
A new macro has been developed to interactively visualize kml/kmz files in the wiki. The wiki tutorials contain a new tutorial on how to include a nice Google Earth application on one of the OpenEarth wiki pages!!

Have a look at this page for more info!!

OpenEarth is working together with the TUD library to join forces on sustainable data accessibility issues. Items that are under investigation are among others:

  • Establishing a mirror of the OpenEarth data respositories at TUD library to increase the level of accessibility of the OpenEarth data
  • Synchronising OpenEarth and TUD standards for data storage and dissemination (netCDF and OpenDAP)
  • Investigating the possibility of assigning DOI's (Digital Object Identifiers) to important OpenEarth datasets, tools and/or models.
  • Looking into the issues of digital sustainability
  • and much more ...

More info can be found at:

This plea for open data of any kind by Tim Berners Lee (inventor of the main WWW protocols) on TED (Technology Enternainment Design, talks and conferences) from February 2009 may inspire you even more: The next web, unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together!

Dune Erosion Delta Flume experiment data (van Gent et al., 2008) available on OPeNDAP server

The data consists of measurements of cross-shore profile, wave height, pressure and flow velocity during 8 experiments.

The raw data are archived in the OpenEarth repository:

The data have been transformed to netCDF for ready plotting in for instance ncBrowse:

Relevant papers and reports:

  • van Gent, M. R. A., van Thiel de Vries, J. S. M., Coeveld, E. M., de Vroeg, J. H., and van de Graaff, J. (2008). Large-scale dune erosion tests to study the influence of wave periods. Coastal Engineering, 55(12):1041-1051. DOI:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.04.003
  • van Thiel de Vries, J. S. M., van Gent, M. R. A., Walstra, D. J. R., and Reniers, A. J. H. M. (2008). Analysis of dune erosion processes in large-scale flume experiments. Coastal Engineering, 55(12):1028-1040. DOI:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.04.004
  • WL | Delft Hydraulics (2006a). Dune erosion, measurement report large-scale model tests. Technical Report H4357, WL | Delft Hydraulics.
  • WL | Delft Hydraulics (2006b). Dune erosion; Product 2: Largescale model tests and dune erosion prediction method. Technical Report H4357, WL | Delft Hydraulics.
OpenEarthTools tutorials available in matlab help browser

All Matlab tutorials that are on this wiki and in the repository are now also available through the matlab help navigator.

Command line help support for tutorials

In addition to that a Contents.m file is automatically created for the tutorials dir.

Try for example:

help tutorials

It will give you an overview (including links) to the tutorials available in OpenEarthTools. If you click on one of those links it will automatically open the help browser at the specified tutorial.

Other content of the matlab toolbox item in the help browser

Besides the tutorials the table of contents of the OpenEarth toolbox also contains links to most relevant pages on the wiki.

Search tutorials through matlab help navigator

Starting at Matlab version 7.4 (2007a) it is also possible to include a search database in the matlab help. This database is matlab version dependant and will therefore automatically created in oetsettings. It is therefore also possible to enter keywords in the search box of the matlab help navigator or search in the tutorials command line:

Try for example:

docsearch OpenEarth
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

There is now a general page called: "ContentHeader". Including this page in the first line of a new page automatically includes all items in the ContentHeader page to the top of your new page:

Confluence wiki

In this way it is possible to automatically adjust all headers by editing only one page (ContentHeader)

The high-frequency Markermeer timeseries data gathered by Bas Blok (Deltares) on behalf of Rijkswaterstaat have been added to OpenEarth.
The data consists of timeseries of - amongst other - temperature, turbidity, wave heigth, velocities, water level and velocities at locations FL41(52'28.6307N,5'07.7513E) and FL42(52'31.962N,5'13.956E).

All raw data + reports are archived the OpenEarth repository:

Some data have been transformed into netCDF for ready plotting in for instance ncBrowse:

See also:, Building with Nature wiki.

OpenEarth - USGS joins OpenEarth

Last year, in the framework of the Deltares-USGS cooperation agreement, a study was performed to demonstrate the applicability of UCIT (a matlab based graphical user interface for coastal analysis) to store, manage, analyze, and access all the information related to the derivation of shorelines from lidar data as part of the USGS national shoreline change project. Recently, it was decided to make all UCIT scripts and data part of OpenEarth.

This year a follow-up sprintsession was held from September 29th to October 1st, 2009, at the Woodshole office of USGS. The main purpose was to add extra data and functionality to UCIT / OpenEarth and to train the USGS staff to use UCIT / OpenEarth.

UCIT currently enables quick browsing through a huge number of US LIDAR transects (as well as Dutch JARKUS transects) and performing various analyses. The next planned step in the Deltares-USGS cooperation agreement is to perform a shoreline analysis along the North Carolina coast.

Data sharing, archiving and reuse is an increasingly hot topic also discussed in recent scientific reports and publications.

Nature has devoted a special to the topic recently:

And AGU's EOS refers to it as well in this article:

The tutorial page is now structured with a division between tutorials concerning OpenEarth in general, Data, wiki tutorials and tutorials on the use of the OpenEarthTools.

Tutorials on the use of OpenEarthTools are directly retrieved from the OpenEarthTools repository. Just commit any change to an existing tutorial or create a new one and regenerate the tutorial overview and it will be visible on the wiki pages. A tutorial (of course...) on how to make tutorials is being created at this moment and will be available soon.

OpenEarth is pleased to announce the new easy-to-remember urls that redirect to this website:

OpenEarth visit to Alkyon

OpenEarth is pleased to announce a visit to Alkyon. A lunchlecture is planned in the Geomatics Business Park on november 11th 1.

1rescheduled from earlier plans.

OpenEarth was pleased to be have the opportunity to introduce itself at an NODC board meeting. OpenEarth introduced its aims (an open source approach for sharing data, models and tools) as well as its technical infrastructure (Subversion repositories, collection of netCDF datafiles on an OPeNDAP server).

On Aug 25th OpenEarth presented a Deltares wide lunchlecture "Visualizing our Delta in Google EarthTM" for an overcrowded theatre. Thijs Damsma gave an impressive live demonstration with Google Earth TM of the new GooglePlot toolbox in OpenEarthTools. The entire 20 GB Dutch 'vaklodingen' coastal bathymetry dataset of Rijkswaterstaat could be inspected as a whole for all available years since the 30s (google earth overview, data). This was made possible by the new tiled image tool in OpenEarthTools. Currently the same tiled image is being prepared for the Dutch 'Jarkus' beach/dune bathymetry dataset (google earth overview, data). Both sets will become available on OpenEarth servers soon. After the lunchlecure a dedicated afternoon sprintsession was organized for the Matlab enthousiasts who wanted to use the GooglePlot toolbox from OpenEarthTools too. Presentation of geophysical data on virtual globes becomes increasingly more popular among scientists and engineers, e.g. Virtual globes at AGU.

The thesis on "Matching specialist knowledge with end user needs" by Mark van Koningsveld is available for download from the OpenEarth wikipages:

Van Koningsveld, M., 2003. Matching specialist knowledge with end user needs. Bridging the gap between coastal science and coastal management. PhD thesis, Twente University, Enschede, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-365-1897-0 download

  • The thesis abstract, introducing in brief the research topic and main objective as well as the suggested solution and its backgrounds, can be found here
  • An easy introduction into the methodology to structure end user-specialist interaction in application oriented knowledge development settings can be found here