
This import is available since 2023.02. Only scalars are supported.

The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) format import type allows you to import files containing data following the GOES format as described in WaterLog Goes.pdf.

Values are assumed to never be negative. If a timeseries should allow negative number, a transformation has to be applied with for each value, if the value is greater than 1310.71, then subtract 1310.72 from the value and change the sign to negative.

Note that the only times contained in the data are the times at which the data was received by the server, which is different from when the data was measured. The last measurement and the reception time can be a few minutes apart. This is why the time of the most recent measurement in the data is assumed to be the previous quarter of an hour. Taking the content of the file below as example, the data was received at 12:55 (518244D424059125511G39). The most recent time and value to be imported will be at 12:45.

The data is provided in chunks separated by a space. Each chunk is for one location only and for one hour. It contains all values of seven parameters (Main Stage, Secondary Stage, Rainfall, AirTemp, RH, Internal RH and Repeater Battery) every 15 minutes for three hours and one value for one parameter (Main Battery).

Example of file content

Here is an example of the content of a file to be imported. 

518244D424059125511G39+0NN037EUP00258`BST_}ob\Ob\O`}q@@S@ofb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}q@@R@oRb\O_}ob\Ob\O`}q@@R@n~b\O_}nb\Ob\O`}q@@R@nDb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}r@@S@nbb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}r@@S@njb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}s@@R@nlb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}s@@R@n\b\O_}nb\Ob\O`}s@@R@nZb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}s@@R@nOb\O_}nb\Ob\O`}s@@R@mdb\O_}mb\Ob\O`}s@@R@mlb\Og 518244D424059125511G30+0NN037WUB00258bBST_}mb\Ob\O`}Y@@g@eib\O_}mb\Ob\O`}h@@_@fOb\O_}mb\Ob\O`}w@@W@gcb\O_}mb\Ob\O`~E@@O@h~b\O_}mb\Ob\O`~Q@@I@j@b\O_}mb\Ob\O`~Z@@D@j{b\O_}mb\Ob\O`~]@@B@kYb\O_}mb\Ob\O`~^@@B@jxb\O_}mb\Ob\O`~^@@A@jNb\O_}mb\Ob\O`~_@@A@jcb\O_}mb\Ob\O`~_@@A@jNb\O_}mb\Ob\O`~_@@A@j^b\Ok

Configuration example

To import a file placed in the import folder containing GOES data, use the following import configuration.

         <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
         <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
         <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

The import_mapping configuration is as follow. Note that the external names of the parameters cannot be changed. They correspond to the eight different parameters in the data, in order of appearance.

    <parameter internal="H.m" external="Main Stage"/>
    <parameter internal="SecStage" external="Secondary Stage"/>
    <parameter internal="Precipitation" external="Rainfall"/>
    <parameter internal="Temperature" external="AirTemp"/>
	<parameter internal="Humidity" external="RH"/>
	<parameter internal="InternalHumidity" external="Internal RH"/>
	<parameter internal="RepeaterBattery" external="Repeater Battery"/>
	<parameter internal="MainBattery" external="Main Battery"/>

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