembles have exactly the same ensemble member indices. The usage of ensemble member id's (strings) is not supported yet.

Figure 2 Elements of the ExportNetcdfActivity configuration


Optional description of the ExportNetcdfActivity configuration.


File to which the data will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.


TimeSeriesSet that defines what data is to be exported.


Include missing values in the export file or leave them out.


The time series is not exported when the time series is empty or when; omitMissingValues = true and the time series is empty after removing the missing values.


Figure 3 Elements of the ExportRunFileActivity configuration


Optional description of the ExportRunFileActivity configuration.


File to which the data will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.


Kind of environment variables for the pre and post adapters. These properties are copied to the run file. This is also a convenient way to pass global properties to a pre or post adapter. An adapter is not allowed to access the FEWS directly. Global properties (between $) are replace by there literal values before copied to the run file. These extra options makes an additional pre or post adapter configuration file unnecessary.


  • string
  • int
  • float
  • bool

example of exported run file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Run xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.5">
    <startDateTime date="1900-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
    <endDateTime date="2100-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
    <time0 date="2000-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>


Activity to create a custom run info file. This activity replaces tags in a template file with actual (modified) values. The template file can contain location attribute tags between '@' signs, general adapter tags between '%' signs and global properties between '$' signs. The specified template file will be copied to the specified export file before the tags are replaced. So the template file itself is not changed. If the export file already exists, then it will be overwritten.

Elements of the ExportCustomFormatRunFileActivity configuration


Optional description for the activity.


The pathname of the template file relative to the rootDir (or absolute path). This file can contain location attribute tags between '@' signs, general adapter tags between '%' signs and global properties between '$' signs.


The pathname of the export file relative to the exportDir (or absolute path). This file is created during the workflow run and will be a copy of the template file in which the tags are replaced with actual (modified) values. If this file already exists, then it will be overwritten.


Optional. Location attribute tags in the template file will be replaced with the corresponding (modified) attribute values of the location with this locationId. If this is not specified, then location attribute tags will not be replaced.

configuration example:

exportAreaSelectionActivity (currently NGMS only)

Exports an area selection mask as a PiMapStack. This activity requires an embedded polygon to be specified within the areaSelectionShapeFileBase64 field of the TaskProperties. This file is then available to be used by the pre and post adapter.


Optional description for the activity. Used for reference purposes only.


File name of the file to be exported. Always placed into the export dir.


Locations that contains the reference grid information.


Format of the PiMapStack file. Can be

  • asc : for exporting to ARC-INFO ASCII grid format
  • pcrgrid : for exporting to PCRaster native grid file format
  • usgs : for exporting to USGS DEM format (BIL)

exportLocationAreaActivity (currently NGMS only)

Exports an area selection mask in the form of a PiMapStack. This activity requires selectedLocationIds to be specified within the TaskProperties. This selection is then available to be used by the pre and post adapter.


Optional description for the activity. Used for reference purposes only.


File name of the file to be exported. Always placed into the export dir.


Locations that contains the reference grid information.


Format of the PiMapStack file. Can be

  • asc : for exporting to ARC-INFO ASCII grid format
  • pcrgrid : for exporting to PCRaster native grid file format
  • usgs : for exporting to USGS DEM format (BIL)

Identifier for locationset for which to generate grid files. The locations should have polygons associated with them.

Execute Activities

Figure 75 Elements of the ExecuteActivity configuration


Root element for the definition of an execute activity. For each external executable or Java class to run, an executeActivity must be defined. Multiple entries may exist.


Optional description for the activity. Used for reference purposes only.


Root element to define command to execute.

  • executable - File name and location of the executable to run the command is an executable. The file name may include environment variables, as well as tags defined in the general adapter or on the
  • className - Name of Java Class to run if the command defined as a Java class. This class may be made available to DELFT-FEWS in a separate JAR file in the \Bin directory.
  • binDir - Directory with jar files and optionally native dlls. When not specified the bin dir and classloader of FEWS is used. When specified the java class is executed in a private class loader, it will not use any jar in the FEWS bin dir. Only one class loader is created per binDir, adapters should still not use static variables. All dependencies should also be in this configured bin dir.

