A new Mapcontrol has been implemented in DelftShell based on te opensource project SharpMap. The functionality of this map is currently based on requirements for Sobek Flow. This means it supports reading of Shapefiles and it has support for network editing.

Applications belonging to DelftShell such as Habitat and Verkenner have additional requirements for map functionality. Based on a talk between Marjolijn Haasnoot, Arno Nolte and Onno van Logchem a list of requirements (for fileformats and display functionality) was made and it is represented in the tables below. Please add missing items if you can think of any.

Supported fileformats

*link to habitat projectplanning

  File Modified
ZIP Archive HabitoolGridCreate.zip lga cco Delft3D waq files die geconverteerd kunnen worden met habitoolgridcreate van lou. pcf file is nodig voor conversie tool 26-08-2008 by Marjolijn Haasnoot
File arealeef.map pcraster map file example 26-08-2008 by Marjolijn Haasnoot
ZIP Archive Bak.zip bil file example 26-08-2008 by Marjolijn Haasnoot
Text File Diepte_Bak.asc asc file example 26-08-2008 by Marjolijn Haasnoot

Conversion tools

Conversion tools have been produced by Lou Verhage to convert D3D WAQ output to maps that can be used by pcraster.
Conversion tool available from JanJaap for ASC to BIL and BIL to ASC
see for these tools P:\habitat\Development\Tools\
MAP files from PCRaster can be converterd to ASC (and then to BIL and NETCDF?)
Matlab / McTools hosts many post-processing, conversion and plotting routines. Perhaps some of this can be used as well.

Wich files can/will be converted to NETCDF?

  • bil
  • ascii grid
  • delft3d grid
  • shape file

Map display functionality

Legend funtionality extension


Fill color




for Habitat*




















enable points to be vector symbols with variable size and fill color







currently available in demis plugin

Map reprojection functionality

currently no specific items

  • No labels