
GECs are columns of sand or stone, that are encased by a geotextile. They provide a low-emission solution due to the limited transport and the reduced need of energy-intensive materials like cement, concrete and steel.

They provide a sustainable solution with very limited post-construction settlements. The objective of this project is to improve our understanding of Geotextile Encased Columns (GECs) through examination of the effects of loading, unloading and reloading cycles.


Loading, unloading and reloading.

Centrifuge testing

A series of three centrifuge tests was conducted at the Deltares GeoCentrifuge. The test models consisted of soft clay in which 19 or 37 GECs were installed. Great effort was made to be able to install these columns quickly, to make it possible to conduct three tests in the three weeks that were available for the centrifuge testing. The loading - unloading - reloading was applied by controlling the pressure in a top-water cushion.


Installation of the GECs through a mould into the clay model, GECs ready to be tested, Test set-up in the GeoCentrifuge, Cross section and top view GECs, scan result of deformations.


Private partners

  • Huesker GmbH, Germany
  • Huesker BV, Netherlands
  • Strabag, Germany

Knowledge Institutes

  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
  • Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands

Public partner

  • GEOLAB (a four-year Horizon 2020 project (2021 – 2025) funded by the European Union H2020 Research and Innovation Programme (


  • Design research program
  • Design and conducting of the centrifuge experiments
  • Analysis of the centrifuge experiments
  • Analytical and numerical analyses
  • Validating design rules and where necessary, modify design rules
  • Communication and dissemination

Products / planning

The official products of this TKI project are:


Proceedings paper and presentation at ECPMG 2024:

Proberezhnyi, V., Wittekoek, B., van den Berg, R., van Eekelen, S.J.M., Cengiz, C., Detert, O.,  Taetz, S., König, D., 2024. Design of centrifuge modelling of geotextile-encased column foundation systems subjected to reloading. In: Proceedings of ECPMG, 2024, Delft, Netherlands



Paper in Dutch magazine

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