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Formulas to calculate parameters for cross section


  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow DelftShell_Cross-section.ppt How the Cross-section could work in DelftShell 28-05-2008 by alex
PDF File French1986_RoughnessValues.pdf channel roughness estimation methods 30-05-2008 by logch_o
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  1. Unknown User (logch_o)

    Dear all,

    Here is a scan of some pages from Open Channel Hydraulics of French (1986). It decribes two methods for estimating roughness. The second method is the tables from Chow 1959 (the grandfather of hydraulics!). There is another couple of methods based on photography, including one by Acrement and Schneider of USGS but I think this is not relevant in this context

    hope this is useful - sorry the doc is so big!


  2. Unknown User (alex)

    Guide for selecting Manning's n roughness coefficient Guide Mannings n