
AGU's EOS features an article on scientific acknowledgement for scientists that produce valueable data. This to stimulate them to bring out their data sets quickly. The IPY citation model is a good example. Also issues like QA and version control need to be covered when citing datasets.

The magnificent Rijkswaterstaat Lidar data of the entire Dutch coast, from 1996 to present, has been added to OpenEarth. The 5m resolution data can be seen in Google Earth or downloaded as data via the netCDF/OPeNDAP protocol directly into your application.

Scientific Visualization in Google Earth with OpenEarth

July 22nd, 2010 Randall HandGoto comments Leave a comment group called 'OpenEarth' is pitching the idea of using Google Earth as a visualization platform for climate and watershed models by creating open-source tools and models to convert your simulation results into Google Earth's KML format.OpenEarth is the open source initiative to archive, host and disseminate Data, Models and Tools for marine & coastal scientist and engineers. It aims to remedy the above-described inefficiencies by providing a project-superseding approach.
I've personally seen this trend growing as several researchers I know have begun integrating KML as a native simulation output, and creating web-portals and the like to allow live in-situ visualization of running simulations via Google Earth.  The possibilities are huge, if only they can overcome the problems with the high poly counts and large simulation sizes.


From Rijkswaterstaats historical time series database all time series for 22 parameters have been added/updated to our OPeNDAP server for ready use as web-service. The oldest datasets dates back to anno 1737 june 28 05:40! For a short manual on how to access these data online with ncBrowse or Matlab, please refer to KML overview of OPeNDAP data.
The data can be found here:

TU Delft weekly campus magazine 'Delta' reports (source):

Promovendus ir. Bas Wols heeft als eerste zijn onderzoeksgegevens vrij toegankelijk online gezet bij het 3TU datacentrum. "Het onderzoek is publiek gefinancierd. Dan is het normaal dat je de resultaten toegankelijk maakt", aldus de onderzoeker bij gezondheidstechniek van Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen. Zijn onderzoek gaat over de toepassing van numerieke stromingsleer (CFD) bij drinkwaterzuivering. Wols promoveert op 21 juli.

An article in AGU's EOS of March 2010 gives the proper arguments for and is reporting on the Community Approach to Earth System Modeling from a US perspective. Also with Dutch input (Alexey Voinov, ITC Enschede).

See attached article

On the NCK days 2010 several visualization techniques were presented. The presentation showed two datasets. One from the PhD from Gerben de Boer about the Rhine ROFI and a non public lidar dataset. You can create the visualization from the dataset from the Rhine ROFI using the tutorial and view another point cloud visualization at Gerwin de Haan's vimeo channel

( – Google's latest release is an application that allows users to create their own interactive, animated graphs and charts using public data such as census data or government statistics on unemployment or mortality rates. The charts and graphs created can then be embedded into web pages

The Google Earth plotting toolbox in OpenEarthTools is part of something bigger. New visualisation tools are emerging according to the recent The Economist article New ways of visualising data.

OpenEarth is mentioned on to have ""Stunning examples of data visualisation in Google Earth"", and it seems it is being picked up via twitter.