Root element for defining arguments to be passed to the executable/Java class

  • argument - Definition of an argument to be passed to the executable/Java Class

Root element for defining environment variable prior to running the executable/Java class

  • environmentVariable - Definition of an environment variable prior to running the executable/Java class
  • - Name of environment variable
  • environmentVariable.value - Value of environment variable

Optional timeout to be used when running module (in milliseconds). If run time exceeds timeout it will be terminated and the run considered as having failed.


File containing diagnostic information about activity. This file always is located in the importDir and overrules the global diagnostic file.


For this activity no check should be done whether the diagnostics file is present or not.

Internal GA variables

Several variables are available to be used as an argument to an external program. You can use in any filename or directory the properties from the file or the next internal variables:

  • TIME0

The colon characters ":" will be replaced by an underscore "_". Use the internal variables with % characters (like %TEMP_DIR%) and the variables with $ characters (like e.g. $DUMP_DIR$).

Import Activities

Figure 76 Elements of the ImportActivities configuration


This option can be used for all import activities, except for importStateActivity.
If <exportPlaceholderFile>true</exportPlaceholderFile>, then the General adapter will generate placeholder files. A placeholder file is a file with headers only, without timeseries. Its name is the same as filename configured for the ImportActivity and this placeholderfile is written to the import directory. The placeholder files are written before any execute activity is started. The models cq model adapters should read this placeholder files to see which data should be provided to import in FEWS.

  • <importTimeSeriesActivity> writes headers to pi_timeseries.xml
  • <importMapStacksActivity> writes headers to pi_mapstacks.xml
  • <importPiNetcdfActivity> writes headers to netCDF file
  • <importProfilesActivity> writes headers to pi_profiles.xml

The intention behind this exportPlaceholderFile functionality is that the model cq modeladapter reads the placeholders to see which timeseries are required by Fews.
After simulation, the model cq modeladapter overwrites these files with its own data over the placeholder files ready to be imported by the import activity.


It is available in the same way for importTimeSeriesActivity, importMapStacksActivity, importPiNetcdfActivity and importProfilesActivity.


Optional description of import activity. Used for reference purposes only


Root element for importing modules states resulting from the run of the external modules. Multiple elements may be defined. If no state is to be imported (for example in forecast run as opposed to state run), then the element should not be defined.

  • stateConfigFile - Fully qualifying name of the XML file containing the state import configuration
  • expiryTime - When the state is an intermediate result in a forecast run you can let the state expire. By default the expiry time is the same as the module instance run.
  • synchLevel - Optional synch level for state. Defaults to 0 is not specified (i.e. same as data generated by the forecast run)

Name (and location) of the PI-XML file describing the states to be imported. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be expected to be read from the importDir defined in the general section. This file contains all necessary information to define state type and location. The moduleInstanceId of the state imported is per definition the current module instance.


Root element for importing scalar and polygon time series resulting from the run of the external modules. Multiple elements may be defined. importFile and timeSeriesSet should be defined.

  • importFile - PI-XML file describing the time series to be imported. The file contains all information on type of data to be imported (scalar, longitudinal, grid, polygon). For all data types except the grid the file also contains the time series data If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be expected to be read from the importDir defined in the general section.


Root element for importing grid time series resulting from the run of the external modules. Multiple elements may be defined. importFile and timeSeriesSet should be defined.


Imports grid and scalar time series resulting from the run of the external modules.
All timeseries sets specified inside one importPiNetcdfActivity must have the same value type - grid or scalar.


Root element for importing longitudinal profile time series resulting from the run of the external modules. Multiple elements may be defined. importFile and timeSeriesSet should be defined.

Shutdown Activities

Elements of the Shutdown Activities configuration
This activity is the identical to the startUpActivities. The only difference is that these are carried out after the module run and import of data. See definition of StartUp activities for configuration.

  • No labels