OpenEarthTools tutorials available in matlab help browser

All Matlab tutorials that are on this wiki and in the repository are now also available through the matlab help navigator.

Command line help support for tutorials

In addition to that a Contents.m file is automatically created for the tutorials dir.

Try for example:

help tutorials

It will give you an overview (including links) to the tutorials available in OpenEarthTools. If you click on one of those links it will automatically open the help browser at the specified tutorial.

Other content of the matlab toolbox item in the help browser

Besides the tutorials the table of contents of the OpenEarth toolbox also contains links to most relevant pages on the wiki.

Search tutorials through matlab help navigator

Starting at Matlab version 7.4 (2007a) it is also possible to include a search database in the matlab help. This database is matlab version dependant and will therefore automatically created in oetsettings. It is therefore also possible to enter keywords in the search box of the matlab help navigator or search in the tutorials command line:

Try for example:

docsearch OpenEarth
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