Grid processing tools (models)

Models are the actual grid processing tools. They are used to define response curves.

Adding a model can be done in two ways:

(info)  To change the name of the model, type a name in the Properties window, or change the name by clicking on the model in the project explorer.
(tick)  Make a habit of filling in the Meta information of models in the Properties window.

There are 5 types of models:

Broken Linear Reclassificationis used to reclassify a map with a broken linear response curve.
It is usefull to model a gradual response on subjects like habitat suitability, damage or flood risk.
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The Table Reclassification (single grid)applies a reclassification on one map using a classification table. For example, all values of the input map between 0 and 1 will be 0 in the result map, all values from 1 to 5 will be 0.5 and all values larger then 5 will be 1 in the result map.
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The model Table Reclassification (multiple grids)performs a reclassification with more then one map as input using a classification table. For example a map has to be calculated taking into account the values of several maps. For example, if map1 has a cellvalue between 0 and 1 and map2 has a value of 10 then in the result map the cell should get the value 100.
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Formula-based Calculationallows you to operate math, multivariate and neigborhoud functions on one or multiple grids. It also allows you to make queries (using the 'if-then-else' function). In fact all the functions from PCRaster can be used in this modeltype. For a description of the PCRaster functions we advise you to look in the PCRaster Manual.
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Spatial Statistics
The Spattial Statistics modeltype can be used to calculate the minimum, maximum, average, median, standard deviation of the whole map, a part of the map selected by zooming into a map or in subareas defined by an other map. Furthermore, it is possible to calculate the area of different classes of values, e.g. the habitat suitability between 0 - 0.8 and 0.8 and 1. 
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