#region main loop calibration

# Ranges from where the parameters values will be taken
rangeBC1 = [8, 10, 12]
rangeRoughness = [24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34]

# Main loop calibration
for bc1Value in rangeBC1:
	bc1.Flow = bc1Value
	for rgnhVal in rangeRoughness:
		for k in rghnsMain.Locations.Values:
			rghnsMain[k] = [rgnhVal, RoughnessType.StricklerKs]

		timeSeries = waterFlowModel.OutputWaterLevel.GetTimeSeries(calculationPoint)
		timeSeries.Components[0].Name = "bc1= " + str(bc1Value) + " rghness=" + str(rgnhVal)
print timeSeriesToCompare.Count

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