Using the Delft-FEWS API, layers from the Spatial Display can be easily shown in QGis. Below image is an example of that. Here, data originating from the Deltares global flow forecasting system (gloffis) is visualized in QGis.

Steps to configure this:

  1. Identify the WMS url from the Delft-FEWS web services
    1. From the main web services page, go to the WMS-T test page:
    2. Identify the url for the "GetCapabilities XML". This is a url akin to
    3. Remove the question mark and everything that follows it. That's the url you'll need to include in QGIS.
  2. In the QGIS browser, add a New Connection to the list of WMS/WMST sources:
  3. Add connection details. Notably, use the url you identified above.
  4. The new connection should appear in your list of sources:
  5. Un-collapse the source/connection and locate the map layer of interest:
  6. Double-click your map layer of interest. This will ensure it's included in the list of layers you're visualizing on your map canvas. Verify its presence in the Layers panel:
  7. In QGIS, open the Temporal Controller window:
  8. In the Temporal Controller window, select the "Animated Temporal Navigation". Ensure you select a time period for which data exists, and an appropriate time step:
  9. Verify the presence of data in your QGIS canvas:
  • No labels