Release Notes - Delta Shell - Version Delta Shell 0.14 - HTML format


  • [TOOLS-2568] - Window Layout AND General Options is used by all applications
  • [TOOLS-3470] - Cannot show results, due to out of memory error
  • [TOOLS-4258] - Filtered function should by default also reuse the NoDataValues of the the source function
  • [TOOLS-4291] - Chartview 0 at Y axis is not 0
  • [TOOLS-4380] - Changing values in coverageview is not workable
  • [TOOLS-4381] - Import/Export does not include output coverages.
  • [TOOLS-4425] - output coverages are cleared when cross section of type YZtable is opened
  • [TOOLS-4558] - Dragging a network into a flow model is possible: that means 2 networks are assigned to 1 model, which one is used?
  • [TOOLS-4597] - Copy/Pasting tables did not work satisfactorily, DeltaShell messed up some data points
  • [TOOLS-4631] - Views remain open after deleting corresponding data
  • [TOOLS-4680] - Pasting into function table is very slow
  • [TOOLS-4710] - Adding lines in cross-section editor buggy
  • [TOOLS-4759] - Delta Shell looks ugly on hidh DPI systems
  • [TOOLS-4766] - A simple RE model runs after import, but not after saving and loading
  • [TOOLS-4780] - Setting XValue of a charting tool should work
  • [TOOLS-4906] - Names of observation points and retention areas are not saved
  • [TOOLS-4915] - Problems with storage of NaN
  • [TOOLS-4933] - Crash when running WFD flow model twice
  • [TOOLS-4934] - Error in run after table view was opened
  • [TOOLS-4948] - Order of data in delwaq csv export is wrong.
  • [TOOLS-4966] - Output is cleared on opening computational grid after save\load
  • [TOOLS-4970] - Save load of copied model breaks original model (can no longer run)


  • [TOOLS-4611] - unable to open output coverage
  • [TOOLS-4804] - Copy & Paste of Model gives exception
  • [TOOLS-4805] - When using New Network Location tool, exception if coverage layer is not topmost
  • [TOOLS-4958] - Clicking on source column in messagewindows makes DS crash
  • [TOOLS-4991] - Exception on opening feature coverage save in 0.5
  • [TOOLS-5020] - Crashing model with SEH exception


  • [TOOLS-4468] - Cross-Section "paste into" function only copies section types, not storage
  • [TOOLS-4577] - Refactoring of CrossSection classes and User Interface
  • [TOOLS-4779] - "Name" property in Property Grid for data items cannot be customized


  • [TOOLS-4686] - Names and display of version numbering setups plugins
  • [TOOLS-4971] - Clean up msi on buildserver.


  • [TOOLS-3463] - AAUIWT have a logical cross-section editor

    User Story

  • [TOOLS-4925] - Run model in a separate process


  • [TOOLS-4770] - Pasting functionvalues in wrong order also does not work ok
  • [TOOLS-4982] - Preserve coverage data when splitting a branch.
  • No labels