Available since 2023.02. Present parser allows to download and import meteorological observations from https://vis.vega.com/api/Values/

Example url request:


Full Api documentaion is available here:

An API key required to download data,

Config example:

			<password>Api key</password>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-30" end="+1" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true"/>
			<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
			<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

Data will be imported in 7-day segments to keep the server responsive and deal with the (length of the) response stream to prevent memory and speed issues for Delft-FEWS.

INFO - Importing data from https://vis.vega.com/api/Values/all/20032024-23032024/2.22-03-2024 15:35:12 
INFO - Importing data from https://vis.vega.com/api/Values/all/13032024-20032024/2.22-03-2024 15:35:10 
INFO - Importing data from https://vis.vega.com/api/Values/all/06032024-13032024/2.22-03-2024 15:35:07 
INFO - Importing data from https://vis.vega.com/api/Values/all/28022024-06032024/2.22-03-2024 15:35:04 
INFO - Importing data from https://vis.vega.com/api/Values/all/21022024-28022024/2.22-03-2024 15:35:04 

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