Exports grid data to file in NETCDF-CF format


This export is available in DELFT-FEWS versions after 28-10-2009 (FEWS version 2009.02)

Exports data to NetCDF files which comply to the CF 1.6 standard.
More information about the cf standards can be found at: http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/conformance/requirements-and-recommendations/1.6

There are six types of NetCDF-CF exports which can be defined:

Configuring the export

For curvilinear grids to be exported correctly from Delft-FEWS, any dry cells in the grid should also be stored in FEWS. This means that the dry cells and the number of rows and columns should be included in the grid definition. This should already be included in the grid definition at the time when the data is imported into Delft-FEWS.

An example of the NETCDF-CF_GRID export will be given here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesExportRun xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews http://fews.wldelft.nl/schemas/version1.0/timeSeriesExportRun.xsd">
			<timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="day" multiplier="1"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-7" end="3"/>
			<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

An example fo the IdMapping used for the NETCDF-CF_GRID export is shown below.
If the parameter has an entry in the standard name CF table, you can enter it in the externalQualifier1 attribute of the parameter. The value of this qualifier will be added as the standard_name attribute for this variable in the netcdf exported file.

<idMap version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews http://fews.wldelft.nl/schemas/version1.0/idMap.xsd">
    <parameter internal="G.umf" external="groundwater" externalQualifier1="groundwater (not a standard name, just as example)"/>
    <location internal="NHI_H_L001" external="NHI_H_L001"/>