6.2 Import with FEWS workflow

Running the HYMOS Import Wizard from a FEWS workflow requires configuration of a generalAdapterRun. In this run the Import Wizard is called with its arguments. For this configuration please contact your Delft FEWS configuration administrator.

Figure 2: Part of the configuration of the FEWS General Adapter Runcalling the Import Wizard.

Example Template file


Templates are defined using XML files. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and has gained wide support as a way to store and exchange data. One of the advantages of XML files are that it is possible to define what is a valid file for a specific purpose by various means. One of the means to do so is the XML schema definition an *.xsd file. This file specifies which items must and which may be present in the XML file. For the HYMOS Import Wizard the schema file is located in the schema sub-folder. The schema is not put in the XML file, but used by the HYMOS Import Wizard.
If you have a template that you wish to check, you may use a so called validating parser or xml-editor.
More information about XML may be found at the site of the World-Wide Web consortium (http://www.w3.org/XML/)

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